841107 Camshaft Volvo.Penta
571A, AQ290A, AQ311A; AQ311B
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February 16, 2004
1901 PI30613
This Program must be administered assoon as possible. When reporting the repair, use "PI30613" as the Partnumber and "7751" as the Group Number, "56" as the Warranty Claim DescriptionCode and "T" as the SIMS Description Code. Exception: If the repair isdone after failure, use "PI30613" as the Part Number, "7751" as the GroupNumber, "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code, and "Z" as the SIMSDescription Code. The information supplied in this serviceletter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Donot perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the terminationdate without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst.
August 31, 2004 February 28, 2005PROBLEM
Certain C-12 On-Highway Truck Engines manufacturedin October 2002 need to be relabeled. These 455/505 HP engines requirea new emissions label to meet the Environmental Protection Agency?s regulations.AFFECTED PRODUCT
Model Identification Number
C-12 MBL1106, 1170, 2296, 2420, 2472, 2489, 2897, 2998, 3098, 3255, 3258, 3302,3391, 3456, 3472, 3543, 3565, 3586, 3657, 3659, 3662, 3663, 3666, 3668,3812, 3832, 3947, 3970, 4003, 4007, 4126, 4189, 4199, 4246, 4247, 4340,4353, 4403, 4413, 4475, 4495, 4500, 4543, 4575, 4592, 4662, 4716, 4728,4782, 4800, 4824, 4937, 4949, 4955, 4959, 4987, 4999, 5121, 5191, 5228,5271, 5319, 5334, 5336, 5357, 5417, 5432, 5505, 5515, 5525, 5568, 5626,5642, 5660, 5695, 5709, 5711, 5712, 5740, 5744, 5752, 5864, 5875, 5934,5958, 5968, 5984, 6040, 6047, 6080, 6184, 6200, 6247, 6261, 6262, 6267,6782, 6799, 6818, 6823, 6894, 6968, 7056, 7089, 7102, 7167, 7274, 7303,7310, 7547, 7572, 7610, 7617, 7647, 7938, 7946, 7956, 7959, 7967, 8345,8367, 8568, 8712, 8732, 8740, 8751, 8752, 8753, 8759, 8778, 8781, 8782,8794, 8795, 8798, 8806, 8815, 8820, 8829, 8830, 8837, 9115, 9119, 9190,9202, 9223, 9235, 9321, 9452, 9488, 9489, 9490, 9605, 9631, 9633, 9638,9640, 9681, 9684, 9698, 9721, 9758, 9784, 9832, 9837, 9848, 9849, 9872,9915, 9916, 9921, 9927, 9942, 9943, 9944, 9948, 9949, 10242, 10289, 10524,10756, 11205, 11206, 11279, 11280, 11281, 11338, 11364, 11365, 11366, 11456,11457, 11458, 11472, 11473, 11474, 11484, 11516, 11517, 11518, 11519, 11520,11534, 11535, 11537, 11538, 11539, 11571, 11572, 11573, 11574, 11575, 11576,11595, 11669, 11699, 11701, 11746, 11767, 11773, 11775, 11780, 11785, 11786,11787, 11788, 11789, 11823, 11824, 11825, 11990, 12255, 12327, 12362, 12461,12471, 12501, 12776, 12915, 12916, 12924, 12925, 12934, 12981, 12984, 13048,13162, 13348, 13349, 13350, 13351, 13352, 13353, 13383, 13384, 13385, 13424,13449, 13450, 13526, 13620, 13621, 13699, 13716, 13739, 13740, 13808, 13810,13857, 13858, 13879PARTS NEEDED
No parts needed.ACTION REQUIRED
Apply the label to the valve cover of the engineor a flat piece of the engine close to the original label where it caneasily be viewed.OWNER NOTIFICATION
U.S. and Canadian owners will receive the attachedOwner Notification.SERVICE CLAIM ALLOWANCES
Caterpillar Dealer Suggested Customer Suggested
Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs.
100% 0 0 0 0 0
This is a 0-hour job. U.S. and Canadian Dealers Only - Eligibledealers may enter a Type 2 SIMS ReportPARTS DISPOSITION
Handle the parts in accordance with your WarrantyBulletin on warranty parts handling.MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO COMPLETE THIS PROGRAMAS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Attach. (1-Owner Notification)COPY OF OWNER NOTIFICATION FOR U.S. AND CANADIAN OWNERS
XYZ Corporation
3240 Arrow Drive
Anywhere, YZ 99999Dear Caterpillar Product Owner:The 2002 C12 On-Highway Truck Engine listedbelow requires an additional label to meet the Environmental ProtectionAgency's Regulations. Apply the film to the valve cover of the engine ora flat piece of the engine close to the original film where it can be easilyviewed.__ If you no longer own the truck engine(s)listed below, please return this letter and the replacement label(s), andfill in as much information as possible about the Purchaser or Dealer inthe space provided.New Owner or Dealer:________________________________
Address ________________________________
__________________________________ NO REPLY IS NEEDED if you have the truck engineand apply the new label.We regret the inconvenience this may causeyou, but urge you to have this service performed as soon as possible toprevent unscheduled downtime.Caterpillar Inc.
Identification #(s)Attached to February 16, 2004 Service Letter
1901 PI30613
This Program must be administered assoon as possible. When reporting the repair, use "PI30613" as the Partnumber and "7751" as the Group Number, "56" as the Warranty Claim DescriptionCode and "T" as the SIMS Description Code. Exception: If the repair isdone after failure, use "PI30613" as the Part Number, "7751" as the GroupNumber, "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code, and "Z" as the SIMSDescription Code. The information supplied in this serviceletter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Donot perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the terminationdate without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst.
August 31, 2004 February 28, 2005PROBLEM
Certain C-12 On-Highway Truck Engines manufacturedin October 2002 need to be relabeled. These 455/505 HP engines requirea new emissions label to meet the Environmental Protection Agency?s regulations.AFFECTED PRODUCT
Model Identification Number
C-12 MBL1106, 1170, 2296, 2420, 2472, 2489, 2897, 2998, 3098, 3255, 3258, 3302,3391, 3456, 3472, 3543, 3565, 3586, 3657, 3659, 3662, 3663, 3666, 3668,3812, 3832, 3947, 3970, 4003, 4007, 4126, 4189, 4199, 4246, 4247, 4340,4353, 4403, 4413, 4475, 4495, 4500, 4543, 4575, 4592, 4662, 4716, 4728,4782, 4800, 4824, 4937, 4949, 4955, 4959, 4987, 4999, 5121, 5191, 5228,5271, 5319, 5334, 5336, 5357, 5417, 5432, 5505, 5515, 5525, 5568, 5626,5642, 5660, 5695, 5709, 5711, 5712, 5740, 5744, 5752, 5864, 5875, 5934,5958, 5968, 5984, 6040, 6047, 6080, 6184, 6200, 6247, 6261, 6262, 6267,6782, 6799, 6818, 6823, 6894, 6968, 7056, 7089, 7102, 7167, 7274, 7303,7310, 7547, 7572, 7610, 7617, 7647, 7938, 7946, 7956, 7959, 7967, 8345,8367, 8568, 8712, 8732, 8740, 8751, 8752, 8753, 8759, 8778, 8781, 8782,8794, 8795, 8798, 8806, 8815, 8820, 8829, 8830, 8837, 9115, 9119, 9190,9202, 9223, 9235, 9321, 9452, 9488, 9489, 9490, 9605, 9631, 9633, 9638,9640, 9681, 9684, 9698, 9721, 9758, 9784, 9832, 9837, 9848, 9849, 9872,9915, 9916, 9921, 9927, 9942, 9943, 9944, 9948, 9949, 10242, 10289, 10524,10756, 11205, 11206, 11279, 11280, 11281, 11338, 11364, 11365, 11366, 11456,11457, 11458, 11472, 11473, 11474, 11484, 11516, 11517, 11518, 11519, 11520,11534, 11535, 11537, 11538, 11539, 11571, 11572, 11573, 11574, 11575, 11576,11595, 11669, 11699, 11701, 11746, 11767, 11773, 11775, 11780, 11785, 11786,11787, 11788, 11789, 11823, 11824, 11825, 11990, 12255, 12327, 12362, 12461,12471, 12501, 12776, 12915, 12916, 12924, 12925, 12934, 12981, 12984, 13048,13162, 13348, 13349, 13350, 13351, 13352, 13353, 13383, 13384, 13385, 13424,13449, 13450, 13526, 13620, 13621, 13699, 13716, 13739, 13740, 13808, 13810,13857, 13858, 13879PARTS NEEDED
No parts needed.ACTION REQUIRED
Apply the label to the valve cover of the engineor a flat piece of the engine close to the original label where it caneasily be viewed.OWNER NOTIFICATION
U.S. and Canadian owners will receive the attachedOwner Notification.SERVICE CLAIM ALLOWANCES
Caterpillar Dealer Suggested Customer Suggested
Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs. Parts Labor Hrs.
100% 0 0 0 0 0
This is a 0-hour job. U.S. and Canadian Dealers Only - Eligibledealers may enter a Type 2 SIMS ReportPARTS DISPOSITION
Handle the parts in accordance with your WarrantyBulletin on warranty parts handling.MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO COMPLETE THIS PROGRAMAS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Attach. (1-Owner Notification)COPY OF OWNER NOTIFICATION FOR U.S. AND CANADIAN OWNERS
XYZ Corporation
3240 Arrow Drive
Anywhere, YZ 99999Dear Caterpillar Product Owner:The 2002 C12 On-Highway Truck Engine listedbelow requires an additional label to meet the Environmental ProtectionAgency's Regulations. Apply the film to the valve cover of the engine ora flat piece of the engine close to the original film where it can be easilyviewed.__ If you no longer own the truck engine(s)listed below, please return this letter and the replacement label(s), andfill in as much information as possible about the Purchaser or Dealer inthe space provided.New Owner or Dealer:________________________________
Address ________________________________
__________________________________ NO REPLY IS NEEDED if you have the truck engineand apply the new label.We regret the inconvenience this may causeyou, but urge you to have this service performed as soon as possible toprevent unscheduled downtime.Caterpillar Inc.
Identification #(s)Attached to February 16, 2004 Service Letter
Parts camshaft Volvo Penta:
841423 Camshaft bearing
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, AQ175A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A
841424 Camshaft bearing
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, AQ175A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A
841422 Camshaft bearing
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, AQ175A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A
856070 Camshaft chain
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ311A; AQ311B, BB231A; BB261A
835465 Camshaft
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, BB231A; BB261A