5454A63 Mercury STATOR

5454A63 STATOR Mercury 10402139D STATOR
5454A63 STATOR Mercury

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US: Caltric
Caltric Complete Stator Compatible With Mercury Marine Outboard 398-5454A21 5454A21
Caltric Order Includes: 1x Stator || Compatible with Mercury Marine models: 398-832075A20 / 398-5454A25 / 398-5454A21 / 398-5919A6 / 398-5919A8 / 398-5919A2 / 398-5454A63 / 398-818535A15 / 398-832075A14 / 832075A14 / 832075A20 / 5454A25 / 5454A21 / 5919A6 / 5919A8 / 5919A2 / 5454A63 / 818535A15 || Note: This stator will only fit on Electric models. || We strongly suggest comparing the posted picture to the unit(s) that needs to be replaced.


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Complete Stator fits Mercury Marine Outboard 398-5454A63 5454A63 Model-XF-61098


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Premium Replacement Part for Complete Stator fits Mercury Marine Outboard 398-5454A63 5454A63 Model-XT-11469
Number on catalog scheme: 4

Compatible models:

10402139D   Mercury

Mercury entire parts catalog list:

10402139D 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997


If no oil pressure is indicated, STOP the engine. The engine will be damaged from operating without oil pressure.
Engine Oil Pressure - This gauge indicates the pressure of the engine oil. This pressure will be highest after a cold engine is started. The pressure will decrease as the engine warms up. The pressure will increase when the engine rpm is increased. The pressure will stabilize when the engine rpm and temperature are stable. The typical range at low idle rpm is 186 to 344 kPa (27 to 50 psi). The typical range at rated rpm is 345 to 600 kPa (50 to 87 psi).
Oil Filter Differential Pressure - This gauge indicates the difference in pressure between the inlet side and the outlet side of the engine oil filters. As the oil filter elements become plugged, the pressure will increase. Replace the engine oil filter elements when the oil filter differential pressure reaches 103 kPa (15 psi).
Jacket Water Coolant Temperature - This gauge indicates the temperature of the engine coolant at the outlet for the jacket water. The temperature may vary according to the load. The temperature should never be allowed to exceed the boiling temperature of the pressurized cooling system. The operating range is 88 to 100 °C (190 to 210 °F). Higher temperatures may occur under certain conditions. Engines that use fuel with a low Btu content may have temperatures up to 110 °C (230 °F). Cogeneration engines may have a maximum temperature up to 127 °C (260 °F).The engine should operate within the normal temperature range. The sensor for jacket water coolant temperature must be fully submerged in order to detect the temperature correctly. If the engine is operating above the normal temperature range, perform the following procedure:
Reduce the load and/or the engine rpm.
Inspect the cooling system for leaks.
Determine if the engine must be shut down immediately or if the engine can be cooled by reducing the load and/or rpm.
Inlet Manifold Air Temperature - This gauge indicates the inlet manifold air temperature to the cylinders. The sensor for inlet manifold air temperature is located after the aftercooler.
High inlet manifold air temperature increases the risk of detonation. Detonation can cause damage to the engine. Ensure that the aftercooling system is operating properly.
For operating temperatures and shutdown temperatures, see this Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Alarms and Shutoffs" topic (Operation Section).
Inlet Manifold Air Pressure (TA Engines) and Inlet Manifold Vacuum (NA Engines) - For TA engines, this gauge indicates the air pressure (turbocharger boost pressure) in the air plenum (air inlet manifold) after the aftercooler. For NA engines, this gauge is the pressure of the inlet manifold vacuum. For all engines, this pressure depends on the engine rating, the load, and the operating conditions.The display on the engine panel is the gauge pressure. The gauge pressure is the difference between the barometric pressure and the absolute pressure.The Digital Diagnostic Tool can be used to display the pressure that is sensed by the manifold air pressure sensor. If the engine is operating, the display is the absolute pressure. If the engine is not operating, the display is the barometric pressure.Note: For more information on Inlet Manifold Air Pressure and Inlet Manifold Vacuum, see one of the following two publications:
Engine Performance, LEBQ6117, "G3500 Industrial"
Engine Performance, LEBQ6169, "G3500 Generator Set"Pyrometer - The pyrometer indicates the exhaust stack temperature at the exhaust elbows. For engines with two exhaust stacks, the two exhaust stack temperatures may vary slightly. This may be due to variation of the sensitivity of the two thermocouples.
For Low Emission engines, the nominal exhaust stack temperature is less than 554 °C (1030 °F).
For Standard engines, the nominal exhaust stack temperature is less than 510 °C (950 °F).
The exhaust stack temperature of NA engines depends on the engine rpm and the oxygen that is in the exhaust. For NA engines, the nominal range is 538 to 649 °C (1000 to 1200 °F).The pyrometer also indicates the temperature of the exhaust gas of each individual cylinder. These temperatures are measured at the exhaust port of each cylinder head. The exhaust temperature will vary slightly between the cylinders. Table 1 lists nominal temperatures and maximum temperatures.
Table 1
Exhaust Port Temperatures
Engine Nominal Temperature Maximum Temperature
Low Emission 621 °C (1150 °F) 670 °C (1238 °F)
Standby (Low Emission ) 621 °C (1150 °F) 700 °C (1292 °F)
Standard 643 °C (1190 °F) 700 °C (1292 °F)
Standby (Standard ) 643 °C (1190 °F) 730 °C (1346 °F)
Tachometer - This gauge indicates the engine rpm.

Parts stator Mercury:

9710A45 STATOR
10402139D, 1100412PD
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