353-67162-0 Nissan GROMMET, BATTERY CORD

353-67162-0 GROMMET, BATTERY CORD Nissan NS15D2, NS18E2, NS25C3, NS30A4, NS40C, NS8B, NS9.8B, NS9.9D2, NSF25A, NSF25B, NSF25B, NSF25B, NSF30A, NSF30B, NSF30B GROMMET
353-67162-0 GROMMET, BATTERY CORD Nissan

Buy GROMMET, BATTERY CORD 353-67162-0 Nissan genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 13

Nissan entire parts catalog list:

NS15D2 2003
NS18E2 2003
NS25C3 2003,2005
NS30A4 2003
NS40C 2004
NS8B 2003
NS9.8B 2003
NS9.9D2 2003
NSF25A 2003,2004,2005
NSF25B 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
NSF25B 2010
NSF25B 2011,2012,2013,2014
NSF30A 2003,2004,2005
NSF30B 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2011,2012,2013,2014
NSF30B 2010


The procedures listed below can be performed independent of each other. The procedure is completed twice, once on the front engine and once on the rear engine.Retrofit Installation of Fuel Pressure Differential Sensors on 797 and 797B Front and Rear Engines
Table 1 contains the required parts for the installation.
Table 1
Qty     Part Number and Description    
2     117-0067 Elbows    
2     235-3595 Adapter    
2     9Y-8389 Gasket    
2     123-6948 Plug    
6     8T-6758 Pipe Plug    
2     9S-8005 O-Ring Plug    
2     2K-8198 O-Ring Seal    
2     228-7091 O-Ring Seal    
6     214-7566 O-Ring Seal    
2     238-5081 O-Ring Seal    
4     238-5080 O-Ring Seal    
4     274-6719 Pressure Sensor Gp    
2     362-6390 Sensor Harness As    
2     171-8944 Pump Adapter    Fuel Pressure Differential Sensor Installation (Front & Rear Engine)
Note: This procedure is completed twice, once on the front engine and once on the rear engine.
Illustration 1 g02188978
(1) Existing pump adapter (2) Existing fuel pressure port
Remove the existing 4W-5940 Pump Adapter . The adapter will be replaced by the 171-8944 Pump Adapter .Note: The existing fuel pressure port will be plugged on the new pump adapter. Plug the port using a 123-6948 Plug , 238-5081 O-Ring Seal , and 228-7091 O-Ring Seal .
Illustration 2 g02381896
(3) 9Y-8389 Gasket (4) 2K-8198 O-Ring Seal
Install gasket (3) and O-ring seal (4) on the rear of the 171-8944 Pump Adapter .
Install the 171-8944 Pump Adapter .
Illustration 3 g02381936
(5) 8T-6758 Pipe Plug (6) 9S-8005 O-Ring Plug (7) 238-5080 O-Ring Seal (8) 123-6948 Plug (9) 228-7091 O-Ring Seal (10) 238-5081 O-Ring Seal (11) 274-6719 Pressure Sensor Gp (12) 214-7566 O-Ring Seal (13) 117-0067 Elbow Note: The existing fuel differential pressure switch can be installed instead of the 123-6948 Plug . The existing harness breakout can be connected to this switch. The switch will not interfere with operation of new fuel pressure sensors.
Install three pipe plugs (5) into the adapter.
Install O-ring seal (7) onto O-ring plug (6) .
Install O-ring plug (6) into the adapter.
Install O-ring seal (9) and O-ring seal (10) onto plug (8).
Install the plug (8) into the adapter.
Install two O-ring seals (12) onto elbow (13).
Install pressure sensor (11) onto elbow (13). Torque the sensor to 10 2 N m (7.4 1.5 lb ft).
Install the assembled elbow (13) onto the adapter.
Illustration 4 g02382016
(7) 238-5080 O-Ring Seal (11) 274-6719 Pressure Sensor Gp (12) 214-7566 O-Ring Seal (14) 235-3595 Adapter
Install O-ring seal (7) onto adapter (14). Also, install O-ring seal (12) onto the adapter (14) .
Install pressure sensor (11) onto adapter (14). Torque the sensor to 10 2 N m (7.4 1.5 lb ft).
Illustration 5 g02189253
(15) Fuel filter inlet pressure sensor location
On the other side of the fuel filter base, install the assembled pressure sensor (11) onto the filter base. Refer to Illustration 5.Installation of the Front Engine Harness and Rear Engine Harness
Note: The 362-6390 Sensor Harness As is the harness for the front and rear engine.
Illustration 6 g02189374
Disconnect the wire from J1-36 analog supply of the slave ECM and connect the wire to pin 1 of the PF-C4 connector of jumper harness.
Disconnect the wire from J1-30 analog return of the slave ECM and connect the wire to pin 5 of the PF-C4 connector of jumper harness.
Connect Pin 3 of the PF-C4 connector of the jumper harness to J2-14 Filtered fuel signal of the slave ECM.
Connect Pin 2 of the PF-C4 connector of the jumper harness to J1-30 analog return of the slave ECM.
Connect Pin 4 of the PF-C4 connector of the jumper harness to J1-36 analog supply of the slave ECM.

Parts grommet Nissan:

345-67117-0 GROMMET, 17 - 2.7
NS15D2, NS18E2, NS25C3, NS30A4, NS40C, NS40D2, NS40D2, NS40D2, NS4C, NS50D2, NS5B, NS5BS, NS60C, NS70C, NS8B, NS9.8B, NS9.9D2, NSD115A, NSD115A2, NSD40A, NSD40B, NSD40B, NSD40B2, NSD40B2, NSD50A, NSD50B, NSD50B, NSD50B2, NSD50B2, NSD70B, NSD75C2, NSD
345-67169-0 GROMMET, CORD
NS15D2, NS18E2, NS25C3, NS30A4, NS40C, NS8B, NS9.8B, NS9.9D2
345-67193-0 GROMMET, 16 - 2.5
NS120A2, NS140A2, NS40C, NS60C, NS70C, NS8B, NS9.8B, NSD115A, NSD70B, NSD70B, NSD70B, NSD75C2, NSD90B, NSD90B, NSD90B, NSD90C2
NS60C, NS70C, NS8B, NS9.8B, NSF15B2, NSF15B2, NSF18B2, NSF18B2, NSF9.9B2, NSF9.9B2
NS15D2, NS18E2, NS25C3, NS30A4, NS9.9D2
NS15D2, NS18E2, NS9.9D2
345-67161-0 GROMMET, 22 - 3
NS25C3, NS30A4, NS40C
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