363562 Volvo.Penta Delivery valve

363562 Delivery valve Volvo.Penta D42A; D42A PP Delivery
363562 Delivery valve Volvo Penta

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22.0[9.90] Pounds
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American Shifter 363562 Shifter Kit (C6 12" E Brake Cable Clamp Trim Kit For CD12E, 1 Pack)
Application: C6 || Shifter Style: Push Button & Side Detent || Shifter Arm Size: 12in Single Bend || Shifter Arm Finish: Black || Knob: Standard
Number on catalog scheme: 20

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D42A; D42A PP   Volvo.Penta

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Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
J1939 Code and Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
5418-2 Engine Fuel Actuator #1 : Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect The fuel actuator has reported that a power cycle has been completed and at least one calibration attempt has failed. The code is logged.
The amber warning lamp is activated.
5418-7 Engine Fuel Actuator #1 : Not Responding Properly There is a mismatch between the fuel position requested by the command signal and the actual position of the fuel valve. The problem is reported by the fuel actuator.
5418-12 Engine Fuel Actuator #1 : Failure The fuel actuator has reported an internal failure.
5418-13 Engine Fuel Actuator #1 : Calibration Required The fuel actuator has reported that a calibration attempt has failed. The actuator cannot find the end stop for the valve. The fuel actuator is an electronic actuator. The actuator works with the Electronic Control Module (ECM) to ensure the correct fuel position during all engine operating conditions.The ECM modulates the fuel valve from a fully closed position to a fully opened position to control the correct fuel flow into the carburetor.CommunicationsThe ECM and the fuel actuator communicate via the CAN data link. The ECM sends a command signal to the actuator. The actuator sends the following information to the ECM: desired actuator position, actual actuator position and internal fault diagnosis.If the ECM cannot communicate with the actuator, the ECM activates a 51-9 diagnostic code. The problem may be with the power supply to the actuator. This code may be generated for an intermittent problem. After checking the power circuit for the actuator, refer to Troubleshooting, "CAN Data Link - Test" for information that is related to troubleshooting the data link circuitry.Self-diagnostic FunctionIf an internal fault is detected by the actuator, the condition is communicated via the CAN data link. The ECM activates a 5418-12 diagnostic code. The most likely cause of a 5418-12 diagnostic code is an electrical problem or a mechanical problem.Calibration Failure MessageA calibration is initiated when the power to the actuator is cycled. The power must be removed from the engine in order to power down the actuator.If a calibration attempt fails at any time, the ECM activates a 5418-2 diagnostic code. If an attempt to calibrate the actuator fails, the actuator will attempt the calibration several times. The 5418-2 code will remain active during this time. If the actuator determines that a calibration is not possible, the 5418-2 code will be deactivated and the ECM will generate a 5418-13 diagnostic code. If the actuator forces a calibration attempt and the engine is running, a 5418-2 code will be generated. The code will remain active until the engine is shut down and the code will become logged. The ECM will then try another calibration attempt. If the attempt fails, the ECM will generate a 5418-13 diagnostic code.The engine must be running in order for this code to be generated. The most likely cause of a 5418-2 code is an intermittent electrical problem in the circuit for the actuator power supply. The most likely cause of repeated unsuccessful calibrations is a dirty valve assembly or a malfunctioning valve assembly.
Illustration 1 g02623318
Schematic for the circuit of the fuel actuator
Test Step 1. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and the Wiring
Remove the electrical power from the engine.
Illustration 2 g02631619
Location of the connector at the fuel actuator (left rear engine view)
(1) Fuel actuator
Illustration 3 g02630436
Locations of the connectors at the ECM panel that are for the fuel actuator (right side engine view)
(2) J1/P1 ECM connectors
(3) Power strip in the ECM control box
(4) Engine harness connector for incendive components
Illustration 4 g02631156
Terminal locations at the J1/P1 ECM connectors for the battery power
(P1-48) +Battery
(P1-52) +Battery
(P1-53) +Battery
(P1-55) +Battery
(P1-57) +Battery
(P1-61) −Battery
(P1-63) −Battery
(P1-65) −Battery
(P1-67) −Battery
(P1-69) −Battery
Illustration 5 g02631696
Terminal locations at the engine harness connector for the incendive components
(Terminal B) −Battery
(Terminal G) +Battery
(Terminal I) −Battery
(Terminal J) +Battery
(Terminal K) −Battery
(Terminal L) −Battery
(Terminal T) −Battery
(Terminal U) −Battery
Illustration 6 g02631164
Locations of the connections at the harness connector for the fuel actuator
(Terminal 1) +Battery
(Terminal 2) −Battery
(Terminal 3) PWM return
(Terminal 5) −Battery
(Terminal 7) −Battery
(Terminal 8) +Battery
(Terminal 9) Relay driver
(Terminal 10) −Battery
Illustration 7 g02631157
Terminal locations at the connector for the breaker panel that are for the electrical power supply
(Terminal A) +Battery
(Terminal B) −Battery

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