422229 Volvo.Penta Delivery pipe

422229 Delivery pipe Volvo.Penta D100A; D100AK; D100B Delivery
422229 Delivery pipe Volvo Penta

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19.8[8.55] Pounds
-: -
American Shifter 422229 Shifter Kit (700R4 16" E Brake Cable Trim Kit Dipstick For DB569)
Application: 700r4 || Shifter style: push button only || Shifter arm size: 16 inch single bend || Shifter arm finish: Black || Knob: standard
Number on catalog scheme: 66

Compatible models:

D100A; D100AK; D100B   Volvo.Penta

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

D100A; D100AK; D100B; TD100A; TD100AG; TD100AK


Table 1
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the NOx Sensors
J1939 Code CDL Code Code Description
(code descriptions may vary) Comments
3216-7 E1431 (2) Aftertreatment #1 Intake NOx : Not Responding Properly The engine out NOx level is not responding as expected.
The code is logged.
3226-7 E1432 (2) Aftertreatment #1 Outlet NOx : Not Responding Properly The tailpipe out NOx level is not responding as expected.
The code is logged.
4364-2 E1410 (2) Aftertreatment #1 SCR Catalyst Conversion Efficiency : Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect The Engine Out and Tailpipe Out NOx Sensors are installed in the incorrect locations
Follow the troubleshooting procedure to identify the root cause of the problem.
Table 2
Associated Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 Code CDL Code
412-15 E1092 (1)
412-16 E1092 (2)
4364-2 E1410 (2)
4360-16 E946 (2)
4360-17 E947 (1)
4360-18 E947 (2)
4765-17 E2165 (1)
5298-17 2180-1 Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed.
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check that the latest available software is installed and there are no applicable Technical Information Bulletins or Special Instruction documentation released
A. Ensure that the latest software is installed on the engine ECM.
B. Ensure that the latest software is installed on the Dosing Control Unit (DCU)
If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" for the correct procedure.
C. Ensure all Technical Information Bulletins and/or Special Instruction documented for the issue and/or product are reviewed and followed.
Software and Publications
Result: The latest software is not installed.
Repair: Install the latest engine ECM software and then install the latest DCU software. If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" for the correct procedure.
Start the engine and wait for 2 minutes.
If the fault is cleared, return the engine to service.
If the fault is still present, proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: Applicable Technical Information Bulletin/Special Instruction publication is available.
Repair: Review and follow instructions provided in the available publication.
Result: The latest software is installed.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Determine the Diagnostic Code
A. Establish communication between the electronic service tool and the engine Electronic Control Module (ECM) . Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
B. Determine the diagnostic trouble code that is active.
Diagnostic trouble code
Result: A 4364-2 (E1410 (2)) diagnostic code is active or recently logged.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: A 3216-7 (E1431 (2)) or 3226-7 (E1432 (2)) diagnostic code is active or recently logged.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
3. Check that the NOx Sensors are Installed Correctly
A. Verify that the sensors are located in the correct position.
The engine out NOx sensor has black protective coating on the wires.
The tailpipe out NOx sensor has gray protective coating on the wires.
B. If the sensors are installed in the wrong positions, install the sensors in the correct positions. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Nitrogen Oxide Sensor - Remove and Install" for the correct procedure.
Correct installation
Result: The NOx sensors are already in the correct locations.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The NOx sensors have been swapped.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
4. Perform a "DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test" using the Electronic Service Tool
A. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Aftertreatment SCR System Dosing - Test for the procedure.
DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test
Result: Droplets form around the DEF injector nozzle during the prime pressurization phase of the test. Refer to Illustration 1
Repair: Install a replacement DEF injector. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly , DEF Injector and Mounting - Remove and Install.
Proceed to Test Step 5
Result: Droplets do not form around the DEF injector nozzle during the prime pressurization phase of the test.
Proceed to Test Step 5
Illustration 1 g06305048
Typical example of droplets forming on the DEF injector nozzle
Table 4
5. Repeat the "DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test" using the Electronic Service Tool
A. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Aftertreatment SCR System Dosing - Test for the procedure.
DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test Result: The quantity of DEF collected is between 105 mL (3.6 oz) and 130 mL (4.4 oz).
Proceed to Test Step 6
Result: The quantity of DEF collected is not between 105 mL (3.6 oz) and 130 mL (4.4 oz).
Repair: Install a replacement DEF injector. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly , DEF Injector and Mounting - Remove and Install.
Proceed to Test Step 6
6. Observe the Spray Pattern from the DEF Injector During the "DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test" using the Electronic Service Tool
Note: To observe the spray pattern clearly from the DEF injector, it may be necessary to run the "DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test" again using a suitable large container to collect the DEF. DEF Dosing System Accuracy Test
Result: The spray is finely atomized and conical with even spray all around.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
Result: The spray is not finely atomized and conical with even spray all around.
Repair: Install a replacement DEF injector. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly , DEF Injector and Mounting - Remove and Install.
Proceed to Test Step 7
7. Inspect the Inside of the Clean Emissions Module (CEM) Mixer Assembly Using a Borescope
A. Remove the DEF injector. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly , DEF Injector and Mounting - Remove and Install
B. Use a suitable borescope to inspect the inside of the Clean Emissions Module (CEM) mixer assembly for DEF deposits

Parts delivery Volvo Penta:

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