3819604 Volvo.Penta Bracket

3819604 Bracket Volvo.Penta D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH Bracket

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D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH; D12D-E MH; D12D-G MH; D12C-A MP; D12D-A MP; D12D-B MP; D12D-C MP; D12D-D MP; D12D-E MP; D12D-F MP; D12D-G M


AIR CLEANER SERVICE INDICATORExcessive engine exhaust smoke and/or loss of power may indicate the need for servicing the air cleaner. Never service the air cleaner while the engine is running.Single Stage Air Cleaner
Changing Filter Element
Service the air cleaner with the engine stopped.
1. Remove the air cleaner cover and element. 2. Cover the air inlet opening to prevent foreign objects from entering the engine.3. Clean the inside of the air cleaner cover and the air cleaner body. 4. Inspect the replacement element for damage and cleanliness. Have a replacement element on hand to install and use while cleaning the dirty element. This will save you down time.5. Remove the covering from the air inlet opening.6. Install the element.
Install the air cleaner element as shown in the illustration. Note the arrows indicating air flow on the side of the element, and the position of the gasket.
7. Install the air cleaner cover.8. Reset the service indicator button by pushing on the reset button.9. Clean the used air cleaner element. See the instructions for cleaning. Cleaning Filter Elements
Cleaning Elements With Air
1. Use clean, dry air-30 PSI (2 kg/cm2) maximum. Hold the nozzle at least one inch from the element and at a slight angle.
When using pressure air, wear safety glasses and protective clothing. Use no more than 30 PSI (2 kg/cm2) pressure.
2. Direct the air stream along the complete length of each pleat on the CLEANEST side of the element. (This will loosen the dirt from the dirtier side.)3. Blow the loosened dirt from the DIRTY side.4. Direct the air from the CLEAN side through to the DIRTY side to remove dirt blown into the pleating.Cleaning Elements With Water
1. Use clean water at no more than 40 psi (3 kg/cm2). Do not use a nozzle.2. Direct the water along the complete length of each pleat on the CLEAN side of the element.3. Direct water along the complete length of each pleat on the DIRTY side of the element.4. Rinse the CLEAN side of the element.5. Allow the cleaned element to dry thoroughly.Cleaning Elements With Detergent
1. Wash both sides of the element in a solution of warm water and non-sudsing detergent.2. Rinse the CLEANEST side of the element with clean water 40 psi (3 kg/cm2) maximum along with the complete length of each pleat.3. Rinse the opposite side of the element along the complete length of each pleat.4. Rinse the first side again to remove all loosened dirt.5. Allow the cleaned element to dry thoroughly.Inspecting Cleaned Elements
Place a lighted electric bulb behind the cleaned, dried filter element. Carefully check each pleat for holes or tears. If just one small hole or tear is found, discard that element and install a new element.Storing Cleaned Elements
1. Wrap usable elements in heavy paper.2. Store the wrapped element in a dry, clean place.Dust Collector Cap
Servicing Dust Collector Cap
1. Remove the cap from the air cleaner inlet.2. Clean the bottom grill using pressure air (maximum 30 psi-2.0 kg/cm2), or low sudsing detergent and water. Install the cap.
Protective eye glasses must be worn when using pressure air.
Soot Filters
Soot filters are used to remove soot and other large airborne particles from the air intake system. The panel-type soot filter is made of a bonded fiber, structually supported with scrim netting.Soot filters are recommended for use in any application where there is a possibility for exhaust air to be induced into the engine air intake system.The soot filters should not be cleaned. Replace the filter whenever the air cleaner elements are serviced.Valve Adjustments
There are two rocker arms per cylinder, one rocker arm for the two exhaust valves and one rocker arm for the two inlet valves. Each pair of valves is connected by a bridge which is actuated by the rocker arm. The valves in each pair are adjusted simultaneously by the adjusting screw in the rocker arm.Check the bridge and valve adjustment with the engine stopped. Clean the dirt from the base of the valve covers and then remove covers. Remove the plug from the timing hole, timing bolt and access cover. Rotate the flywheel in the direction of engine rotation until the timing bolt can be installed in the flywheel and the No. 1 piston is on compression stroke.
TIMING BOLT LOCATION The flywheel can be rotated with an engine turning tool (9S9082). Remove the access cover and install the engine turning tool in the access hole so it engages the flywheel ring gear. Turn with a ratchet handle.
INSTALLING ENGINE TURNING TOOLBoth the inlet and exhaust valves will be closed on compression stroke. First check the

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