22557476 Volvo.Penta Expansion tank

22557476 Expansion tank Volvo.Penta V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G, V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G, V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G, V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J, V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J, V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J, V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H, V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-3 Expansion
22557476 Expansion tank Volvo Penta

Buy Expansion tank 22557476 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 1

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G
V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G
V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G
V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J
V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J
V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J
V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H; V8-300-C-H
V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-350-CE-G; V8-350-CE-H
V8-300-CE-J; V8-350-CE-J
V8-350-C-J; V8-300-C-J
V8-380-C-J; V8-430-C-J
V8-380-CE-G; V8-430-CE-G


Troubleshooting Problems
Engine Crankshaft Will Not Turn
Probable Cause
Problem with the air starting motor Refer to the information on the air starting motor in this section.
Fluid in the cylinders Open the manual valves (Kiene valves) on each cylinder. If the engine is not equipped with the manual valves, remove the cylinder pressure relief valve or the plug. Inspect the cylinders for fluid while the crankshaft is being turned.
Problem with accessory equipment (hydraulic pumps, air compressor, etc) Disconnect the driven equipment until the faulty accessory can be found. Repair the faulty accessory. Replace the faulty accessory.
An internal problem prevents the turning of the engine crankshaft. If the crankshaft cannot be turned, the engine must be disassembled. After disassembling the engine, inspect the engine for other internal problems. Possible internal problems include the following conditions:
Bearing seizure
Piston seizure
Valve and piston contactThe Engine Will Not Start. The Governor Terminal Shaft Does Not Move.
Probable Cause
Control linkage binds The engine can start when the engine is cold. When the oil is hot the governor does not develop the oil pressure that is needed to move the linkage. Check the linkage effort and correct the linkage effort.
No signal to actuator solenoid Refer to the Woodward PGEV & PGE Locomotive Governors , SENR6444 or to the 2301A Electric Governors For Generator Sets, SENR3585.
Low oil pressure in the governor The governor oil pump relief valve may be stuck in the open position or the valve may be leaking. This may be corrected by disassembly and cleaning of the governor. Refer to Caterpillar 3161 Governor, SENR3028. Check for plugged oil supply passages from the engine. The Engine Will Not Start. The Governor Terminal Shaft Moves.
Probable Cause
Slow cranking speed Refer to "Air Starting Motor Turns Slowly or the Air Starting Motor has a Loss of Power".
Low quality fuel or water in fuel Remove the fuel from the fuel tank. Install new fuel filters. Put a good grade of clean fuel in the fuel tank. Refer to Supplement, SEBU7003, "Caterpillar 3600 Series Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations For Lubricants, Fuels, and Coolants".
No fuel to fuel injectors Check the fuel level in the fuel tank and fill the fuel tank, if necessary. Use the priming pump in order to remove any air from the fuel system.Install new fuel filters, if necessary. Fuel lines that are blocked should be cleaned and fuel lines that are broken should be replaced. Check the fuel transfer pump for damage and/or wear.The governor linkage is not connected to the internal rack linkage. This condition can exist after a governor has been assembled incorrectly during an overhaul. Ensure that the governor linkage is correctly engaged.
Low fuel pressure At starting rpm, the minimum fuel pressure from the fuel transfer pump must be 415 kPa (60 psi). If the fuel pressure is less than 415 kPa (60 psi), change the fuel filters. After changing the fuel filters, inspect the fuel system for air in the fuel system. If the fuel pressure is still low, check the fuel bypass valve and the fuel transfer pump for correct operation.
Wrong fuel injection timing Adjust the timing. Refer to System Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "Fuel Timing".
Air inlet shutoff valve is tripped. Reset the air inlet shutoff valve.Engine Overspeed
Probable Cause
Fuel control linkage Inspect the fuel control linkage for one or more of the following conditions:
Incorrect assembly after overhaul
Bound fuel control linkage
Bound fuel control linkage in FUEL-ON position
Governor output lever to control housing lever out of adjustmentMake adjustment or repair.
Governor problem Refer to engine governor's service literature.
The governor actuator is not engaged in the drive coupling. Ensure that the governor is driven by the engine. If necessary, remove the governor and install the governor again in order to ensure that the engine is engaged correctly with the governor drive. Also, check for drive components in the governor and in the engine that are worn or damaged.Unstable Engine Speed
Probable Cause
Misfire Refer to "Misfire or Running Rough".
Bound linkage or worn linkage with flat spots and high clearances Inspect the linkage. Repair the linkage or replace the linkage, as needed.
Rough governor drive Worn splines and/or high gear clearances can cause rough governor drive. Inspect parts and replace parts, if necessary.
Governor problem Refer to engine governor's service literature.
Seized injector Replace the injector.
Seized piston and/or stuck piston rings Replace piston assembly and cylinder liner.Cannot Reach High Idle Rpm
Probable Cause
The speed setting control shaft is not against the high idle stop. Check the speed control linkage and the pneumatic controls for restrictions.
Incorrect high idle adjustment The governor speed setting shaft is against the high idle stop and the high idle is too low. Adjust to the correct high idle. Also, check the engine fuel setting in order to ensure that the engine fuel setting is correct.
Speed droop adjustment is incorrect. Refer to engine governor's service literature.
The speed setting solenoid adjustment of the Woodward PGEV governor is not correct. Refer to engine governor's service literature.The Engine's High Idle Declines After Start-up
Probable Cause
Loss of normal rpm The loss of approximately 20 rpm can be expected as the engine warms to operating temperature.
Incorrect high idle adjustment If necessary, make an adjustment in order to correct high idle. Also, check the engine fuel setting in order to ensure that the engine fuel setting is correct.The Engine Cannot Be Shutdown Through the Governor
Probable Cause
Shut down solenoid The solenoid may have shorted wires or broken wires. The solenoid may be stuck in the open position. Inspect the solenoid and replace the solenoid.
Incorrect wiring The shutdown signal is not wired correctly. Make sure that the polarity is correct.
Incorrect installation of governor actuator Ensure that the governor control lever or the actuator terminal shaft is engaged correctly with the fuel control linkage stop lever.
Governor in need of repair Disassemble the governor and clean the governor components. Inspect the governor components for wear and damage. Replace parts, as needed.Misfire or Running Rough
Probable Cause
Low fuel pressure The fuel pressure at the outlet of the fuel filter housing must be a minimum of 450 kPa (65 psi) at 900 rpm. If fuel pressure is lower than

Parts expansion Volvo Penta:

22519803 Expansion tank
V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G, V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G, V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G, V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H, V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-350-CE-G
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