96495A 2 Mercury THROTTLE HANDLE

96495A 2 THROTTLE HANDLE Mercury 1070312BC, 1070717 THROTTLE
96495A 2 THROTTLE HANDLE Mercury

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ACTIVE Diagnostic Codes
An ACTIVE diagnostic code represents a problem with the electronic control system that should be investigated and corrected as soon as is practical. When an ACTIVE diagnostic code is generated, a Diagnostic Lamp will indicate the diagnostic code. If the condition generating the diagnostic occurs only for a brief moment, the message will disappear and the diagnostic code will be LOGGED in the ECM memory.To troubleshoot an active diagnostic code, refer to the Diagnostic Code Cross Reference to Functional Test Procedures in the beginning of this manual under the specific code number.LOGGED Diagnostic Codes
When the ECM generates a diagnostic code, it will log the code in permanent memory within the ECM. The ECM has an internal diagnostic clock and will record the hour of the first occurrence, the hour of the last occurrence and the number of occurrences of the code. Knowing when and how often the code was generated can be a valuable indicator when troubleshooting intermittent problems. The ECAP Electronic Service Tool can be used but does not support all logged codes. Logged codes can be retrieved or erased using an Electronic Service Tool. Logged diagnostic codes will automatically be deleted if no additional occurrences are recorded in 100 hours. When investigating logged diagnostic codes, keep in mind the following information.Some diagnostic codes may log occurrences that did not result in operator complaints. If the time the code was logged does not correlate to a complaint, there may be nothing to fix.The most likely cause of an intermittent problem is a faulty connection or damaged wiring. Next likely is a component failure (sensor or switch). Least likely is failure of the ECM itself.Diagnostic codes that are logged repeatedly may indicate a problem that needs special investigation.To troubleshoot an logged diagnostic code, refer to the Diagnostic Code Cross Reference to Functional Test Procedures in the beginning of this manual under the specific code number.The code number will direct you to a procedure in troubleshooting guide. If the symptoms continue, use the proper procedure for troubleshooting the symptoms that have been experienced by the operator. Refer to Troubleshooting Without A Diagnostic Code. Always clear logged diagnostic codes after investigating and correcting the problem which generated the code.Events
The ECM can log engine events which refer to engine operating conditions such as low fuel pressure or an Engine Overspeed Warning. Logged events do not indicate an electronic system problem, but may indicate an engine system problem.Diagnostic Codes Effect on Engine Performance
When the ECM detects an engine problem, it generates an Active diagnostic code, and logs the code to indicate when and how many times the problem has occurred. There are two types of diagnostic codes: Fault Codes and Event Codes. Diagnostic Codes are provided to indicate an electrical or electronic problem has been detected by the ECM. In some cases the engine performance can be affected when the condition causing the code exists. More frequently, however, the operator cannot detect any difference in the engine performance.If the operator indicates a performance problem occurs whenever the Diagnostic Lamp is flashing, the diagnostic code may indicate the cause of the problem, and should be corrected.If the operator does not indicate a problem with the engine performance and a diagnostic code is logged by the ECM, it indicates the ECM detected an abnormal condition, but it did not affect performance.If this is the case, unless there are several occurrences of the code in a very short period of time, or, the ECM is indicating an Active Code at the present time, there is most likely nothing wrong with the system.Event Codes
Event Codes are issued by the ECM for each engine event. They are not necessarily an indication of problems within the Electronic system. These event codes are read and interpreted by the Electronic Service Tool, which displays a numeric code and a description of the LOGGED EVENT. The LOGGED ID's can be found under the DIAGNOSTIC window on the electronic service tool. The code is logged and some can only be cleared by factory passwords. Events can only be viewed with a Caterpillar Electronic Technician service tool.The information displayed for a LOGGED Event is as follows:* CID- Event Identifier. The CID is a three digit number that corresponds to an ACTIVE or LOGGED engine event.* Test Description- The text which describes the event.* Number Of Occurrences- The number of "good to bad" transitions that have occurred.* Time Of First Occurrence- The time that the first logged event occurred, measured in the ECM hours, by the diagnostic clock is shown on the Logged Events service tool screen.* Time Of Last Occurrence- The time that the last logged diagnostic occurred, measured in ECM hours by the diagnostic clock.This manual contains a table listing all of the CID-FMI diagnostic codes, along with the page number where details regarding the cause, performance affect, and troubleshooting of the code can be located.Using ET and ECAP to Display Active Diagnostic Codes
1. Connect ET to the Communication Adapter Tool to the Service

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