11023 Volvo.Penta Ball bearing

11023 Ball bearing Volvo.Penta D8A1-A MP; D8A2-A MP, MB10A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD5A; MD5B; MD5C, MD6; MD6A; MD6B, TAMD61A; TAMD62A, TAMD71A; TAMD72A, TAMD71B; TAMD73P-A; TAMD73WJ-A, TAMD74A; TAMD74A-A; TAMD74A-B Ball
11023 Ball bearing Volvo Penta

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Requirements for the Electrical System
All of the wiring must conform to all of the codes that are applicable to the site. When you route the wiring, avoid acute bends and sharp edges. To protect the wiring harnesses, route the harnesses through metal conduit. A liquid tight conduit is recommended. Use proper support and alignment in order to avoid strain on the conduit.Electrical power must be supplied to the junction box that serves as the main distribution panel for the engine control system. The engine control system requires a clean 24 VDC power supply that is capable of supplying 30 amperes of continuous power.The maximum allowable AC ripple is 150 millivolts AC peak to peak. For the wiring, the maximum allowable voltage drop is 1 VDC from the power supply to an Electronic Control Module (ECM) or to an actuator.Grounding Practices
Proper grounding is necessary for optimum engine performance and for reliability. Improper grounding will result in electrical current paths that are uncontrolled and unreliable.Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can result in damage to main bearings, to crankshaft bearing journal surfaces, and to aluminum components. Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can also cause electrical activity that may degrade the engine electronics and communications.
Connect all metal cases that contain electrical components or electronic components to the cylinder block with an electrical ground strap.
Do not connect the negative terminal from the electrical power supply directly to the cylinder block. Connect the negative terminal from the electrical power supply to the negative terminal "−" on the power distribution box.
Ground the cylinder block with a ground strap that is furnished by the customer. Connect this ground strap to the ground plane.
Use a separate ground strap to ground the battery negative terminal for the control system to the ground plane.
Rubber couplings may connect the steel piping of the cooling system to the radiator. This causes the piping and the radiator to be electrically isolated. Ensure that the piping and the radiator are continuously grounded to the cylinder block. Use ground straps that bypass the rubber couplings.
Ensure that all grounds are secure and free of corrosion.Proper Welding Procedures
Proper welding procedures are necessary in order to avoid damage to electronic controls. Perform welding on the engine according to the following procedure.
Set the engine control to the "STOP" mode.
Turn OFF the fuel supply to the engine.
Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
Disconnect the engine's electronic components from the wiring harnesses: ECM, throttle actuator, actuator for the turbocharger compressor's bypass, fuel metering valve and sensors.
Protect the wiring harnesses from welding debris and/or from welding spatter.
Do NOT use electrical components (ECM or ECM sensors) or electronic component grounding points for grounding the welder.
Connect the welder's ground cable directly to the engine component that will be welded. Place the clamp as close as possible to the weld in order to reduce the possibility of welding current damage to the engine bearings, to the electrical components, and to other engine components.
Use standard welding procedures in order to weld the materials together.Service Tools
The tools that are listed in Table 1 are required in order to enable a service technician to perform the electrical installation procedures and the initial start-up.The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) is designed to run on a personal computer. Cat ET can display the following information:
Diagnostic codes
Event codes
Engine configuration
Status of the monitoring systemCat ET can perform the following functions:
Perform diagnostic tests.
Calibrate sensors.
Download flash files.
Set parameters.
Table 1
Service Tools    
Pt. No.    Description    Functions    
N/A     Personal Computer (PC)     The PC is required for the use of Cat ET.    
JERD2124     Software     Single user license for Cat ET
Use the most recent version of this software.    
JERD2129     Software     Data subscription for all engines    
171-4400 (1)     Communication Adapter Gp     This group provides the communication between the PC and the engine.    
7X-1414     Data Link Cable As     This cable connects the communication adapter to the service tool connector on the engine.    
237-7547     Adapter Cable As     This cable connects to the USB port on computers that are not equipped with a serial port.    
8T-8726     Adapter Cable As     This cable is for use between the jacks and the plugs of the sensors.    
151-6320     Wire Removal Tool     This tool is used for the removal of pins and sockets from Deutsch connectors and AMP connectors.    
1U-5804     Crimp Tool     This tool is used for work with CE electrical connectors.    
146-4080     Digital Multimeter     The multimeter is used for the testing and for the adjusting of electronic circuits.    
7X-1710     Multimeter Probes     The probes are used with the multimeter to measure voltage in wiring harnesses without disconnecting the harnesses.    
156-1060 or 156-1070     Emission Analyzer Tool     This tool is used to measure the level of emissions in the engine's exhaust. The 156-1060 measures the levels of four different compounds. The 156-1070 measures the levels of six different compounds. Either tool may be used.    
( 1 ) The 7X-1700 Communication Adapter Gp may also be used.Note: For more information regarding the use of Cat ET and of the PC requirements for Cat ET, refer to the documentation that accompanies your Cat ET software.Connecting the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET)
The engine's battery supplies the communication adapter with 24 VDC. Use the following procedure to connect Cat ET to the engine's control system.

Parts ball Volvo Penta:

11013 Ball bearing
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C, AQ145A; BB145A, AQ145B, AQ151A; AQ151B; AQ151C, AQ171A; AQ171C, AQ175A
Ball bearing
1660609 Ball bearing
Ball bearing
181105 Ball bearing
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ175A, AQ190A; AQ240A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ2
946703 Ball socket
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G, 4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J, 4.3GXiE-225-R, 4.3GXiE-M, 4.3GXiE-P; 4.3GXiE-Q, 430; 430A; 430B, 5.0GXi-G; 5.0GXi-GF; 5.0OSi-G, 5.0GXi-J; 5.0GXi-JF; 5.0OSi-J, 5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S, 5.0GXi
1544092 Ball bearing
AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D100A; D100AK; D100B, D100BHC; D100BRC; TD100AHC, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D
11027 Ball bearing
D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D3-110I-H; D3-140A-H; D3-140I-H, D4-180I-F; D4-225A-F; D4-225I-F, D6-300A-F; D6-300D-F; D6-300I-F, D8A1-A MP; D8A2-A MP
Ball bearing
184864 Ball bearing
D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D3-110I-H; D3-140A-H; D3-140I-H, D4-180I-F; D4-225A-F; D4-225I-F, D6-300A-F; D6-300D-F; D6-300I-F, D8A1-A MP; D8A2-A MP, IPS-A,
Ball bearing
181601 Ball bearing
AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ145A; BB145A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ290A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD21B; AQD21B, MD40A; TMD40A;
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