11038093 Volvo.Penta Filter retainer

11038093 Filter retainer Volvo.Penta DH10A; DH10A 285; DH10A 360 Filter
11038093 Filter retainer Volvo Penta

Buy Filter retainer 11038093 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 2

Compatible models:

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

DH10A; DH10A 285; DH10A 360; DH10A Rail; THD102KD; THD102KB


Illustration 1 g01063102
Digital display area (15) - The Messenger system shows information on the digital display area.Previous button (16) - Use the previous button to return to information that was previously shown on the digital display area."Scroll up/left button" (17) - This button is used to scroll up through information that is shown on the display area. The button can also be used to scroll to the left through information that is shown on the display area."Scroll down/right button" (18) - This button is used to scroll down through information that is shown on the display area. The button can also be used to scroll to the right through information that is shown on the display area."OK" button (19) - The "OK"button may be used to confirm the selections that were made with the "scroll up/left" and the "scroll down/right"buttons.Performance Monitor Panel
Illustration 2 g01054560
Typical performance monitor panelThe following options are available through the performance monitor panel:Engine Speed - When you scroll to this option, the panel will show the engine RPM.Engine Coolant Temperature - When you scroll to this option, the panel will show the engine coolant temperature in degrees fahrenheit or in degrees celsius.Fuel Level - When you scroll to this option, the panel will show the amount of fuel in the tank as a percentage of a full tank.Totals Display
Illustration 3 g01054562
Typical performance monitor panel for totalsThe following information is available through the panel:CUMULATIVE TOTALS
Service Hours - When you scroll to this option, the panel shows the total amount of service hours that the engine has accumulated.Total Time - When you scroll to this option, the panel shows the total hours for the engine ECM.Total Fuel - When you scroll to this option, the panel shows the total amount of fuel that has been consumed.Performance Monitor Panel for Settings
Illustration 4 g01054565
Typical performance monitor panel for settingsThe following options are available through the performance monitor panel for payloads:MONITORING SYSTEM
Language - Select this option in order to change the language that is shown on the panel.Units - Select this option in order to choose the desired system of measurement. The choices are metric or English.Adjust Contrast - Select this option in order to adjust the contrast of the panel for improved visibility."Adjust Backlight" - Select this option in order to adjust the backlighting of the panel for improved visibility.ENGINE
"Equipment Identification" - Select this option in order to view the identification number of the equipment.Product identification - Select this option in order to view the product identification number.Performance Monitor Panel for Service
Illustration 5 g01054566
Typical performance monitor panel for serviceDIAGNOSTICS and EVENTS
The following options are password protected. You must enter a password in order to change the settings.View - Select this option in order to view events that have been logged by the monitoring system. If you use an authorized password, you can clear individual events.Clear All Diagnostics - If you use an authorized password, you can select this option in order to clear all logged events.SYSTEM PARAMETERS
Battery Voltage When you scroll to this option, the battery voltage is displayed.
Fuel Level When you scroll to this option, the fuel level is displayed.
"Alternator Status" When you scroll to this option, the status of the alternator is displayed.
Engine Speed When you scroll to this option, the engine RPM is displayed.
Desired Engine Speed When you scroll to this option, the desired engine speed is displayed. This parameter is used by the Automatic Retarder Control to prevent the engine from overspeeding. If you have an approved password, you can change this parameter.
Throttle Position When you scroll to this option, the throttle position is displayed.
Coolant Temperature When you scroll to this option, the coolant temperature is displayed.
Coolant Flow When you scroll to this option, the amount of coolant flow is displayed.
Boost Pressure When you scroll to this option, the boost pressure is displayed.
Atmospheric Pressure When you scroll to this option, the atmospheric pressure is displayed.
Turbocharger Inlet Pressure When you scroll to this option, the turbocharger inlet pressure is displayed.
Oil Pressure When you scroll to this option, the absolute engine oil pressure is displayed.
Oil Pressure When you scroll to this option, the engine oil pressure gauge is displayed.
Fuel Temperature When you scroll to this option, the fuel temperature is displayed.SYSTEMS TESTS
"System Self Test" When you select this option, the monitoring system will initiate the self test. The self test is similar to the functional test that occurs when you turn the start switch from the OFF position to the ON position.INFORMATION ABOUT SYSTEMS
Software Part Number When you scroll to this option, the software part number is displayed.
ECM Part Number When you scroll to this option, the ECM part number is displayed.
"Software Release Date" When you scroll to this option, the release date of the software is displayed.
"Software Description" When you scroll to this option, the description of the software is displayed.ENGINE
"ECM Serial Number" When you scroll to this option, the ECM serial number is displayed.
"Software Part Number" When you scroll to this option, the software part number is displayed.
"Software Release Date" When you scroll to this option, the release date of the software is displayed.
"Software Description" When you scroll to this option, the description of the software is displ

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