09408-00035 Suzuki CLAMP

09408-00035 CLAMP Suzuki DF100, DF100, DF100, DF100A, DF115, DF115, DF115, DF115A, DF115TL, DF140, DF140, DF140, DF140A, DF140T, DF140T, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF60, DF60HL, DF60TL, DF70, DF70THL, DF70TL, DF90, DF90TL CLAMP
09408-00035 CLAMP Suzuki

Buy CLAMP 09408-00035 Suzuki genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery

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SUZUKI Genuine Parts Clip Part Number 09408-00035
SUZUKI Compatible Models for Reference *Please check with the manufacturer before purchasing. May not fit by grade depending on vehicle and year || Compatible models: Alto (Sedan Van Hustle), Escudo, Cappuccino, Cartas (Esam Cresent), Callie/Everyy, Gymny, Selvo Mode, Wagon R/Wide Plus Solio, X-90 || Compatible Model: AA34S,AA44S,AB34S,AB44S,AF34S,AH14S,AH64S,AJ14S,AJ64S,AK34S,CL21V,CL22V,CM22V,CN21S,CN22S,CN31S,CN32S. ,CP21S. ,CP22S,CP31S,CP32S,CR22S,CS22S,CT21S,CT51S,CV21S,CV51S,DA41T,DA41V,DA52T,DA52V,DA52W,DB41T,DB41V,DB52T,DB51T,DC51T,,DD51T ,DE51V,DF51V,EA11R,GA11S,GA21S,GB21S,GB31S,GC21S,GC21W,GC41W,GD21S,GD31S,HA11S,HA12S,HA12V,HA21S,HA21S,HA2V,HA21S,HA21S,HA21S,HA21S. 2S, HB1 1S,HB21S,HC11V,HD11V,JA11C,JA11V,JA12C,JA12V,JA12W,JA22W,JA71C,JA71V,JB23W,JB31W,JB32W,LB11S,MB61S,TA01RR. ,TA01W TD01W || Fits years: 1985/11-2005/10
Number on catalog scheme: 7

Suzuki entire parts catalog list:

DF100 2009
DF100 2010
DF100 2011
DF100A 2011
DF115 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF115 2010
DF115 2011
DF115A 2011
DF115TL 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
DF140 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
DF140 2008,2009,2010
DF140 2011
DF140A 2011
DF140T 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF140T 2010
DF140Z 2002,2004,2005,2006,2007,2009
DF140Z 2003
DF140Z 2008
DF140Z 2010
DF60 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF60HL 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
DF60TL 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
DF70 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF70THL 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
DF70TL 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
DF90 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
DF90TL 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007


Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table    
Code and Description    Conditions which Generate this Code    System Response    
1-5 Cylinder #1 Injector current below normal     The engine's Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
1-6 Cylinder #1 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
2-5 Cylinder #2 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
2-6 Cylinder #2 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
3-5 Cylinder #3 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
3-6 Cylinder #3 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
4-5 Cylinder #4 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
4-6 Cylinder #4 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
5-5 Cylinder #5 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
5-6 Cylinder #5 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
6-5 Cylinder #6 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
6-6 Cylinder #6 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
7-5 Cylinder #7 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
7-6 Cylinder #7 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
8-5 Cylinder #8 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
8-6 Cylinder #8 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
9-5 Cylinder #9 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
9-6 Cylinder #9 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
10-5 Cylinder #10 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
10-6 Cylinder #10 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
11-5 Cylinder #11 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
11-6 Cylinder #11 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    
12-5 Cylinder #12 Injector current below normal     The engine's ECM detects an open circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM continues to fire the injector solenoid.    
12-6 Cylinder #12 Injector current above normal     The ECM detects a short circuit.     The code is logged.
The ECM will disable the solenoid circuit. The ECM will periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit remains, this sequence of events will be repeated until the problem is corrected.    Perform this procedure under conditions that are identical to the conditions that exist when the problem occurs.

Parts clamp Suzuki:

09404-06432 CLAMP
DF100, DF100, DF115, DF115, DF115TL, DF140, DF140, DF140T, DF140T, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF15, DF15, DF15, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF15S, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225T, DF225Z, DF25, DF25(R)S, DF250T, DF250Z, DF25Q, DF25Q(QR), DF25T, D
09408-00024 CLAMP
DF100, DF100, DF100, DF100A, DF115, DF115, DF115, DF115A, DF115TL, DF140, DF140, DF140, DF140A, DF140T, DF140T, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T,
09404-06434 CLAMP
DF40, DF40, DF40QH, DF40TL, DF50, DF50, DF50QH, DF50TL, DF60, DF60HL, DF60TL, DF70, DF70THL, DF70TL, DT150, DT150SSH, DT150SSJ, DT150SSK, DT150SSL, DT150SSM, DT150SSN, DT150STCLP, DT150STCLR, DT150STCLS, DT150STCLT, DT150TCLH, DT150TCLJ, DT150TCLK, D
DF100, DF100, DF115, DF115, DF115TL, DF140, DF140, DF140T, DF140T, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF60, DF60HL, DF60TL, DF70, DF70THL, DF70TL, DF90, DF90TL, DT55CRLJ, DT55CRLK, DT55CRLL, DT55HTCLJ, DT55HTCLK, DT55HTCLL, DT55TCLJ, DT55TCLK, DT55TCLL,
09407-10404 CLAMP
DF100, DF100A, DF115, DF115A, DF140, DF140A, DF15, DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF25(R)S, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF25R, DF25R, DF300, DF300, DF300A, DF4,
29404-93J10 CLAMP
DF100, DF100, DF100, DF100A, DF115, DF115, DF115, DF115A, DF140, DF140, DF140, DF140A, DF140T, DF140T, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF140Z, DF15, DF15, DF15, DF150, DF150, DF150, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF2.5, DF2.5, DF2.5, DF2.5s, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF225
09403-07308 CLAMP
DF60, DF60HL, DF60TL, DF70, DF70A, DF70A, DF70A, DF70THL, DF70TL, DF80A, DF80A, DF80A, DF90A, DF90A, DF90A
09403-08328 CLAMP
DF60, DF60HL, DF60TL, DF70, DF70THL, DF70TL
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