13513-99J00 Suzuki ROD, THROTTLE

13513-99J00 ROD, THROTTLE Suzuki DF8A, DF8AR, DF9.9A, DF9.9AR, DF99AR ROD
13513-99J00 ROD, THROTTLE Suzuki

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When power is applied to the electronic gauge modules (engine control switch turned from OFF/RESET position to STOP position), the gauge modules will perform a self-test. All segments of the display will come on and then the gauge module will enter the normal display mode.
If the module performs the self-test and then goes blank, the module may be in the slave mode. To return a module to the master mode from the slave mode:1. Remove power from the module (turn the engine control switch to the OFF/RESET position).2. Hold all three buttons on the module continuously while power is applied (turn the engine control switch to the STOP position).3. Continue to hold the buttons during the self-test. Three seconds after power is applied the display will change from all segments on to "prog". Release the buttons when the display shows "prog" and the module will have returned to the master mode.Modules
Each module provides two ten-segment bar graphs and one four-digit digital display.The digital display is shared by up to seven different engine functions which are depicted by International Symbols (ISO) shown on the three touch buttons.
Sensors or transducers used in conjunction with the electronic gauge modules must be obtained through your Caterpillar dealer. The modules will only function with specified Caterpillar sensors. No other sensors will function and may adversely affect the operation of this system. Sensors will be damaged if wired incorrectly. Check wiring diagrams carefully before connecting.
* Bar Graphs- Each gauge module is designed with two 10-segment bar graphs; each bar represents 10% of the range printed on the decal. Each bar graph corresponds to the outer function shown next to it. An exact reading may be obtained by pushing the touch button with the same ISO symbol as the bar graph.A bar is illuminated when the value of the scalar mark separating it from the next higher bar (to the right) is equaled or exceeded. However, the value must drop about 2.5% between 2 bars before the higher bar goes off. (See Chart 7 for specific information). Example:For pressure rising at 77.5 psi, 7 bars are ON. At 80 psi, 8 bars are ON.For pressure falling from greater than 80 psi, 8 bars remain ON until a value of 77.5 psi is reached.* Touch Buttons and "Carrots"- The lower portion of each module contains three touch buttons. The engine or auxiliary equipment function being displayed is identified by the solid "carrot" (black triangular pointer) directly above the ISO symbol of that function being displayed. To view a different function, press the center of the button with the ISO symbol you want to view. If more than one symbol is on a button, press the same button a second or third time until the "carrot" points to the desired symbol on the button.* Units Displayed- English units are displayed except when specified in advance. Metric display is possible by changing the appropriate constant stored in memory. Refer to the section on Programming the Electronic Gauge Modules in this publication. Example:The figure below shows how module 1 may appear in the normal operation mode. The box at the top middle of the module indicates if the measurements are E (English psi/°F) or M (Metric kPa/°C). The bar below the E indicates the module is reading English. Pressures are displayed in psi while temperatures are displayed in degrees F.The top left bar graph on module 1 displays the fuel differential pressure. A full scale reading would show 10 bars indicating 20 psi.* Therefore, each bar represents 20 psi/10 bars = 2 psi/bar.Since 3 bars are showing on the display the value indicated is 6 psi to 8 psi. The exact value could be shown on the display by pressing the left button (which shows the ISO symbols for differential fuel pressure and engine speed) until the "carrot" is above the ISO symbol for fuel differential pressure.The top right bar graph on module 1 displays the fuel pressure. A full scale reading would show 10 bars indicating 100 psi.* Therefore, each bar represents 100 psi/10 bars = 10 psi/bar.Since 8 bars are showing on the display the value indicated is 80 psi to 90 psi. The exact value could be shown on the display by pressing the right button (which shows the ISO symbols for engine hours and fuel pressure) until the "carrot" is above the ISO symbol for fuel pressure.The "carrot" (black triangular pointer) is currently above the ISO symbol for engine speed. The display is indicating an engine speed of 900 RPM.Gauge Module Description
The electronic modules provide monitoring of engine functions, as well as engine protection through alarms and engine shutdown. The following is a description of the electronic control modules and the engine functions that each monitors. Recommendations for maximum/minimum operating pressures and temperatures are shown in Chart 2 - Gauge, Alarm and Shutdown Functions in the Reference Section of this publication.Module No. 1
TB 1 Left - Fuel Filter Differential Pressure- Indicates the difference in fuel pressure between the inlet side and the outlet side of the fuel filter elements. As the element becomes plugged, the difference in pressure between the two sides of the element will increase. TB 1 Right - Tachometer- Indicates engine rpm. When the governor control lever is moved to the full speed position without load, the engine will be running at high idle. When the engine governor control lever is moved to the full speed position and load is applied, the engine will maintain constant speed. TB 2 Left - Inlet Manifold Air Temperature- Indicates inlet manifold air temperature measured after the aftercooler. As the inlet air increases in temperature, the air expands, less oxygen is available in the cylinders, and less power is developed. As a result, at full governor position with a full load, the engine may be overloaded. TB 2 Right - Inlet Manifold Air Pressure- Indicates air pressure (turbocharger boost) in the air plenum. Maximum allowable inlet manifold air pressure is 207 kPa (30 psi). TB 3

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