48228 Volvo.Penta Adjusting washer

48228 Adjusting washer Volvo.Penta D100A; D100AK; D100B, D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A Adjusting
48228 Adjusting washer Volvo Penta

Buy Adjusting washer 48228 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 18

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

D100A; D100AK; D100B; TD100A; TD100AG; TD100AK
D70B; D70B PP; D70B K; TD70B
MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK; TMD100A-CC; MD100B; MD100BK; MD100B-CC
MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A; TMD120AK; TAMD120A; TAMD120AK; TMD120B; TAMD120B; TAMD120B-CC


Table 1
Event Code
Description Conditions which Activate the Code System Response
E231(3) Fuel Quality Out of Range The crank terminate relay is set and the engine has been running for at least 30 seconds. The Low Heat Value (LHV) of the fuel is less than the trip point OR the LHV of the fuel is greater than the trip point for 20 seconds. The shutdown output is activated. The code is logged. The engine is shut down.
E884(1) Fuel Correction Factor Upper Limit Reached The engine is operating in the exhaust temperature feedback mode. The engine is operating at less than 50 percent load. The engine has been above the crank terminate speed for 30 seconds. The fuel correction factor has been greater than 117 percent for five seconds. The warning output is activated. The code is logged.
E884(3) Fuel Correction Factor Upper Limit Reached The engine is operating in the combustion feedback mode. The engine is operating at more than 50 percent load. The engine has been above the crank terminate speed for 30 seconds. The fuel correction factor has been equal to or greater than 120 percent for five seconds. The shutdown output is activated. The code is logged. The engine is shut down.
E885(1) Fuel Correction Factor Lower Limit Reached The engine is operating in the exhaust temperature feedback mode. The engine is operating at less than 50 percent load. The engine has been above the crank terminate speed for 30 seconds. The fuel correction factor is less than 83 percent for five seconds. The warning output is activated. The code is logged.
E885(3) Fuel Correction Factor Lower Limit Reached The engine is operating in the combustion feedback mode. The engine is operating at more than 50 percent load. The engine has been above the crank terminate speed for 30 seconds. The fuel correction factor is less than or equal to 80 percent for 30 seconds. The shutdown output is activated. The code is logged. The engine is shut down. Probable Causes
E231(3) Fuel Quality Out of Range
The LHV of the gas or the specific gravity of the gas is significantly different from the value that is programmed into the Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Some type of condensation is forming in the gas.E884(1) Fuel Correction Factor Upper Limit Reached or E884(3) Fuel Correction Factor Upper Limit Reached
The value for the BTU content of the fuel has changed to a higher value than the value in Cat ET.
The value for the specific gravity of the fuel that was entered in Cat ET has changed. This value does not represent the correct value for specific gravity of the fuel.
The air/fuel pressure module is reading incorrect air pressure or incorrect differential fuel pressure.
In the combustion feedback mode, the combustion sensors are reading an incorrect burn time.
In the exhaust port temperature feedback mode, the exhaust port thermocouples are reading incorrect temperatures.
One or more cylinders may have a cylinder misfire that is not bad enough to trigger a E201-E216 Intermittent Misfire Event or a E601-E616 Continuous Misfire Event.E885(1) Fuel Correction Factor Lower Limit Reached or E885(3) Fuel Correction Factor Lower Limit Reached
The value for the BTU content of the fuel has changed to a lower value than the value in Cat ET.
The value for the specific gravity of the fuel that was entered in Cat ET has changed. This value does not represent the correct value for specific gravity of the fuel.
The air/fuel pressure module is reading incorrect air pressure or incorrect differential fuel pressure.
In the combustion feedback mode, the combustion sensors are reading an incorrect burn time.
In the exhaust port temperature feedback mode, the exhaust port thermocouples are reading incorrect temperatures.
One or more cylinders may have a cylinder misfire that is not bad enough to trigger a E201-E216 Intermittent Misfire Event or a E601-E616 Continuous Misfire Event.Recommended Actions
Obtain a Gas Analysis and Program the "Fuel Quality" Parameter
Obtain a gas analysis. Enter the data into Caterpillar Software, LEKQ6378, "Methane Number Program". Use the Cat ET to program the results for the ECM "Fuel Quality" and "Gas Specific gravity" parameters. For more information, refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "Electronic Control System Parameters".If the quality of the gas is inconsistent, obtain several analyses over a period of time. Program the "Fuel Quality" parameter to the average value of the LHV.Adjust the engine operation according to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "BTU and Precombustion Chamber Adjustments".Check the Equipment that Treats the Gas
Check the equipment that treats the gas before the gas is delivered to the engine. Any kind of condensation in the gas will change the fuel energy content. Make sure that the filter and the dryer for the gas operate properly. Replace parts and repair the equipment, if necessary. Refer to the service literature that is provided by the OEM of the equipment.Inspect the Components for Proper Operation
The air/fuel pressure module is reading incorrect air pressure or incorrect differential fuel pressure. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Air/Fuel Pressure Module - Test".In the combustion feedback mode, the combustion sensors are reading an incorrect burn time. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Cylinder Combustion - Test".In the exhaust port temperature feedback mode, the exhaust port thermocouples are reading incorrect temperatures. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Exhaust Temperature - Test".One or more cylinders may have a cylinder misfire that is not bad enough to trigger a E201-E216 Intermittent Misfire Event or a E601-E616 Continuous Misfire Event. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Engine Misfires, Runs Rough, or Is Unstable".

Parts adjusting Volvo Penta:

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2001; 2001B; 2001AG, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, DH10A; DH10A 285; DH10A 360, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, MD70C; TMD70C; TAMD70C, TAD1030G; TD1010G; TWD1010G, TAD1230G; TD1210G; TWD1210G, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAMD103A, TAMD
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AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D100A; D100AK; D100B, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, D70CHC; D70CRC; TD70CHC, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, MD70B; MD70BK; TMD70B, MD70C; TMD70C; TAMD70C, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAMD60A; TAMD60B, TAMD60C,
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Adjusting washer
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D120A; D120AK; TD120A, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, TAD1230G; TD1210G; TWD1210G, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAMD122A; TMD122A; TAMD122P-A, TD100CHC; TD100CRC; TD121CHC, TD120AHC; TD120ARC; TAD120AHC, TD120C, TD120HP-86; TD121; TD121G, TD120HPP; TID
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D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, MD70B; MD70BK; TMD70B, MD70C; TMD70C; TAMD70C, TAD1630P; TWD1630P; TWD1630PP, TAD1630V; TWD1630V, TAMD162A; TAMD162B; TAMD162C, TAMD162C-C; TAMD163A-A; TAMD163P-A, TAMD165A; TAMD165C; TAMD165P, TAMD60A; TAMD60B, TD164KAE, TD60A
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D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, MD70B; MD70BK; TMD70B, MD70C; TMD70C; TAMD70C, TAD1630P; TWD1630P; TWD1630PP, TAD1630V; TWD1630V, TAMD162A; TAMD162B; TAMD162C, TAMD162C-C; TAMD163A-A; TAMD163P-A, TAMD165A; TAMD165C; TAMD165P, TAMD60A; TAMD60B, TD164KAE, TD60A
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