841890 Volvo.Penta Contact

841890 Contact Volvo.Penta 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 740A; BB740A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, BB231A; BB261A Contact

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4.0[1.80] Pounds
-: -
Two Snow Blower Paddles, Fits Toro 16" Power Lite, 16" Powerlite, 38170, 38171
Qty 2: Snow Blower Paddle || Clearing Width: 16" || Snow Blower Type: Single Stage - Gas Powered || Replaces: 117-7700, 117-7700-A, 780-324, 780-324-A, 80-0660, 80-0660-A, 84-1890, 84-1890-A, 84-1980, || Fits Toro Models: 16" Power Lite, 16" Powerlite, 38170, 38171, 38172, 38173, 38175, 38176

4.0[1.80] Pounds
-: -
(2) Two Snow Blower Paddles, Fits Toro 16" Power Lite, 16" Powerlite, 38170, 38171
Qty 2: Snow Blower Paddle || Clearing Width: 16" || Snow Blower Type: Single Stage - Gas Powered || Replaces: 117-7700, 117-7700-A, 780-324, 780-324-A, 80-0660, 80-0660-A, 84-1890, 84-1890-A, 84-1980, || Fits Toro Models: 16" Power Lite, 16" Powerlite, 38170, 38171, 38172, 38173, 38175, 38176


-: -
Poseidon Marine Temperature Sender Compatible/Replacement for RO : 872066 841890 18-7647
Reference to VP : 872066 841890, Sierra: 18-7647 || 3.0GLP-A 3.0GLP-B 3.0GLM-A 3.0GLM-B 3.0GSP-A 3.0GSP-B 3.0GSP-C 3.0GSM-A 3.0GSM-B 3.0GSM-C 3.0GLM-C 3.0GLP-C 3.0GLP-D || 4.3GL-A 4.3GL-B 4.3GL-C 4.3GL-D 4.3GL-E 4.3GL-EF || 5.0GL-F 5.0GLFF 4.3GL-G 4.3GL-GF 4.3GL-J 4.3GL-JF 5.0GL-H 5.0GL-HF 5.0GL-A 5.0GL-B 5.0GL-C 5.0GL-D 5.0GL-E 5.0GL-J 5.0GL-JF (1998-2007) || 5.7GL-A 5.7GL-B 5.7GL-C 5.7GL-D 5.7GL-E
Number on catalog scheme: 9


Illustration 1 g01398034
SchematicTest Step 1. Test Communication of the Cat Data Link
Remove electrical power from the ECM.
Connect Cat ET to the service tool connector.
Restore electrical power to the ECM.
Select the engine ECM from the "Detected ECMs".Expected Result:Cat ET has established communications with the ECM.Results:
OK - Cat ET has established communications with the ECM. The Cat Data Link is functioning properly. Proceed to Test Step 2.
Not OK - Cat ET cannot establish communications with the ECM. The Cat Data Link is not functioning properly.Repair: Proceed to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tool Does Not Communicate".STOPTest Step 2. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and the Wiring
Remove electrical power from the ECM.
Illustration 2 g01139425
ECM (1) J1/P1 connectors (2) J2/P2 connectors
Thoroughly inspect connectors (1) and (2). Inspect the harness and all of the other connectors. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect" for details.
Illustration 3 g01398050
P1 ECM connector (P1-1) ATA data link (-) (P1-7) ATA data link (+)
Illustration 4 g01398053
Service tool connector (A) +Battery (B) -Battery (J) ATA data link (+) (H) ATA data link (-)
Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the wires that are associated with the ATA data link.
Check the allen head screw on the ECM connectors and the customer connector. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect" for the correct torque value.
Check the wiring harnesses for abrasion, for corrosion, and for pinch points.Expected Result:All connectors, pins, and sockets are completely inserted, and coupled. The harness and wiring are free of corrosion, of abrasion, and of pinch points.Results:
OK - The harness and the wiring appear to be OK. Proceed to Test Step 3.
Not OK - There is a problem in the wiring harness.Repair: Complete the necessary repairs and/or replace parts, if necessary. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect".STOPTest Step 3. Check for a Short Circuit
Disconnect the J1/P1 ECM connector.
Measure the resistance between the points that are listed in Table 1. Be sure to wiggle the wires in the harnesses as you make each resistance measurement.
Table 1
Resistance Measurements for the ATA Data Link    
Connector and Terminal    Terminal    
P1-7 ATA data link +     All of the other terminals on the P1 connector
Engine ground    
P1-1 ATA data link -    
Expected Result:Each check of the resistance indicates an open circuit.Results:
OK - Each check of the resistance indicates an open circuit. Proceed to Test Step 4.
Not OK - At least one check of the resistance does not indicate an open circuit. There is a short circuit in a harness. There may be a problem with a connector.Repair: Repair the wiring and/or the connector. Replace damaged parts, if necessary. Verify that the problem is resolved.STOPTest Step 4. Check for an Open Circuit
Verify that all of the connections are disconnected.
Fabricate a jumper wire. Use the jumper wire in order to create a short circuit between terminals J and H on the service tool connector.
Measure the resistance between P1-7 ATA data link + and P1-1 ATA data link -.
Remove the jumper wire from the service tool connector.Expected Result:The resistance measurement does not indicate an open circuit.Results:
OK - The resistance measurement does not indicate an open circuit. Restore the engine wiring to the original configuration. Proceed to Test Step 5.
Not OK - The resistance measurement indicates an open circuit. There may be a problem in a connector.Repair: Repair the wiring and/or the connector. Replace damaged parts, if necessary. Verify that the problem is resolved.STOPTest Step 5. Verify the Operation of the ECM
Restore electrical power to the ECM. Ensure that Cat ET can communicate with the engine.
Try to flash program the ECM with the latest flash file that is available.Expected Result:The ECM has been successfully programmed with the latest flash file.Results:
OK - The ATA data link is communicating correctly. There may be an intermittent problem.Repair: Check the wiring harness and the service equipment for an intermittent electrical problem.Refer toTroubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect".STOP
Not OK - The circuit for the ATA data link is OK, but Cat ET will not flash program the ECM.Repair: Ensure that the flash file is the correct part number for the ECM.Replace the personality module and/or the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM - Replace".STOP

Parts contact Volvo Penta:

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841166 Contact
AQ175A, AQ190A; AQ240A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ290A
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