31419556 Volvo.Penta Alternator

31419556 Alternator Volvo.Penta D3-110I-H; D3-140A-H; D3-140I-H Alternator
31419556 Alternator Volvo Penta

Buy Alternator 31419556 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 1

Compatible models:

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

D3-110I-H; D3-140A-H; D3-140I-H; D3-150I-H; D3-170A-H; D3-170I-H; D3-200A-H; D3-200I-H; D3-220A-H; D3-220I-H


Default Settings for the Caterpillar Monitoring System
Derate - This is a reduction of engine horsepower in response to an abnormal operating condition.Setpoint - This is a specific value which can activate the following responses: warning, deration and shutdown. The setpoint can be a pressure, a speed, a temperature, or a voltage.Hysteresis - This is the change in the signal from a sensor that is tolerated by the ECM. This is the difference between the setpoint that activates a response and the value that deactivates the response. For example, a warning for low voltage can activate if a value below 20 volts is detected by the ECM. The voltage must rise to 22 volts in order to clear the warning. The hysteresis is the 2 volts that are above the 20 volts.Voltage
The ECM automatically warns the operator of low system voltage. The default settings that are programmed at the factory are listed in Table 1.
Table 1
Voltage Monitoring    
Parameter     Default Setting    
Warning setpoint     20 volts    
Warning delay     10 seconds    
Hysteresis     2 volts    
Security level     No required password    If the voltage is below 20 volts for 10 seconds, a warning will occur. To deactivate the warning, the voltage must rise above 22 volts.The setpoint can be programmed to a value between 20 and 30 volts.Engine Oil Pressure
The ECM automatically performs the following functions for low engine oil pressure:
ShutdownThe strategy is based on a map of the engine oil pressure versus the engine rpm. The default settings that are programmed at the factory are listed in Table 2.
Table 2
Engine Oil Pressure    
Parameter     Default Settings    
Hysteresis     20 kPa    
Activation delay     10 seconds    
Security level     Required password    
Warning setpoint     Map    
Warning delay     4 seconds    
Shutdown setpoint     Map    
Shutdown delay     9 seconds    
Illustration 1 g00592294
Map of the engine oil pressure versus the engine rpm (Y) Engine oil pressure in kPa (X) Engine rpm (1) Hysteresis (2) Minimum engine oil pressureIf the engine oil pressure is below the minimum pressure for four seconds, a warning will occur. To deactivate the warning, the engine oil pressure must rise above the hysteresis that is set in the map.If the engine oil pressure is below the minimum pressure for nine seconds, a shutdown will occur.The map cannot be reprogrammed.High Coolant Temperature
The ECM will automatically perform the following functions for high coolant temperature:
ShutdownThe default settings that are programmed at the factory are listed in Table 3.
Table 3
High Coolant Temperature    
Parameter     Default Setting    
Warning setpoint    
102 °C (216 °F)    
Warning delay     5 seconds    
Derate setpoint    
107 °C (225 °F)    
Derate delay     30 seconds    
Maximum time of derating     480 seconds    
5 °C (9 °F)    
Security level     No required password    
Maximum derating     25%    
Shutdown setpoint    
107 °C (225 °F)    
Shutdown delay     5 seconds    If the coolant temperature is above 102 °C (216 °F) for five seconds, a warning will occur. The coolant temperature must be below 97 °C (207 °F) in order to deactivate the warning.If the coolant temperature is above 107 °C (225 °F) for 30 seconds, a derating will occur. A continuous 25 percent derating is reached in 480 seconds. When the coolant temperature is less than 102 °C (216 °F), the percent of the derating decreases. The percent of the derating decreases until the capability of providing full power is restored. However, if the coolant tempe

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