09181-75010 Suzuki SHIM (75X100X0.9)

09181-75010 SHIM (75X100X0.9) Suzuki DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250T, DF250Z SHIM
09181-75010 SHIM (75X100X0.9) Suzuki

Buy SHIM (75X100X0.9) 09181-75010 Suzuki genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 13

Suzuki entire parts catalog list:

DF150 2006,2007,2008,2009
DF150 2010
DF150 2011
DF150TX 2006,2007
DF150ZX 2006,2007
DF175 2006,2007,2008,2009
DF175 2010
DF175 2011
DF175TX 2006,2007
DF175ZX 2006,2007
DF200 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF200 2010
DF200 2011
DF200T 2004,2005,2006,2007
DF200Z 2004,2005,2006,2007
DF225 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF225 2010
DF225 2011
DF225T 2004,2005,2006,2007
DF225Z 2004,2005,2006,2007
DF250 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
DF250 2010
DF250 2011
DF250T 2004,2005,2006,2007
DF250Z 2004,2005,2006,2007


Electronic Controls
The electronic system consists of the following components: the ECM, the Mechanically Actuated Electronically Controlled Unit Injectors (MEUI), the wiring harness, the switches and the sensors. The ECM is the computer. The flash file is the software for the computer. The flash file contains the operating maps. The operating maps define the following characteristics of the engine:
Torque curvesThe ECM determines the timing and the amount of fuel that is delivered to the cylinders. These decisions are based on the actual conditions and/or on the desired conditions at any given time.The ECM compares the desired engine speed to the actual engine speed. The actual engine speed is determined through a signal from the engine speed/timing sensor. The desired engine speed is determined with the following factors:
Throttle signal
Other input signals from sensors
Certain diagnostic codesIf the desired engine speed is greater than the actual engine speed, the ECM injects more fuel in order to increase the actual engine speed.Cold Mode
The ECM limits engine power during cold mode operation and the ECM modifies injection timing during cold mode operation. Cold mode operation provides the following benefits:
Increased cold weather starting capability
Reduced warm-up time
Reduced white smokeCold mode is activated whenever the engine temperature falls below a predetermined value. Cold mode remains active until the engine temperature rises above a predetermined value or until a time limit is exceeded.Fuel Injection
The ECM controls the amount of fuel that is injected by varying the signals to the injectors. The injector will pump fuel only if the injector solenoid is energized. The ECM sends a high voltage signal to the solenoid. This high voltage signal energizes the solenoid. By controlling the timing and the duration of the high voltage signal, the ECM can control injection timing and the engine RPM.The flash file inside the ECM sets certain limits on the amount of fuel that can be injected. The "FRC Fuel Limit" is used to control the air/fuel ratio for control of emissions. The "FRC Fuel Limit" is a map that is based on the turbocharger outlet pressure. A higher turbocharger outlet pressure indicates that there is more air in the cylinder. When the ECM senses a higher turbocharger outlet pressure, the ECM increases the "FRC Fuel Limit". When the ECM increases the "FRC Fuel Limit", the ECM allows more fuel into the cylinder. The "FRC Fuel Limit" map is programmed into the ECM at the factory. The "FRC Fuel Limit" map cannot be changed.The "Rated Fuel Limit" is a limit that is based on the power rating of the engine and on engine rpm. The "Rated Fuel Limit" is similar to the rack stops and to the torque spring on a mechanically governed engine. The "Rated Fuel Limit" provides the power curves and the torque curves for a specific engine family and for a specific engine rating. The "Rated Fuel Limit" is programmed into the ECM at the factory. The "Rated Fuel Limit" cannot be changed.Once the ECM determines the amount of fuel that is required, the ECM must determine the timing of the fuel injection. The ECM calculates the top center position of each cylinder from the engine speed/timing sensor's signal. The ECM decides when fuel injection should occur relative to the top center position and the ECM provides the signal to the injector at the desired time. The ECM adjusts timing for optimum engine performance, for optimum fuel economy, and for optimum control of white smoke.Programmable Parameters
Certain parameters that affect the engine operation may be changed with Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). The parameters are stored in the ECM, and some parameters are protected from unauthorized changes by passwords. These passwords are called factory passwords.Passwords
Several system configuration parameters and most logged events are protected by factory passwords. Factory passwords are available only to Caterpillar dealers. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Factory Passwords" for additional information.

Parts shim Suzuki:

09181-50005 SHIM
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250T, DF250Z, DT150, DT150SSH, DT150SSJ, DT150SSK, DT150SSL, DT150SSM, DT15
SHIM (T:0.45)
09181-50020 SHIM (T:0.45)
DF100, DF100, DF100, DF115, DF115, DF115, DF115TL, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF300, DF300, DF60, DF60HL, DF60TL, DF70, DF70THL, DF70TL, DF90, DF90TL
12892-93J00-235 SHIM, TAPPET
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF250T, DF250Z, DF300, DF300, DF300A
12892-93J00-238 SHIM, TAPPET
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF250T, DF250Z, DF300, DF300, DF300A
12892-93J00-273 SHIM, TAPPET
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF250T, DF250Z, DF300, DF300, DF300A
12892-93J00-225 SHIM, TAPPET
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF250T, DF250Z, DF300, DF300, DF300A
12892-93J00-230 SHIM, TAPPET
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF250T, DF250Z, DF300, DF300, DF300A
12892-93J00-218 SHIM, TAPPET
DF150, DF150, DF150, DF150TX, DF150ZX, DF175, DF175, DF175, DF175TX, DF175ZX, DF200, DF200, DF200, DF200T, DF200Z, DF225, DF225, DF225, DF225T, DF225Z, DF250, DF250, DF250, DF250A, DF250T, DF250Z, DF300, DF300, DF300A
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