11399A 1 Mercury ARM ASSEMBLY

11399A 1 ARM ASSEMBLY Mercury 1041312UB, 10432037D, 1043203DD, 1043203VD, 1043213DD, 1043302DD, 1043411DD, 1043412DB, 1043412DD, 1050302DB, 1050302FB, 1050302FD, 1050302SD, 1050312FB, 1050312LD, 1050411DD, 1050412DB, 1050412DD, 1050412FB, 1050412FD, 1055207DB, 1055207UD, 1055207V ARM
11399A 1 ARM ASSEMBLY Mercury

Buy ARM ASSEMBLY 11399A 1 Mercury genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 9

Mercury entire parts catalog list:

1041312UB 1998
10432037D 1997,1998
1043203DD 2005
1043203VD 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
1043213DD 2005
1043302DD 2005
1043411DD 2005
1043412DB 2005
1043412DD 2005
1050302DB 2005
1050302FB 2006
1050302FD 2006
1050302SD 1996,1997
1050312FB 2006
1050312LD 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996
1050411DD 2005
1050412DB 2005
1050412DD 2005,2006
1050412FB 2006
1050412FD 2006,2010
1055207DB 2005,2006
1055207UD 1998
1055207VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
1070312BC 1988,1989,1990
1070717 1987
1075217DD 2005
1075217FD 2006
1075217PD 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
1075217VD 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
10752L7DF 2005
10752L7FF 2006
1075317DB 2005
1075317FB 2006
10754120D 1990,1991,1992,1993
1075412DB 2005
1075412DD 2005
1075412DN 2005
1075412FB 2006
1075412FY 2006
1090412DB 2005,2006
1090412DC 2005
1090412DD 2005
1090412DN 2005
1090412DY 2005,2006
1090412FF 2010
1090412FY 2006
1090422DY 2005
1090422FF 2010
1090472DD 2005
1090472FF 2010
1090472FY 2006
1100312BD 1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993
1100412PD 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
1100412VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
1115412DB 2005,2006


Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table    
Code    Conditions which Generate this Code    System Response    
268-2 Programmed Parameter Fault erratic, intermittent, or incorrect     The engine's Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects that one or more of the programmable parameters have not been programmed.     The ECM will set the unprogrammed parameter(s) to a default value.
The code is logged.    System configuration parameters are parameters that affect emissions, power of the engine, and machine applications. Default values for the parameters are programmed at the factory. Some parameters may be changed by the customer in order to suit the needs of the specific application. You must reprogram the system configuration parameters if the Electronic Control Module (ECM) is replaced and/or you reprogram the engine rating. You do not need to reprogram the system configuration parameters if you replace the personality module. Proper values for these parameters are available on Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). Certain configuration parameters are also stamped on the engine information plate.Note: If the parameters that are protected with factory passwords are changed, the Caterpillar warranty may be voided.Equipment ID
The equipment ID parameter allows the customer to enter a description into the ECM in order to identify the machine. A maximum of 17 characters can be entered in the field.Engine Serial Number
The engine serial number should be programmed in order to match the engine serial number that is stamped on the engine information plate. The engine serial number is not preprogrammed on a replacement ECM.FLS (Full Load Setting)
FLS is a number that represents the adjustment to the fuel system that was made at the factory in order to fine tune the fuel system. The correct value for this parameter is stamped on the engine information ratings plate. This value should only be changed if the engine is rerated or a new ECM is installed. Factory passwords are required.FTS (Full Torque Setting)
FTS is similar to FLS. This value should only be changed if the engine is rerated or a new ECM is installed. Factory passwords are required.Fuel Air Ratio Control Adjust (FARC)
FARC is a fuel system adjustment that has been performed at the factory in order to fine tune the fuel system. The value that is assigned to the parameter is stamped on the Engine Information plate for each engine.Throttle Pedal Configuration
Throttle pedal configuration is used to define the style of throttle position sensor that is installed in the machine. This parameter should be programmed to "10 percent to 50 percent" if the machine is equipped with the early style of throttle position sensor. The parameter should be programmed to "10 percent to 90 percent" if the machine is equipped with the current style of throttle position sensor.Early style of throttle position sensor - The throttle position sensor produces a duty cycle of 10 percent to 22 percent at low idle speed. At high idle speed, the throttle position sensor produces a 40 percent to 50 percent duty cycle.Current style of throttle position sensor - The throttle position sensor produces a duty cycle of 10 to 22 percent at low idle speed. At high idle speed, the throttle position sensor produces a 75 percent to 90 percent duty cycle.Engine Fan Control
The engine fan control parameter allows the operation of this feature to be enabled or disabled.Note: The machine is not equipped with the hardware that is required for this feature.Top Engine Fan Speed
The top engine fan speed parameter is used to set the top speed of the fan. Factory passwords are required.Note: The machine is not equipped with the hardware that is required for this feature.Ether Control
The ether control parameter allows the operation of this feature to be enabled or disabled.Engine Pre-Lube
The engine pre-lube parameter allows the operation of this feature to be enabled or disabled.Parameter Table
Table 2
Customer Specified Parameters    
Parameter    Available Range or Options    Default    Required Password    
Equipment ID     17 characters     blank     none    
Engine Serial Number     8 characters     blank     none    
FLS     -128 to +127     0     Factory    
FTS     -128 to +127     0     Factory    
Fuel Air Ratio Control Adjust     100 to 250     100     none    
Throttle Pedal Configuration     10 to 50 percent or 10 to 90 percent     10 to 90 percent     none    
Engine Fan Control (1)     Enable or Disabled     Disabled     none    
Top Engine Fan Speed (1)     500 to 1500 rpm     Application dependent     Factory    
Ether Control     Enabled or Disabled     Disabled     none    
Engine Pre-Lube     Enabled or Disabled     Disabled     none    
( 1 ) The machine is not equipped with the hardware that is required for this feature.Parameter Worksheet
Record the following information before you change any programmable parameter.
Table 3
Information from ECM    
Equipment ID    
Engine Serial Number    
ECM Serial Number    
Personality Module Part Number &nbs

Parts arm Mercury:

816413 ARM (TOP)
1050302SD, 1050312LD, 1055207UD
816414 ARM (BOTTOM)
1050302SD, 1050312LD, 1055207UD
822411 ARM
1031203PD, 1031203UB, 1031203UD, 1031207ZF, 1031312DB, 1040213YL, 1041312UB, 1B25203ZB, 1F25201UD, 1F25203VD
821805A 1
1031203PD, 1031203UD, 1041312UB
825181 1
1031203PD, 1031203UB, 1031203UD, 1031207ZF, 1031312DB, 1040213YL, 1041312UB, 1B25203ZB, 1F25201UD, 1F25203VD
822325F 1
1031203PD, 1031203UD, 1041312UB, 1F25201UD
822325F 2
1031203PD, 1031203UD, 1041312UB, 1F25201UD
832042 ARM
1075217DD, 1075217FD, 1075217PD, 1075217VD, 10752L7DF, 10752L7FF, 1075317DB, 1075317FB, 1075412DB, 1075412DD, 1075412DN, 1075412FB, 1075412FY, 1090412DB, 1090412DC, 1090412DD, 1090412DN, 1090412DY, 1090412FF, 1090412FY, 1090422DY, 1090422FF, 1090472D
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