422268 Volvo.Penta Fuel pipe

422268 Fuel pipe Volvo.Penta D100A; D100AK; D100B, MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK Fuel
422268 Fuel pipe Volvo Penta

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19.8[8.55] Pounds
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American Shifter 422268 Shifter Kit (700R4 16" E Brake Cable Trim Kit Dipstick For DB590)
Application: 700r4 || Shifter style: push button only || Shifter arm size: 16 inch single bend || Shifter arm finish: Black || Knob: standard
Number on catalog scheme: 43

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Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
Code and Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
E264(3) Emergency Stop Activated The two inputs from the customer's emergency stop switch are in a high state. The code is logged. Fuel injection is disabled. The drive for the air shutoff is activated.
337-2 Remote Emergency Stop Switch : Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect The two inputs from the customer's emergency stop switch are in opposite states. The code is logged. The customer's emergency stop switch sends two signals to the Electronic Control Module (ECM). The emergency stop inputs from the customer are on terminals U and T of the customer connector. The signals are used to determine if the customer's emergency stop switch is active. The customer's emergency stop switch is active when the switch is in the open state and the two signals are high. The customer's emergency stop switch is inactive when the switch is in the closed state and the two signals are held low.If the ECM is powering up and one of the signals from the customer's emergency stop switch is in a different state from the other signal, the ECM determines that one of the signals is faulty. If one of the signals from the customer's emergency stop switch is in a different state from the other signal, the ECM will generate a diagnostic code that remains active until power to the ECM is cycled. The ECM will not allow the crank cycle to begin if the signals are opposite of each other. The ECM will allow the engine to be started manually in this state.The ECM monitors the inputs from the customer's emergency stop switch at all times. If the engine is running and one of the signals from the customer's emergency stop switch changes states, the engine will continue to run. The ECM initiates an emergency stop shutdown only when both signals are high during engine operation.The ECM will not allow the starting sequence to begin when the customer's emergency stop switch is activated. The engine will not be able to restart until the following conditions are met:
The engine rpm must equal zero.
The inputs from the customer's emergency stop switch must go low.
The ECM has been reset.The electrical power to the input for the keyswitch must be turned OFF for 15 seconds in order to reset the engine ECM after an emergency stop condition.Note: If one of the inputs from the customer's emergency stop switch is in a different state from the other signal, the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) will display the warning "INVALID DATA".
Illustration 1 g01597037
Typical schematic
Illustration 2 g01218361
P1 ECM connector
(P1-5) Digital return
(P1-23) Emergency stop signal 1
(P1-28) Emergency stop signal 2
Illustration 3 g01323796
Terminal locations for the TB-C1/C-C18 customer connector
(Terminal U) "E-Stop 1"
(Terminal T) "E-Stop 2"
Illustration 4 g01337991
Connector locations
(1) A-C1/E-C2 RH rigid harness connectors
(2) A-C2/J-C2 RH rigid harness connectors
(3) P-C1/A-C90 Connectors for the power distribution panel
(4) P-C2/A-C91 Connectors for the power distribution panel
(5) G-C6/F-C2/F-C1/A-C92 Connectors for a RH Control panel
(6) C-C22 Connection for the P2 ECM connector
(7) C-C15 Connection for the P1 ECM connector
(8) G-C6/F-C2/F-C1/C-C17 Connectors for a LH Control panel
(9) C-C18/TB-C1 Customer connectors
(10) C-C2/J-C1 LH rigid harness connectors
(11) C-C1/E-C1 LH rigid harness connectors Test Step 1. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and the Wiring for the Customer's Emergency Stop
Turn the circuit breaker for the battery to the OFF position.
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.
Disconnect the following connectors.
C-C18 customer connector
P1 ECM connector
P2 ECM connector
Check for an open circuit in the wiring.
Install a wire jumper between terminal U and terminal T at the customer connector.
Measure the resistance between P1-23 and P1-28 on the P1 ECM connector. Wiggle the harness while performing the resistance checks.
Remove the wire jumper.
Check for a short circuit in the wiring.
Measure the resistance between wire F715-BK(Black) and every wire on the following connectors.
C-C18 customer connector
P1 ECM connector
P2 ECM connector
Measure the resistance between wire F719-BK(Black) and every wire on the following connectors.
C-C18 customer connector
P1 ECM connector
P2 ECM connectorExpected Result:The resistance checks indicate a short circuit when the wire jumper is installed. The resistance checks indicate an open circuit when the wire jumper is removed.Results:
OK - The harness and wiring appear to be OK.Repair: Verify that the two input signals on terminal U and terminal T from the customer connector TB-C1 are at the same potential before proceeding.STOP
Not OK - There is a problem in the connectors and/or wiring.Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace the connectors or wiring.STOP

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