802723 Volvo.Penta Companion flange

802723 Companion flange Volvo.Penta AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, MB10A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD5A; MD5B; MD5C, MD6; MD6A; MD6B Companion
802723 Companion flange Volvo Penta

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31.3100[14.09] pounds
Transit Auto Front Rear Suspension Strut Shock & TOR sway Bar Link Kit (8Pc) Replacement For Hyundai Tucson Kia Sportage - Left Right Side (Driver Passenger) KSS-107930
Transit Auto Replacement for: 2011-2013 Kia Sportage (FWD and with Naturally Aspirated); 2010-2013 Hyundai Tucson (FWD) || Precision engineered suspension strut with G-Force technology for the ultimate in safety and performance || TOR exclusive USA-engineered powdered metal gusher bearing design enables grease to flow through the bearing to the stud for reduced friction and enhanced strength and stability || Manufactured with ISO 5725 precision and designed for a direct fit to restore factory ride height || Premium cover plate design allows for tighter tolerances vs traditional cover plate designs, providing a more durable and extended life for the link kit || Superior rubber-to-steel bonding, plated steel for longer wear || TOR engineered steel composition results in a stronger component. Our full-ball metal stud provides 36 degrees of smooth, consistent, rotational movement resulting in more responsive steering || Kit Includes: 2x Front TMC Suspension Strut (Both Side) + 2x Front TOR Suspension Stabilizer Bar Link Kit (Both Side) + 2x Rear TMC Shock Absorber (Both Side) + 2x Rear TOR Suspension Stabilizer Bar Link Kit (Both Side) || Kit Variations: KSS-107961 || Part Reference Numbers : 333452L 334978 339403 802723 72723 333452R 334977 339402 802722 72722 537-140 GS90873 MS90873 K750524 1890873 2653193 TK750524 346088 346256 344657 349243 37343 259920 SL60775 MS90869 K750603 2653209 TK750603

26.8963[12.10] pounds
TMC Front Rear Suspension Struts And Shock Absorbers Kit Replacement For Kia Sportage Hyundai Tucson - Left Right Side (Driver Passenger) K78-100992
TMC Replacement for: [Front and Rear] 2011-2016 Kia Sportage (AWD and with Naturally Aspirated), 2010-2013 Hyundai Tucson (AWD) || Precision engineered suspension strut with G-Force technology for the ultimate in safety and performance || Manufactured with ISO 5725 precision and designed for a direct fit to restore factory ride height || Superior rubber-to-steel bonding, plated steel for longer wear || SAE-Grade nuts and bolts || Best to replace both sides for best results || Part Reference Numbers : 333452L 334978 339403 802723 72723 || Part Reference Numbers : 333452R 334977 339402 802722 72722 || Kit Includes: 2x Front Suspension Strut (Both Side) + 2x Rear Shock Absorber (Both Side) || Part Reference Numbers : 333452L 334978 339403 802723 72723 333452R 334977 339402 802722 72722 346249 G64216 344658 349187 37341 259910

31.3100[14.09] pounds
Transit Auto Front Rear Suspension Strut Shock & TOR sway Bar Link Kit (8Pc) Replacement For Kia Sportage Hyundai Tucson - Left Right Side (Driver Passenger) KSS-107932
Transit Auto Replacement for: 2014-2016 Kia Sportage (FWD and with Naturally Aspirated); 2014-2015 Hyundai Tucson (FWD) || Precision engineered suspension strut with G-Force technology for the ultimate in safety and performance || TOR exclusive USA-engineered powdered metal gusher bearing design enables grease to flow through the bearing to the stud for reduced friction and enhanced strength and stability || Manufactured with ISO 5725 precision and designed for a direct fit to restore factory ride height || Premium cover plate design allows for tighter tolerances vs traditional cover plate designs, providing a more durable and extended life for the link kit || Superior rubber-to-steel bonding, plated steel for longer wear || TOR engineered steel composition results in a stronger component. Our full-ball metal stud provides 36 degrees of smooth, consistent, rotational movement resulting in more responsive steering || Kit Includes: 2x Front TMC Suspension Strut (Both Side) + 2x Front TOR Suspension Stabilizer Bar Link Kit (Both Side) + 2x Rear TMC Shock Absorber (Both Side) + 2x Rear TOR Suspension Stabilizer Bar Link Kit (Both Side) || Kit Variations: KSS-107963 || Part Reference Numbers : 333452L 334978 339403 802723 72723 333452R 334977 339402 802722 72722 SL60315 GS90874 MS90874 K750523 2653190 TK750523 346088 346256 344657 349243 37343 259920 SL60775 MS90869 K750603 2653209 TK750603
Number on catalog scheme: 79

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130; AQ130A; AQ130B; AQ130C; AQ130D; AQ165A; AQ170A; AQ170B; AQ170C; AQD21A; BB115A; BB115B; BB115C; BB165A; BB170A; BB170B; BB1
MD11; MD11C; MD11D; MD17; MD17C; MD17D
MD6; MD6A; MD6B; MD7; MD7A; MD7B


Table 1
Diagnostic Trouble Codes    
CDL Code    J1939 Code    Description    Comments    
E1026 (1)     3474-14     Aftertreatment #1 Loss of Combustion     The Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) has stopped generating heat at least four times during an active high speed regeneration.
Associated codes may indicate the system that caused the loss of combustion to occur.
The code must be cleared with the "Reset All" button on the active diagnostics screen in Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). If an active regeneration is initiated with the operator forced regeneration switch, the Engine Control Module (ECM) clears this code automatically.    
E1026 (2)     3474-31     Aftertreatment #1 Loss of Combustion     The ARD has stopped generating heat at least four times during an active regeneration.
Associated codes may indicate the system that caused the loss of combustion to occur.
The code must be cleared with the "Reset All" button on the active diagnostics screen in Cat ET. If an active regeneration is initiated with the operator forced regeneration switch, the ECM clears this code automatically.    
Follow the troubleshooting procedure in order to identify the root cause of the problem.    System OperationThe combustion air system routes pressurized air from the outlet of the turbocharger compressor to the ARD. The combustion air is mixed with fuel inside the ARD. The air/fuel mixture is ignited and the air/fuel mixture is burned in order to provide heat for the diesel particulate filter.Illustration 3 and Illustration 3 show the location of the components for the combustion air system.
Illustration 1 g03777948
Typical combustion air system (1) Outlet for the combustion air to ARD combustion head
Illustration 2 g03777954
Overview for the ARD combustion head (2) Flame detection temperature sensor (3) Electrical connection for the ARD nozzle heater (4) ARD pilot filter connector (5) ARD main filter connector (6) ARD combustion head (7) ARD spark plug (8) Inlet for the combustion air
Illustration 3 g03777960
CEM (typical) (9) Combustion air valve (10) Inlet for the combustion air valve (11) Combustion air valve controller (12) Combustion air absolute pressure sensor (13) Control group for the combustion air (14) Piping for the combustion air (15) ARD combustion head (16) Inlet for the combustion air to the ARD combustion headThe ECM receives the signal from the combustion air pressure sensor. The ECM uses the signal to determine the amount of combustion air that is flowing to the ARD combustion head.The ECM creates a pulse width modulated signal that specifies the amount of combustion air that is desired. The ECM sends the signal to the control group.The actuator for the combustion air receives the PWM signal from the ECM. The actuator for the combustion air moves a spool in the air pressure control valve. The combustion air valve regulates the combustion air to the ARD head.
Table 2
Associated Diagnostic Trouble Codes    
CDL Code     J1939 Code    
2489-7     3487-7    
2489-13     3487-13    
E1050     3480-15 or -16    
E1052     3480-17 or -18    
E1051     4077-15 or -16    
E1053     4077-17 or -18    
E1045     102-18    
E1070     3556-7    
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps    Values    Results    
1. Check for Associated Diagnostic Trouble Codes
A. Establish communication between Cat® ET and the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
B. Download the "Warranty Report" from the engine ECM before performing any troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble codes.
C. If troubleshooting a 1026 or a 3474 code, access the Aftertreatment Regeneration History in Cat ET. Click on the information tab, then click History, and then click Aftertreatment Regeneration History. If there were three successful regenerations since the code was logged, do not troubleshoot this code. Clear the code and return the unit to service.
Table 2 lists the diagnostic trouble codes that are associated with a E1026 code. Determine if any of the codes in Table 2 are present.
Diagnostic Code
Result: An associated diagnostic trouble code is not present.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: An associated diagnostic trouble code is present.
Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Trouble Codes" in order to troubleshoot the associated diagnostic code.
2. Check the Current Flow Through the Heater
A. Verify that the engine is off. Check the current flow through the heater. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "ARD Nozzle Heater - Test" for the correct procedure.
Between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V System. Or, Between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V System
The current flow is between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, the current flow is between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system.
Result: The current flow is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: The current flow is not between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, the current flow is not between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system.
Repair: There may be a problem with the ARD nozzle. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Nozzle - Test".
3. Perform the "ARD Air System Service Test"
A. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Use Cat ET to perform an "ARD Air System Service Test" in order to verify that the problem is resolved. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Combustion Air - Test".
ARD Air System Service Test
Result: The "ARD Air System Service Test" failed.

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