9011G67 Mercury GEAR HOUSING

9011G67 GEAR HOUSING Mercury 1115F13YD, 1F75411WD GEAR
9011G67 GEAR HOUSING Mercury

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Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
J1939 Code and Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
Turbocharger #1 Turbine Inlet Temperature : High - least severe (1) The exhaust temperature is above the trip point temperature. The code is logged.
Turbocharger #1 Turbine Inlet Temperature : High - moderate severity (2) The exhaust temperature is above the trip point temperature. The code is logged.
The engine is derated.
Turbocharger #1 Turbine Inlet Temperature : High - most severe (3) The exhaust temperature is above the trip point temperature. The code is logged.
The engine is shut down.
Turbocharger #2 Turbine Inlet Temperature : High - least severe (1) The exhaust temperature is above the trip point temperature. The code is logged.
Turbocharger #2 Turbine Inlet Temperature : High - moderate severity (2) The exhaust temperature is above the trip point temperature. The code is logged.
The engine is derated.
Turbocharger #2 Turbine Inlet Temperature : High - most severe (3) The exhaust temperature is above the trip point temperature. The code is logged.
The engine is shut down. If the engine is shut down due to a high turbocharger turbine inlet temperature, the power to the engine Electronic Control Module (ECM) must be cycled in order to restart the engine.Probable Causes
Diagnostic codes
Inlet air temperature is high
Exhaust temperature is high
Gas quality
Fuel injectorsRecommended Actions
Note: The procedures have been listed in order of probability. Complete the procedures in the order of the listed test steps.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check for Active Codes and Logged Codes
A. Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
B. Download the "Product Status Report" from the engine ECM before performing any troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble codes.
C. Determine if the diagnostic trouble code that directed to this procedure is present.
D. Look for active diagnostic codes that are associated with the system for the event code that directed to this procedure.
Result: An associated code is present.
Repair: Troubleshoot any associated codes before continuing with this test.
Result: A code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: A code is not active or logged.
2. Check for High Inlet Air Temperature
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Inlet Air Temperature Is High".
Note: A one degree increase in the inlet manifold temperature will increase the exhaust temperature by approximately three degrees.
Inlet Air
Result: The inlet air temperature is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: The inlet air temperature is NOT OK.
Repair: Determine the cause of the high inlet air temperature and correct the problem.
Verify that the repair eliminated the problem.
3. Check for High Exhaust Temperature
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Exhaust Temperature Is High".
Result: The exhaust temperature is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The exhaust temperature is NOT OK.
Repair: Determine the cause of the high exhaust temperature and correct the problem.
Verify that the repair eliminated the problem.
4. Check the Gas Quality
A. Obtain a gas sample. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual for directions using Gas Engine Rating Program (GERP) to determine the Methane Number.
Methane Number
Result: The Methane Number is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The Methane Number is NOT OK.
Repair: Refer to Application and Installation Guide, LEBW4977, "Gaseous Fuels" to make sure that the proper quality and filtration are being used.
Verify that the repair eliminated the problem.
5. Test the Fuel Injectors
Note: Faulty injectors that deliver too much fuel will increase exhaust temperatures.
A. Connect Cat ET in order to determine if any diagnostic codes for the injector solenoids are present.
B. Perform the "Injector Solenoid Test". Check that the injector solenoids are "OK" on Cat ET.
C. Perform the "Cylinder Cutout Test". Locate the misfiring cylinder and correct the problem.
D. Perform the "Fuel System Verification Test". Identify any problem injectors and perform the necessary repairs.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Injector Solenoid - Test".
Fuel Injector
Result: The injectors are NOT OK.
Repair: Repair or replace the faulty injectors.
Verify that the repair eliminated the problem.
If the procedure did not correct the issue, contact your Cat dealer Technical Communicator (TC). For further assistance, your TC can confer with the Dealer Solutions Network (DSN).

Parts gear Mercury:

9011G59 GEAR HOUSING, Basic
1055207DB, 1055207VB, 1075217DD, 1075217FD, 1075217VD, 10752L7DF, 10752L7FF, 1075317DB, 1075317FB, 1075412DB, 1075412DD, 1075412DN, 1075412FB, 1075412FY, 1075D73FY, 1075D73HY, 1090412DB, 1090412DC, 1090412DD, 1090412DN, 1090412DY, 1090412FF, 1090412F
GEAR, Reverse (29 Teeth)
850036T GEAR, Reverse (29 Teeth)
1075D73FY, 1075D73HY, 1090D73CD, 1100412VB, 1115412DB, 1115F13YD, 1115P73HY, 1115P73HY, 1125D73HY, 1F75411WD
9011J 2
1115F13YD, 1F75411WD
1115F13YD, 1F75411WD
9011J 4
1115F13YD, 1F75411WD
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