83164M FLYWHEEL PULLER Mercury 1002201FM, 1002201JK, 1002201VB, 1003201NK, 1004201FB, 1004201VB, 1006201DB, 1006201PD, 1006201RB, 1006201VB, 1006211RD, 1008211RD, 1010207VB, 1011201DB, 1016207PD, 1016207RB, 10202014D, 1020201DB, 1020201VB, 1115F13CC, 1115F13FF, 1115F13YD, 1A30302Z FLYWHEEL

Buy FLYWHEEL PULLER 83164M Mercury genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: &nbsp

Mercury entire parts catalog list:

1002201FM 2006
1002201JK 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
1002201VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005
1003201NK 1993,1994,1996,1997,1998
1004201FB 2006
1004201VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005
1006201DB 2005,2006
1006201PD 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
1006201RB 1995
1006201VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
1006211RD 1995
1008211RD 1995
1010207VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
1011201DB 2005,2006
1016207PD 1994
1016207RB 1995
10202014D 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
1020201DB 2005,2006
1020201VB 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004
1115F13CC 2004,2005
1115F13FF 2006
1115F13YD 2001,2002,2003
1A30302ZB 2002,2003,2004,2005
1A40302FD 2006
1A40302HZ 2006,2010
1A40303KZ 2010
1A40311FZ 2006
1A40311HZ 2006
1A40403HZ 2006,2010
1A40412HZ 2006
1A41412ZB 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006
1A41452EZ 2006
1A41452FU 2006
1A51411HZ 2006
1A51412HZ 2006
1A51452EZ 2006
1A60351EZ 2007
1A60412HZ 2006
1A60452EZ 2006
1A60452HZ 2006
1A60463EZ 2007
1A6C411KZ 2009
1A6C413KZ 2009
1B04201FB 2006
1B25203ZB 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006
1B75412CF 2004,2005
1E41412HB 2006
1E41452HB 2006
1E51412HB 2006
1E51412HZ 2006
1E60403HZ 2006
1E60412HZ 2006
1E60413KZ 2009
1E60452HB 2006
1F02201HM 2006
1F04201WB 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005
1F08203VF 1999,2000
1F10203VD 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005
1F10352VD 1999
1F13203FB 2006
1F15201UD 1998
1F25201UD 1998
1F25203VD 1999,2000,2001
1F30203VD 1999,2000,2001
1F30203ZB 2002,2003,2004,2005
1F40203FD 2006
1F40203HZ 2006
1F40213FZ 2006
1F40452YB 2001
1F41452YD 2001,2002
1F50352VD 1999,2000
1F50412RD 1995,1996,1997,1998
1F51452YB 2001
1F75411WD 2000,2001,2002,2003


Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 207-5034 Stud Tensioner Tool Gp 1
8T-3035 Hydraulic Line 1
8T-0820 Hydraulic Pressure Gauge 1
3S-6224 Electric Hydraulic Pump
(115 Volt 50/50 Hz) 1
8S-8033 Electric Hydraulic Pump
(230 Volt 50/60 Hz) 1
9U-6600 Hand Hydraulic Pump 1 Start By:
Remove the crankcase access covers.
Remove the oil filler and the oil level gauge.
Remove the centrifugal oil filters.
Remove the crankcase explosion relief valves. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankcase Explosion Relief Valves - Remove and Install".
Remove the crankshaft rear gear. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Rear Gear - Remove and Install".
Remove the crankshaft front gear. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Front Gear - Remove and Install".
Remove the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Piston and Connecting Rods - Remove".
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
There is no set procedure for removing the crankshaft. Each engine installation will require a specific procedure to be followed. In order to determine the best procedure for the removal of the crankshaft in your application, consult the 3600 Customer Service Group at 765-448-5980.Note: There are no special tools for lifting and supporting the 3600 Engine.Each engine has been designed so that the crankshaft can be removed without removing the front timing gear housing. Use the procedure that follows.
Illustration 1 g00586197
Failure to securely block or support the engine properly could allow engine movement that may result in injury or death. Always use blocks, jack stands, or engine support stands in order to support the engine prior to the removal of the crankshaft.
Illustration 2 g00586199
Remove the engine mounting bolts (1) and the saddle bolts (2) from each side of the engine.
Illustration 3 g00586202
Remove the crankcase access covers. Place two steel beams (3) 152 × 152 mm (6 × 6 inch) through the crankcase housing near the ends of the engine block.
Illustration 4 g00586204
Place hard wood blocks under the steel beams that are through the crankcase housing. Use a suitable lifting device in order to raise the engine until there is enough room for the removal of the crankshaft. Illustration 4 shows a clearance (X) of 1067 mm (42 inch). The clearance (X) is from the top of the base to the bottom of the steel beam under the engine. The weight of the engine is approximately 26354 kg (58100 lb)for the G3612 Engines. The weight for the G3616 Engines is approximately 29892 kg (65900 lb).
Illustration 5 g00586207
Place two steel beams 152 × 152 mm (6 × 6 inch) under the engine for support.
Use jacks in order to remove the oil pan from the engine. The weight of the oil pan is approximately 600 kg (1323 lb).
Never support a marine engine on hard wood blocks or steel beams. Vessel movement could cause engine movement. This may result in personal injury or death. Engine blocking for marine applications should only be done while the vessel is in drydock.
Place the tensioner in position under the rear main bearing cap.
Put the sleeve in position over the nuts. Install the wrench into one of the holes in the nut.
Raise the tensioner until the tensioner is against the reaction sleeve.
Install the adapter nuts. Tighten the nuts by using a 12 inch ratchet. After the nuts are tight, the nuts should be loosened 1 1/2 turns.
Before you operate the pump, ensure that all connections are secure. Ensure that all hoses are in good condition. Oil escaping under high pressure can cause personal injury.
Run the pump until a pressure of 62600 to 67400 kPa (9080 to 9776 psi)is registered on the gauge. This will put tension on the studs so that the nuts can be loosened.
Use the wrench in order to loosen each nut until the nut makes contact with the adapter nut. The nut should then be turned 90 degrees in the opposite direction.
Slowly release the hydraulic pressure.

Parts flywheel Mercury:

1002201JK, 1002204
1002201JK, 1002204
855223 1
1F25201UD, 1F25203VD, 1F30203VD, 1F40452YB
832010A 8
832010A 4
832010T27 FLYWHEEL
1B25203ZB, 1F30203ZB, 1F40203FD, 1F40203HZ, 1F40213FZ
877836T 2
877836T 2 FLYWHEEL
1A30302ZB, 1A40302FD, 1A41412ZB
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