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Recent additions of a Classic valve kit, fuel lines, mufflersand additional pre-combustion chambers has created the need to communicate ourexpanded product coverage for the above engines. This IRM announces the most current offering of Cat?Classic parts for certain D300/D333/3304 and 3306 engines with Pre-CombustionChamber (PC) fuel system designs. ThisIRM supersedes engine parts coverage communicated in IRM CLA04-01 (January2004).
Cat Classic parts are a lower cost, value-priced repairalternative when the age, application, utilization or remaining life of olderCaterpillar machines demand a more economical repair solution.
Cat Classic parts are available for specific, older Caterpillar machine andengine models. Classic parts compliment Caterpillar dealer traditional offeringsof original, remanufactured, exchange and used Caterpillar parts required tomeet customer needs throughout the life of the machine.
Please see the attachment for the most current and most completelisting of Cat Classic D300/3300 PC engine parts available. As marketopportunities dictate, the Classic Parts Products Group will continue toconsider the expansion of the Cat Classic parts offerings for these andadditional older equipment models.
Benefits Of Cat Classic Parts
? Lower cost, value-priced repair alternativefor older equipment
? Convenience ? All these options areavailable for purchasing via Dealer PartStore.
? Available through the Caterpillar dealer ?customers can purchase all the parts repair options necessary to manage theirrepair costs from one location.
? Classic parts compliment & complete dealerparts product line of original, Reman, exchange & used Caterpillar parts
? Lab tested & backed by Caterpillar new partswarranty
? Backed by superior Caterpillar dealerservice
Cat Classic parts are competitively priced, typically between 25-40% of theoriginal Cat parts Suggested Consumer List (SCL) price. This pricing helpscustomers continue to operate profitably as lower machine utilization and/orequipment market value demand a more economic repair alternative. Utilizingthese Classic engine parts in repairs can result in complete D300/3300 engineoverhaul savings of 20-30%, depending upon the extent of the repair.
Cat Classic parts for D300/3300 PC engines are covered under Caterpillar newparts warranty. These parts have the full confidence and backing of bothCaterpillar and Caterpillar dealers.
Availability / Inventory
Cat Classic parts are available through the Caterpillar parts distributionsystem. Initial stocking will be in Morton, Denver, Singapore, and Grimbergen.Classic parts are designated as Expanded Search; this means, for example, thatstock orders placed on York and Miami pass immediately to Morton for priorityorder filling. All stock and emergency order entry procedures are unchanged.Expediting is available at dealer or customer expense. Emergency order chargesand freight costs apply.
Dealers adding these parts to stock should consider protectingor freezing these startup inventories for a period of time. Allowing stockingtime while demand builds, prevents reorders on parts returns resulting fromparts initially not meeting inventory control add-to-stock demand parameters.Due to varying levels of dealer engagement in the sale of newly introducedClassic products, please checkavailability before quoting customers.
Cat Classic parts are returnable to Caterpillar under standard parts returnguidelines just as any other Caterpillar original equipment part.
Product Packaging And Identification
Cat Classic parts utilize traditional Caterpillar parts boxes and packaging. AClassic Parts label like the one shown on the following page is used onpackaging boxes to identify it as Cat Classic.
Cat Classic parts are cross-referenced to the original Cat newpart number in all Caterpillar parts information systems, including ANTARESSM,Dealer Business System (DBS), Service Information System (S.I.S.), NumericalParts Record (NPR) index and your dealer extranet website (Infocast,CatAmericasNet, APDNet and FlashNet).
Cat Classic parts offer your customers the opportunity to maximize profitsthroughout their equipment life by offering a value-priced repair alternativewhen the age, application, utilization or remaining life demands a moreeconomical repair solution. Classic parts are Caterpillar parts offering thetraditional Caterpillar warranty and backed by the full range of dealer supportcapabilities.
If you have any questions regarding Cat Classic parts, pleasefeel free to contact our Customer Support Hotline at (309) 675-5841 orClassic_Parts_Support
Byron Delaware
Classic Parts Products
Product Support Division
PELJ0386 CATERPILLAR? ?2003 Caterpillar
Cat Classic parts are a lower cost, value-priced repairalternative when the age, application, utilization or remaining life of olderCaterpillar machines demand a more economical repair solution.
Cat Classic parts are available for specific, older Caterpillar machine andengine models. Classic parts compliment Caterpillar dealer traditional offeringsof original, remanufactured, exchange and used Caterpillar parts required tomeet customer needs throughout the life of the machine.
Please see the attachment for the most current and most completelisting of Cat Classic D300/3300 PC engine parts available. As marketopportunities dictate, the Classic Parts Products Group will continue toconsider the expansion of the Cat Classic parts offerings for these andadditional older equipment models.
Benefits Of Cat Classic Parts
? Lower cost, value-priced repair alternativefor older equipment
? Convenience ? All these options areavailable for purchasing via Dealer PartStore.
? Available through the Caterpillar dealer ?customers can purchase all the parts repair options necessary to manage theirrepair costs from one location.
? Classic parts compliment & complete dealerparts product line of original, Reman, exchange & used Caterpillar parts
? Lab tested & backed by Caterpillar new partswarranty
? Backed by superior Caterpillar dealerservice
Cat Classic parts are competitively priced, typically between 25-40% of theoriginal Cat parts Suggested Consumer List (SCL) price. This pricing helpscustomers continue to operate profitably as lower machine utilization and/orequipment market value demand a more economic repair alternative. Utilizingthese Classic engine parts in repairs can result in complete D300/3300 engineoverhaul savings of 20-30%, depending upon the extent of the repair.
Cat Classic parts for D300/3300 PC engines are covered under Caterpillar newparts warranty. These parts have the full confidence and backing of bothCaterpillar and Caterpillar dealers.
Availability / Inventory
Cat Classic parts are available through the Caterpillar parts distributionsystem. Initial stocking will be in Morton, Denver, Singapore, and Grimbergen.Classic parts are designated as Expanded Search; this means, for example, thatstock orders placed on York and Miami pass immediately to Morton for priorityorder filling. All stock and emergency order entry procedures are unchanged.Expediting is available at dealer or customer expense. Emergency order chargesand freight costs apply.
Dealers adding these parts to stock should consider protectingor freezing these startup inventories for a period of time. Allowing stockingtime while demand builds, prevents reorders on parts returns resulting fromparts initially not meeting inventory control add-to-stock demand parameters.Due to varying levels of dealer engagement in the sale of newly introducedClassic products, please checkavailability before quoting customers.
Cat Classic parts are returnable to Caterpillar under standard parts returnguidelines just as any other Caterpillar original equipment part.
Product Packaging And Identification
Cat Classic parts utilize traditional Caterpillar parts boxes and packaging. AClassic Parts label like the one shown on the following page is used onpackaging boxes to identify it as Cat Classic.
Cat Classic parts are cross-referenced to the original Cat newpart number in all Caterpillar parts information systems, including ANTARESSM,Dealer Business System (DBS), Service Information System (S.I.S.), NumericalParts Record (NPR) index and your dealer extranet website (Infocast,CatAmericasNet, APDNet and FlashNet).
Cat Classic parts offer your customers the opportunity to maximize profitsthroughout their equipment life by offering a value-priced repair alternativewhen the age, application, utilization or remaining life demands a moreeconomical repair solution. Classic parts are Caterpillar parts offering thetraditional Caterpillar warranty and backed by the full range of dealer supportcapabilities.
If you have any questions regarding Cat Classic parts, pleasefeel free to contact our Customer Support Hotline at (309) 675-5841 orClassic_Parts_Support
Byron Delaware
Classic Parts Products
Product Support Division
PELJ0386 CATERPILLAR? ?2003 Caterpillar
Parts spacer Mercruiser: