21274468 Volvo.Penta Bracket

21274468 Bracket Volvo.Penta TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE, TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1363VE Bracket
21274468 Bracket Volvo Penta

Buy Bracket 21274468 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 12

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE; TAD1343VE; TAD1344VE; TAD1345VE; TAD1360VE; TAD1361VE; TAD1362VE; TAD1363VE; TAD1364VE; TAD1365VE; TAD1360-


Table 1
Cross-reference for System Response to an Event Warning Category Indicators (1) and (3)
Warning Category Indicator System Response Shown on Cat ET Description of the System Response
(1) "Least Severe" Warning
(2) "Moderate Severe" Impending Shutdown
(3) "Most Severe" Shutdown Note: All severity levels may not be supported for a monitored parameters.Use the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to perform the following activities:
Select the available responses.
Program the level for monitoring.
Program delay times for each response.The default settings for the parameters are programmed at the factory. To accommodate unique applications and sites, the parameters may be reprogrammed with Cat ET. The screens of Cat ET provide guidance for the changing of trip points.Note: Some of the parameters are protected by factory passwords. Other parameters can be changed with customer passwords.Changing the Settings of the Monitoring System
Use the following procedure to change settings of the parameters:
Use Cat ET and select the "Monitoring System" screen.
Highlight the desired parameter. Then click the "Change" button in the lower left corner of the screen.The "Change Monitor System" screen will appear.
Change the "State" to "On" or "Off".
Set the "Trip Point" and the "Delay Time" according to the "Allowed Values" in the lower half of the screen.
Click the "OK" button.If a password is required, the "Enter Passwords" screen will appear. Enter the correct passwords and then click the "OK" button.The new settings will be effective immediately.Note: Factory passwords are only available to service technicians from an authorized Caterpillar Dealership. Customers of Caterpillar do not have access to the Caterpillar Factory Password System (FPS).Default Settings of the Monitoring System
The default settings for the parameters are programmed at the factory. To accommodate unique applications and sites, the parameters may be reprogrammed with Cat ET. The screens of Cat ET provide guidance for changing trip points.Separate timers are used in the ECM for each response that is associated with a parameter. If a trip point is exceeded, the timer for that event is started.For example, the warning for "High Engine Coolant Temperature" can be set to 95° C with a five second delay. The timer starts counting if the coolant temperature exceeds 95° C. If the temperature is not reduced to less than 95° C within five seconds, the event becomes active and the event is logged.Conditions for Parameters
Some of the programmable parameters depend on the status of an ECM output before the parameters are allowed to function. Some of the parameters are allowed to function after the crank terminate relay has been energized for more than 30 seconds. Other parameters are allowed to function after the output for the fuel control relay is energized. Some parameters are not dependent upon any conditions.The conditions are designed to eliminate false events during start-up if the customer has programmed a delay time to zero.Use care when you program the trip points and the delay times. Ensure that the response of the ECM is correct for the application. The monitoring system will accept any settings within the ranges.If the trip point for a shutdown is programmed to activate before the trip point for a warning, the engine will shutdown and the warning will not be activated.
Table 2
Programmable Monitoring System Settings for the G3516H and G3520H
Description Event Code System Response Default State Default Trip Point Default Delay in Seconds Security Level
Password Range of the Trip Point Range of the Delay in Seconds
"High Engine Coolant Temperature" 110-15
Engine Coolant Temperature : High - least severe (1) Least Severe (1)
Warning On 106°C 20 2 80°C
115°C 1 to 60
"High Engine Coolant Temperature" 110-0
Engine Coolant Temperature : High - most severe (3) Most Severe (3)
Shutdown Always
On 111°C 20 2 80°C
115°C 1 to 60
"Low Engine Coolant Temperature" 110-17
Engine Coolant Temperature : Low - least severe (1) Least Severe (1)
Warning On 60°C 20 2 5°C
80°C 1 to 60
"High Engine Coolant Inlet Pressure" 109-15
Engine Coolant Pressure High - least severe (1) Least Severe (1)
Warning On 325 KPa 10 2 200 KPa
369 KPa 1 to 60
"High Engine Coolant Inlet Pressure" 109-0
Engine Coolant Pressure High - most severe (3) Most Severe (3)
Shutdown Always
On 379 KPa 10 2 200 KPa
379 KPa 1 to 60
"Low Engine Coolant Inlet Pressure" 109-17
Engine Coolant Pressure Low - least severe (3) Least Severe (1)
Warning On MAP 10 2 MAP 1 to 60
"Low Engine Coolant Inlet Pressure" 109-1
Engine Coolant Pressure Low - most severe (3) Most Severe (3)
Shutdown Always
On MAP 10 2 MAP 1 to 60
"High Eng Oil to Eng Coolant Differential Temp" 4243-15
Engine Oil to Engine Coolant Differential Temperature : High - Least Severe (1) Least Severe (1)
Warning On 12°C 20 2 0°C
15°C 1 to 60
"High Eng Oil to Eng Coolant Differential Temp" 4243-0
Engine Oil to Engine Coolant Differential Temperature : High - Most Severe (3) Most Severe (3)
Shutdown Always

Parts bracket Volvo Penta:

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1372, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE, TAD1341GE; TAD1342GE; TAD1343GE, TAD1350VE, TAD1351VE; TAD1352VE; TAD1353VE, TAD1352VE, TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1363VE, TAD1371VE; TAD
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1372, TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE, TAD1351VE; TAD1352VE; TAD1353VE, TAD1352VE, TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1363VE, TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE
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TAD1140VE; TAD1141VE; TAD1142VE, TAD1150VE; TAD1151VE; TAD1152VE, TAD1170VE; TAD1171VE; TAD1172VE, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE, TAD1350VE, TAD1360VE, TAD1361VE, TAD1363VE, TAD1630P; TWD1630P; TWD1630PP, TAD1630V; T
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