884595A01 Mercury INJECTOR ASSEMBLY, Air

884595A01 INJECTOR ASSEMBLY, Air Mercury 1075D73FY, 1075D73HY, 1090D73CD, 1115P73HY, 1115P73HY, 1125D73HY, 1150P73HY, 1175P73HY, 1200D73ET, 1225P73DD, 1225P73ED, 1225P73HD, 1225P83ED, 1226P73ED, 1250P73ED, 1250P73HD, 1250P83ED, 1251P73ED, 192647GHD, 192847GHD INJECTOR
884595A01 INJECTOR ASSEMBLY, Air Mercury

Buy INJECTOR ASSEMBLY, Air 884595A01 Mercury genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery

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US: IM Sejahtera
Generic 1 Pc of Fuel Injector Repair Kit O-Rings Teflon Seal
Generic Fuel Injector Repair Kit O-rings Seal || Type: Fuel Injector Kit || Includes: Upper Oring, Lower Oring, Teflon Seal

0.2667[0.12] pounds
US: Modern Boat Sales, I
New Mercury Mercruiser Quicksilver OEM Part # 8M6001744 INJECTOR ASM-AIR
MERCURY Mercury || 884595A01 || Used, No Damage or Corrosion || 2003-2008 || 75-250 Hp DFI
Number on catalog scheme: 3

Mercury entire parts catalog list:

1075D73FY 2006
1075D73HY 2006
1090D73CD 2004,2005
1115P73HY 2009
1115P73HY 2006
1125D73HY 2009
1150P73HY 2010
1175P73HY 2006
1200D73ET 2006,2007,2008
1225P73DD 2005,2006
1225P73ED 2009
1225P73HD 2006
1225P83ED 2009
1226P73ED 2010
1250P73ED 2009
1250P73HD 2006
1250P83ED 2009
1251P73ED 2010
192647GHD 2009
192847GHD 2009


Caterpillar announces Remanufactured 3408 and 3412 engines forthree models of off highway
trucks. These products are intended to supplement dealer rebuild capability with
complete engine repair alternatives that can be used as either back-up orprimary solutions.
Detail of the offerings is listed in the following table:
Machine Application 769C 769D, 771D 773B
Reman Part Number 0R2785 0R3966 0R3968
Engine Model 3408 3408E 3412
Type Mechanical Electronic Mechanical
Rating 474 hp @ 2000 rpm 510 hp @ 2000 rpm 682 hp @ 2000 rpm
Corr. New Part No. 2W0769 131-4876 1W0773
Availability Date August 1, 2001 September 1, 2001 December 1, 2001
Reman engine 0R3966 is built to reference engine arrangement131-4876 which was Tier I
certified and will produce emissions typical of the reference engine.
Reman engines come fully assembled and dyno-tested. Theseengines include hydraulic or
transmission oil coolers as appropriate and an air compressor. The rearengine-mounting
hardware, flywheel, alternator, fan drive, and associated wiring must be reusedfrom the core
engine or purchased separately. Each Reman engine arrangement can also replaceits
associated acceptable core part numbers (listed below) with minimal exchange ofparts.
Caterpillar?s cleaning, inspection and remanufacturingspecifications provide the best
possible value for our customers.
Following are the only acceptable cores for each Reman engine:
Reman Part
Number Acceptable Core
Part Numbers
0R2785 2W0769
0R3966 131-4876, 144-3575, 203-2788
0R3968 1W0773
All engines returned as cores must meet the core acceptanceguidelines as identified in the
"Core Acceptance Criteria", SELD0231 which is under development atthis time and due for
publication later this year. In the interim, reference SELD0019 with thefollowing additions:
? The engine must "bar over".
? There is a core return time limit as described in the section below.
Also see SELD0020 "Engine Check List".
Please refer to the Caterpillar Core Management Information System (CMIS 2)Parts
Information application describing all Reman part/CAF and related information.Also refer
to other CMIS 2 inquiry applications such as Customer Profile, Inspection ReasonCodes,
Inspection Line Inquiry, Add Charge Information, Entitlement Activity,Entitlement Inquiry,
CCR Inquiry, CCR Entry, Shipment Processing; Process Packaging Grief; andReporting to
properly manage core returns and monitor inspection performance. Thisinformation will be
available to all dealers worldwide after your CMIS 2 conversion date. In themeantime,
please continue to use the current CMIS Entitlement Parts Inquiry Screendescribing the list
of parts in a Core Acceptability Family (CAF) and related part number detail.
For the latest updates of RemanPolicies and Core Management (SELD0122),Core
Management Systems & Operations Procedures (SELD0040),and Shipping Instructions
(SELD0039), go to the Reman website and click on Procedures and Policies (listedunder
Reman Program Information).
If you have any questions regarding core return processing, feelfree to call Corinth toll free
at (800) 537-2928.
The current Major Component Core Attrition Policy will be usedfor part numbers within the
ECA and ECB Core Acceptability Family (CAF's) because of the application ofthese
The current core return time limit of 180 days in NACD, 240 daysin CAPL and CCL, and
210 days in all other parts of the world including CSARL, CofA, and CACo will beused.
Expired entitlements on cores not returned within the designated time limit willbe attritioned
(cancelled), resulting in the dealerforfeiture of the core deposit made atthe time the engine
was purchased.
The appropriate core attrition date is assigned at the time ofinvoicing. For the purpose of
core entitlement aging, the clock starts on the date the engine is invoiced tothe dealer and
stops on the date the core is reported in transit to Cat by entering a corecredit request (CCR)
into CMIS.
The purpose of the time limit is not to withhold core refunds,but to encourage the return of

Parts injector Mercury:

1075D73FY, 1075D73HY, 1090D73CD, 1115P73HY, 1115P73HY, 1125D73HY, 1150P73HY, 1200473VD, 1200473WD, 1200473YD, 1200D73AD, 1200D73CD, 1200D73ET, 1200D73HT, 1200E73EY, 1200E73HY, 1225E73AD, 1225P73DD, 1225P73ED, 1225P73HD, 1225P83ED, 1226P73ED, 1250P73E
111047JHD, 1115473WD, 1135473YD, 1135D73CD, 1135D73FT, 1175P73HY
883078A05 INJECTOR KIT, Air
1200D73ET, 1200D73HT, 1200E73HY
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