7742050_154 Volvo.Penta chemicals

7742050_154 chemicals Volvo.Penta TD30A; TD31ACE; TD40A chemicals
7742050_154 chemicals Volvo Penta

Buy chemicals 7742050_154 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 14

Compatible models:

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

TD30A; TD31ACE; TD40A; TD45B; D45A


Table 1
Required Tools
Part Number Part Name Qty
150-3993 Timing Pin (1) 1
(1) 150-3993 Timing Pin is for Lucas and Stanadyne fuel injection pumps.The timing position that was set at the factory is used to set the engine at the top center position for the No. 1 cylinder on the compression stroke before the fuel injection pump is removed.
Illustration 1 g00309804
Fuel injection pump with timing pin (typical example)
(1) Timing pin
(3) Hub nut
(4) Hole in the body of the fuel injection pump for the timing pin
(6) Hub slot
Illustration 2 g00309806
Timing gear and hub of the fuel injection pump (Lucas and Stanadyne)
(1) Timing pin
(2) Torx screws
(3) Hub nut
(4) Hole in the body of the fuel injection pump for the timing pin
(5) Slot in the timing gear for the timing pin
(6) Hub slot Note: Do not remove hub nut (3) from the shaft of the fuel injection pump. The hub of the fuel injection pump is installed on the shaft of the fuel injection pump at the factory in order to ensure that the fuel injection pump is in the correct position for timing. If the hub is removed, the hub will need to be accurately installed on the shaft of the fuel injection pump by the use of special equipment. Refer to your Caterpillar Dealer for repairs to the fuel injection pump.Note: Do not loosen torx screws (2). If the torx screws are loosened and the timing plate is moved, the timing position that is set at the factory will be lost. If the torx screws are loosened, the engine must be set to the top center position of the No. 1 cylinder on the compression stroke before the torx screws are tightened.
Remove the water pump. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly Module, "Water Pump - Remove" topic.
Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly Module, "Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install" topic.
Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until the inlet valve for the No. 1 cylinder closes.
Slowly rotate the crankshaft until the slot in fuel injection pump gear (5) and hub slot (6) are aligned with the hole in the body of fuel injection pump (4). Note: The position of the slot in the fuel injection pump gear, the hub slot and the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump are on the bottom of the fuel injection pump. The slot in the fuel injection pump gear is for inserting the timing pin. The position of the slot is for the Lucas fuel injection pump and the Stanadyne fuel injection pump.
Insert timing pin (1) through the slot in the fuel injection pump gear and through the hub slot into the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump. When the timing pin is inserted all the way, the engine is at the top center position of the No. 1 cylinder on the compression stroke. No resistance should be felt when the timing pin is inserted into the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump (4). The timing pin should be inserted all the way into the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump.
Illustration 3 g00309904
Timing marks on the front gear group
(1) Fuel injection pump gear
(2) Camshaft gear
(3) Crankshaft gear Note: Do not rotate the crankshaft while the fuel injection pump is removed from the engine. Damage to the front housing can occur. If the crankshaft needs to be rotated, the fuel injection pump must be installed and the fasteners for the fuel injection pump gear must be tightened.Note: After the fuel injection pump has been removed, remove the front cover. The timing marks on the face of the timing gears must be aligned. Aligning the timing marks on all of the gears will approximately set the top center position of the No. 1 cylinder on the compression stroke. Then, the timing pin can be inserted into the hole in the body of the fuel injection pump.Set The Top Center Position By The Alternate Method
Table 2
Required Tools
Part Number Part Name Qty
150-3993 Timing Pin (1) 1
(1) 150-3993 Timing Pin is for Lucas and Stanadyne fuel injection pumps.
Illustration 4 g00309726
Setting the No. 1 piston to the top center position on the compression stroke
(1) Temporary pointer
(2) Dial indicator
Fasten a temporary pointer (1) to the front cover. Put the tip of the pointer close to the edge of the vibration damper on the crankshaft or close to the edge of the pulley.
Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly Module, "Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install" topic.
Rotate the crankshaft clockwise when you face the front of the engine. Rotate the crankshaft until the pushrod for the inlet valve of the No. 4 cylinder begins to tighten. Note: Be careful when you rotate the crankshaft. The inlet valve of the No. 1 cylinder will be held in position on top of the piston. If the crankshaft is not positioned properly, the valve may fall from the cylinder head.
Rotate the crankshaft further by 1/4 of a turn in a clockwise direction. Insert a suitable lever between the rocker arm and the valve spring retainer of the No. 1 inlet valve. Open the inlet valve. Put a spacer that is approximately 5 mm (0.2 inch) thick between the valve stem and the rocker arm.
Slowly rotate the crankshaft in a counterclockwise direction until the piston makes contact with the open valve. Make a temporary mark on the vibration damper or the pulley in order to accurately align the tip of the pointer with the mark on the vibration damper or the pulley.
Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction by one or two degrees. Remove the spacer that is between the valve stem and the rocker arm. Rotate the crankshaft by 1/4 of a turn in a counterclockwise direction. Put a spacer that is approximately 5 mm (0.2 inch) thick between the valve stem and the rocker arm.
Slowly rotate the crankshaft clockwise until the piston makes contact with the open valve. Make another temporary mark on the vibration

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