21040150 Big-end bearing shel Volvo.Penta
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Start By:a. remove engine and torque converterb. remove oil panc. remove real seal and wear sleeve 1. Remove two bolts (1) and remove brake pilot pump (2). 2. Remove three bolts (3) and remove housing (4). 3. Remove two bolts (5) and remove washer (6).4. Remove two nuts (7) and remove brake pilot pump drive (8). 5. Remove six bolts (9) and retainer ring (10) from adapter assembly (11). 6. Remove eight bolts (12). 7. Bend back tab and remove lock nut (13) and bearing (14). Remove adapter assembly (11). Repeat steps 5 thru 7 for opposite adapter assembly. 8. Place assembly (11) in press as shown. 9. Check and replace O-ring (15) if necessary and remove bearing (16). 10. Exploded view of drive assembly: bearing (17), housing (11), spacer (18), bearing (19) and gear (20). 11. Disconnect three lines (21) and (22), two lines on left side and one line on right side (not shown), and disconnect flywheel sensor. 12. Remove two bolts and washers (23). 13. Remove seal (24) with tool (B). 14. Remove ring (25) using tool (C) and (D). 15. Use two people to remove gear (26). Remove bolt and install tool (A) and remove shaft (28) holding gear (26). Gear (26) is removed for access to a bolt holding housing to engine. 16. Check and replace if necessary O-ring (27) on shaft (28). 17. Exploded view of all parts of gear (26), bearing (29), (31) and spacer (30). Performed the same steps to remove gear on opposite side. 18. Attach hoist to suitable lifting device, remove bolt (32), (33) and remove housing. 19. Place one bolt back in place for support, use bars and remove gear (34). 20. Remove bearing (35) from gear (34). 21. Use two people to remove gear (36). Remove bolt and attach tool (A) and remove shaft (37). 22. Exploded view of all parts of gear (36), shaft (37), bearing (38), spacer (39) and bearing (40). 23. Use two people to remove gear (41). Remove bolts and attach tool (A) and remove shaft (42). 24. Exploded view of all parts of gear (41), shaft (42), bearing (43), spacer (44) and bearing (45). The following steps are for the installation. The front face of the flywheel housing and rear face of block must be free of oil, fuel, water, dirt, assembly compounds and other contaminants during assembly. With an authorized applicator apply a continuous film of liquid sealant to entire joint face. 1. Bolts number (17) and (21) must be installed and tightened before the brake pilot pump and gear can be installed. Bolts holding housing to block must be tighten in sequence.2. Install bolts that holds housing to block.3. Tighten bolts one thru twenty-one in numerical sequence to the torque of 40 7 N m (30 5 lb ft).4. Retorque bolts one thru eight in numerical sequence to the torque of 135 15 N m (100 11 lb ft).5. Retorque bolts nine thru twenty-one in numerical sequence to the torque of 55 7 N m (41 5 lb ft).6. Use 6V1541 Quick Cure Primer to clean the outside diameter of the crankshaft gear flange and the inside diameter of wear sleeve. 7. Install tooling (A) on the rear of the crankshaft gear.8. Put 9S3265 Retaining Compound on the outside diameter of the crankshaft gear flange and the inside diameter of the wear sleeve.9. Put wear sleeve (2) and seal (1) in position on tooling (A). Make sure the lip of the seal is toward the crankshaft gear. 10. Put clean engine oil on the contact surfaces of the installer and nut. Install tooling (B) on tooling (A) and tighten the nut to push the wear sleeve and seal into position.11. Remove tooling and check the wear sleeve and seal for correct installation. Install all gears, drives, and housings in the reverse order.
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