814618 BOOT, IDLE EXHAUST Mercury
11354120D, 1135412MD, 1150453JD, 1175413LD, 1175413MD
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HYSTER || All Brand new & rebuilt items comes with 1 year warranty. || FLASHER. Category: HYSTER FORKLIFT PARTS. This part can also be found under the following part numbers: HY0814618 814618 Â HY814618 814618 HYSTER0814618 HY814618 0814618 Â Â . All Brand new & rebuilt items comes with 1 year warranty.
HYSTER || All Brand new & rebuilt items comes with 1 year warranty. || FLASHER. Category: HYSTER FORKLIFT PARTS. This part can also be found under the following part numbers: HY0814618 814618 Â HY814618 814618 HYSTER0814618 HY814618 0814618 Â Â . All Brand new & rebuilt items comes with 1 year warranty.
Mercury entire parts catalog list:
Table 1
IID 00 - Special Parameter Command
Bytes(s) Description
1 - 4 Standard Preamble
5 Reply Format
$00 = ASCII
6 Unit Number Data is being written to
3500B Marine Engine Unit Number
$21 = Electronic engine controller (Port)
$22 = Electronic engine controller (Starboard)
$24 = Electronic engine controller (Single of Center)
3500B Generator Set Unit Number
$21 - $26 = Electronic engine controller
$28, $29 (number 1-8)
EMCP II Generator Set Unit Number
$58 - $5F = GSC (number 1-8)
Customer Communication Module Unit No.
$61 = CCM
7, 8 PID
9 - 11(1) Data value of parameter.
12 Checksum of message followed by an ASCII carriage return ($0D)
(1) The number of bytes will depend on the PID.IID 10 - Broadcast Response
This IID is used to broadcast data from the CCM to the host device. The CCM will send this message if the time to broadcast data has elapsed. In order to send an IID 10 message, ALL of the parameters must be present on the CAT data link. When IID 10 is used, the data will be two bytes in length. If a parameter only has one data byte, zeros will be added in front of the data. An example of the IID 10 message is: $500110zz0124ddd120ddd220ddd320ddd420 ddd520ddd620ddd720ddd8cs.
Table 2
IID 10 - Broadcast Response
Byte(s) Description
1-4 Standard preamble (50 xxyyzz)
5 Parameter List Number
$01 - $08 show which list 1 through 8 is being sent.
6 Unit Number Data is being written to
3500B Marine Engine Unit Number
$21 = Electronic engine controller (Port)
$22 = Electronic engine controller (Starboard)
$24 = Electronic engine controller (Single of Center)
3500B Generator Set Unit Number
$21 - $26 = Electronic engine controller
$28, $29 (number 1-8)
EMCP II Generator Set Unit Number
$58 - $5F = GSC (number 1-8)
Customer Communication Module Unit No.
$61 = CCM
7 Separator(1)
8,9 Data for 1st PID
10 Separator(1)
11, 12 Data for 2nd PID
13 Separator(1)
14, 15 Data for 3rd PID
16 Separator(1)
17, 18 Data for 4th PID
19 Separator(1)
20, 21 Data for 5th PID
22 Separator(1)
23, 24 Data for 6th PID
25 Separator(1)
26, 27 Data for 7th PID
28 Separator(1)
29, 30 Data for 8th PID
31 Checksum of message
(1) A separator may or may not be present depending on bytes 8 and 9 of IID 13.IID 10 can will be either binary or ASCII. The message format is determined by bytes 8 and 9 of IID 13. The entire broadcast list will not be returned if any of the following conditions are met:
The GSC number or the ECM number is not available.
The GSC or the ECM does not support any of the PID in IID 13.
The PID contains more than 2 bytes of data.Refer to PID $00 $80 for information on the device ID. Refer to IID 13 for information on creating broadcast lists. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, SEBU6874, "Programming Examples for M5X Protocol".IID 11 - Activate a Broadcast List
This IID is used in order to activate a broadcast list that has been programmed. When a list is programmed into the CCM, the list is set to deactivated. The list will stay deactivated until a valid IID 11 message is received. After receiving an IID 11 message, the CCM responds with an IID 15 message. The IID 15 message is for verification of the IID 11 message. If the IID 11 message is valid and the list is programmed, broadcasting of the data will start. Lists can be activated and deactivated at any time without being reprogrammed. A typical IID 11 example is: $5000110101cs
Table 3
IID 11- Activate a Broadcast List
Byte(s) Description
1-4 Standard preamble (50 xxyyzz)
5 Parameter List Number
$01 - $08 show which list 1 through 8 is being sent.
6 Checksum of message IID 12 - Deactivate a Broadcast List
This IID is used in order to deactivate a broadcast list that has been programmed. A list will stay activated until a valid IID 12 message is received. Upon receiving an IID 12 message, the CCM responds with an IID 15 message. This is used to indicate the validity of the message. If the IID 12 message is valid, the broadcasting of the data will stop. Lists can be activated and deactivated at any time without being reprogrammed. A typical IID 12 example is: $5000120101cs.
Table 4
IID 12 - Deactivate a Broadcast List
Byte(s) Description
1-4 Standard preamble (50 xxyyzz)
5 Parameter List Number
$01 - $08 show which list 1 through 8 is being sent.
6 Checksum of message