57300-95841 Suzuki PINION/GEAR SET

57300-95841 PINION/GEAR SET Suzuki DT50, DT50M, DT50W, DT65, DT65 PINION
57300-95841 PINION/GEAR SET Suzuki

Buy PINION/GEAR SET 57300-95841 Suzuki genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 18

Compatible models:

Suzuki entire parts catalog list:

DT50 1980,1981,1982
DT50M 1980,1981,1982
DT50W 1980,1981,1982
DT65 1980,1980,1981,1981,1982,1982
DT65 1980,1980,1981,1981,1982,1982


Diesel Engine Oil
For additional information, refer to Special Publication, SEBU7003, "Cat 3600 Series and C280 Series Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations".Fluids Recommendations for Tier 4 Engines
C280 marine engines for use in U.S. flagged vessels and for vessels operating in U.S. inland waterways must meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emission standards set forth in "40 CFR Part 1042 Control of Emissions from New and In-Use Marine Compression-Ignition Engines and Vessels". New C280 engines that are greater than 2000 bkW must meet EPA Tier 4 emission standards starting in 2014. These standards are referred to as EPA Marine Tier 4 in this Special Publication.Emission control for the C280 marine engines for EPA Marine Tier 4 includes improved combustion systems and aftertreatment starting in 2014. The aftertreatment is a Selective Catalytic Reduction system (SCR). In the SCR system, Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is injected in controlled amounts into the engine exhaust stream. This process is necessary in order to reduce NOx in the presence of the SCR catalyst. DEF is available in many brands, including those brands that carry the AdBlue or API certification. DEF is also generically referred to as urea. The SCR system is also effective in reducing certain hydrocarbon and particulate emissions. Some C280 marine engines for use outside of the United States are also equipped with SCR aftertreatment systems. Complete engine system which includes engine and SCR systems are subject to the International Maritime Organization MARPOL Annex VI regulations are included.Additives used in lubricating oils can negatively affect the performance of the SCR aftertreatment system. To maintain expected aftertreatment device life, performance and service intervals, engine oils for use in C280 engines equipped with SCR aftertreatment systems must have the following chemical limits:
0.12 percent maximum phosphorous
2 percent maximum sulfated ash
0.4 percent maximum sulfurTable 1 lists the oils that meet the required chemical limits and are recommended for C280 engines with SCR aftertreatment oils.
Table 1
Engine oils Recommendations for C280 marine engines equipped with SCR aftertreatment systems(1)(2)
Viscosity Grade Specification Requirements
Cat DEO, mono grade SAE 40 API CF(3)
Cat DEO-ULS, multigrade SAE 15W-40 API CJ-4
Commercial lubricants SAE 15W-40 Field Performance Evaluation and API CJ-4/Cat ECF-3/ACEA E9
SAE 30, SAE 40 Field Performance Evaluation and API CF(3)
(1) Oils listed in this table must have the chemical limits listed in this section of this Special Publication.
(2) Caterpillar engine oils are the preferred oils. Commercial oils as a group are second choice oils.
(3) Oils that fulfill all the API CF requirements.Note: Oils that do not meet the chemical limits given in this section of this Special Publication are not allowed for use in engines that are equipped with SCR aftertreatment systems. Follow the recommendations given in Table 1 above. Commercial oils meeting Cat ECF-3, API CJ-4, and ACEA E9 specifications also meet the required chemical limits for engines that are equipped with SCR aftertreatment system. ACEA E9 oils are validated using some but not all ECF-3 and API CJ-4 standard engine performance tests. Consult your oil supplier when considering use of an oil that is not Cat ECF-3 or API CJ-4 qualified.Note: Commercial oils that meet the chemical limits above should also have a field proof of performance in order to be used in C280 engines. Field Proof of Performance ensures that the oil performs adequately in C280 and 3600 engines. Refer to this Special Publication, "Field Evaluation of Commercial Oil" for details.Cat Diesel Engine Oil (Cat DEO)
Cat oils have been developed and tested in order to provide the full performance and service life that has been designed and built into Cat engines. Cat oils are currently used to fill Cat Diesel Engines at the factory. These oils are offered by Cat dealers for continued use when the engine oil is changed. Consult your Cat dealer for more information on these oils.Due to significant variations in the quality and in the performance of commercially available oils, Caterpillar makes the following recommendations:
Table 2
Cat Lubricants Viscosity Grade
Diesel Engine Oil-Ultra Low Sulfur Cat DEO-ULS SAE 15W-40
SAE 10W-30
Cat Cold Weather DEO-ULS SAE 0W-40
Diesel Engine Oil Cat DEO SAE 15W-40
SAE 10W-30
Cat DEO SYN SAE 5W-40 Note: Cat DEO and Cat DEO-ULS multigrade oils are the preferred oils for use in this Cat Diesel Engine.Commercial Oil
Note: Non-Cat commercial oils are second choice oils for your engine.
Caterpillar does not warrant the quality or performance of non-Cat fluids.
The three current Caterpillar ECF specifications are: Cat ECF-1-a, Cat ECF-2 and Cat ECF-3. Each higher Cat ECF specification provides increased performance over lower Cat ECF specifications.A commercial oil must meet the following standards to be considered an equivalent of a Cat Diesel Engine Oil:
Table 3
Cat Engine Crankcase Fluids (ECF) Definitions
Cat Performance Requirement Cat ECF Specifications Requirements
Cat ECF-3 API CJ-4 Oil Category performance requirements
Cat ECF-2 API CI-4 / CI-4 PLUS Oil Category performance requirements
Passing standard Cat C13 engine test per API requirements
Oils of sulfated ash > 1.50 percent are not allowed

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