3R3-03410-0 Nissan AUTO-BY-STARTER

3R3-03410-0 AUTO-BY-STARTER Nissan NSF15B2, NSF15B2, NSF18B2, NSF18B2, NSF9.9B2, NSF9.9B2 AUTO
3R3-03410-0 AUTO-BY-STARTER Nissan

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NSF15B2 2003,2004,2005,2007,2008
NSF15B2 2006
NSF18B2 2003,2004,2005,2007,2008
NSF18B2 2006
NSF9.9B2 2003,2004
NSF9.9B2 2006


Illustration 1 g00664930
Typical display of menu 2 and screen 12 on the DDTThree bars of detonation are shown.The retardation of timing is the first level of protection against detonation. If the engine detonation is greater than five bars, the TCM retards the ignition timing by six degrees. The control begins checking the detonation for a possible shutdown after the TCM has retarded the timing. There are two strategies for a shutdown due to detonation. One strategy is for non-gallery cooled pistons. The second strategy is for gallery cooled pistons.For non-gallery cooled pistons, a shutdown will be activated if detonation exceeds six bars within five seconds after the engine has been retarded. A shutdown will also be activated if detonation is in the range of five to six bars after the five seconds.For gallery cooled pistons, detonation is not checked for the first six seconds after the timing is retarded. A shutdown will be activated only if both of the following conditions are true:
The detonation level is in the range of five to six bars.
The engine has been retarded for six seconds.As the detonation level decreases, the TCM will begin to advance the timing out of the detonation retarded timing. The maximum rate of advance is one degree per minute. This rate is achieved for detonation levels of two to three bars. If the detonation level increases to a level of four to five bars, the rate of the advance will decrease or the advance will stop.While the ignition timing is retarded due to detonation, the yellow "DETONATION RETARDED TIMING" LED will be illuminated.
Illustration 2 g00664929
Not all of the Test Steps for determining the cause of detonation follow a linear sequence. The results of the steps determine the sequence of the steps. Illustrations 3 through 8 constitute a flow chart of the Test Steps. Use the Illustrations only for reference. To determine the cause of detonation, use the more detailed instructions that are included in the Test Steps which follow the Illustrations.
Illustration 3 g00698785
Illustration 4 g00698786
Illustration 5 g00698788
Illustration 6 g00698791
Illustration 7 g00698793
Illustration 8 g00698801
Test Step 1. Check the Timing.Note: The desired timing will vary for different engine applications.Use the DDT to check the engine timing. For the correct desired timing for the engine application, see Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, SENR4604, "Ignition System".Expected Result:The desired timing is correct.Results:
OK - The timing is correct for the engine application. Proceed to test step 2.
Not OK - Detonation occurs because the timing is not correct for the engine application.Repair: Use the DDT to set the proper timing. Stop.Test Step 2. Check the Air/Fuel Ratio.Note: The air/fuel ratio will vary for different engine applications. The inlet manifold air temperature will affect the air/fuel ratio.
Verify that the engine is operating with the correct air/fuel ratio. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, SENR4604, "Fuel System".Expected Result:The engine is operating with the correct air/fuel ratio.Results:
OK - The air/fuel ratio is correct. Proceed to test step 3.
Not OK - The detonation is caused by an incorrect air/fuel ratio.Repair: Correct the air/fuel ratio according to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, SENR4604, "Fuel System". Stop.Test Step 3. Check the Inlet Manifold Air Temperature.Note: The inlet manifold air temperature will affect the air/fuel ratio. The inlet manifold air temperature will vary for different ratings of water temperature regulators (aftercooler).
Verify that the engine is operating with the correct inlet manifold air temperature. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, SENR4604, "Inlet Manifold Air Temperature".Expected Result:The inlet manifold air temperature is acceptable for the engine.Results:
OK - Proceed to test step 4.
Not OK - The detonation is caused by an incorrect inlet manifold air temperature.Repair: Correct the inlet manifold air temperature according to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, SENR4604, "Inlet Manifold Air Temperature". Stop.Test Step 4. Check the Detonation Sensors.
Illustration 9 g00664778

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