4785611 Volvo.Penta Filter

4785611 Filter Volvo.Penta D42A; D42A PP, TD30A; TD31ACE; TD40A Filter
4785611 Filter Volvo Penta

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Number on catalog scheme: 7A

Compatible models:

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

D42A; D42A PP
TD30A; TD31ACE; TD40A; TD45B; D45A


Table 1
Troubleshooting Test Steps    Values    Results    
1. Determine the Problem
A. Determine the communication problem.
If an indicator other than the "POWER" indicator is illuminated when Cat ET is not communicating with an ECM, disconnect and reconnect the communication adapter.     Communication problem     Result: Both indicators on the communication adapter are not flashing.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result: Cat ET indicates that the engine is serviced on both links.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Result:Cat ET displays a message that indicates the firmware in the communication adapter does not support communication on both data links.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: Cat ET displays an Error" #142 The interface hardware is not responding" message.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result:Cat ET displays a message that indicates that Cat ET cannot find an exact match for the software version in the ECM.
Repair: Update Cat ET to the latest available version.
Result: The power indicator is not illuminated.
Proceed to Test Step 5.    
2. Verify that the Correct Communication Adapter is Being Used
A. A 466-6258 Communication Adapter Gp must be used to with a 370-4617 Cable As (USB) and a 457-6114 Cable As (Datalink Cable CA3) to communicate. The following communication adapters cannot be used because the communication adapters do not communicate over both data links:
1. Wireless communication adapter
2. 7X-1701 Communication Adapter As
B. Determine the communication adapter that is being used.
    Communication Adapter     Result: An incorrect communication adapter is being used.
Repair: Connect a correct communication adapter. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
Attempt to establish communication. Continue with this procedure if the communication adapter does not communicate on both data links.
Result: A correct communication adapter is being used. However, the "Power" indicator is not illuminated.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: A correct communication adapter is being used. The "Power" indicator is illuminated.
Proceed to Test Step 4.    
3. Check the Version of the Firmware for the Communication Adapter
The version of the firmware for the communication adapter must be "1.18.47" or higher.
Refer to Special Instruction, REHS8170 for instructions on how to update the firmware in the Comm Adapter III.
A. Electronically disconnect Cat ET. Verify that the "power" indicator on the communication adapter is illuminated.
B. Click on the "Utilities" menu.
C. Click on the "Comm Adapter III Toolkit" menu.
D. Wait for the tool kit to open. Then, click the "Utilities" menu.
E. Click "Reprogram CA3".
F. Select the latest ".apf" file from the list.
G. Click "OK". Then, click "Begin Flash".
H. Wait for the "Flashes Completed Successfully" message to appear.
I. Click "Toolkit". Verify that the "Software Release Version" is "1.18.47" or higher.
J. Attempt to connect Cat ET.     Firmware     Result: Cat ET communicates on both data links.
The problem is resolved.
Result: Cat ET does not communicate on both data links.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Verify That Cat ET is Configured Correctly
Cat ET must be configured correctly in order to communicate on both data links.
A. Click on the "Utilities" menu.
B. Click on the "Preferences" menu.
C. Select the "Communications" tab.
D. Verify that "Caterpillar Comm Adapter III (RP120)" is selected.
If "Caterpillar Comm Adapter III (RP120)" is not an option for selection, the version of Cat ET is incorrect. Version "2013B" or higher must be used.
Update the version of Cat ET. Then, perform this Test Step again.
E. Verify that the port is correct.
F. Verify that the "Enable Dual Data Link Service" option is checked.
G. Click "OK". Cat ET must reconnect in order for any changes to be used.
H. Electronically disconnect Cat ET if changes are made to any of the settings for communications. Electronically connect Cat ET. Attempt to establish communication. Observe the indicators on the communication adapter.
A "limited support" warning should not be displayed. The "J1939 / DeviceNet" and "CDL" indicators should be flashing. The indicator indicates that Cat ET is communicating on both data links.     Configured Correctly     Result: Cat ET communicates on both data links.
The problem is resolved.
Result: Cat ET does not communicate on both data links. The "POWER" indicator is not illuminated.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: Cat ET does not communicate on both data links. The "POWER" indicator is illuminated.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
Illustration 1 g02061279
Power terminals at the service tool connector (Terminal A) +Battery (Terminal B) -Battery
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps    Values    Results    
5. Check the Electrical Power to the Communication Adapter
A. Check for battery voltage at the service tool connector.     Electrical Power     Result: Battery voltage is not present at the service tool connector.
Repair: Inspect the vehicles wiring and fuses. Determine the cause of the missing voltage. Make the necessary repairs.
Attempt to establish communication after the electrical power is at the service tool connector.
Proceed to Test Step 6 if the service tool does not communicate on both data links.
Result: Cat ET indicates that the engine is serviced on both links.
Repair: Verify that the cable between the service tool connector and the communication adapter is OK. Replace the cable, if necessary.
Repair: Replace the communication adapter if the following conditions are true:
1. There is power at the cables "DATA LINK" connector.
2. The communication adapters "POWER" indicator is not illuminated.    
Illustration 2 g02061196
General information about the electrical power to the ECM
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps    Values    Results    
6. Check the Electrical Power to t

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