423138 Volvo.Penta Gasket

423138 Gasket Volvo.Penta D100A; D100AK; D100B, D100BHC; D100BRC; TD100AHC, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, TAD1030G; TD1010G; TWD1010G, TAMD103A, TAMD122A; TMD122A; TAMD122P-A, TD100CHC; TD100CRC; TD121CHC, TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD Gasket
423138 Gasket Volvo Penta

Buy Gasket 423138 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery

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US: Global Power
423138 - NTN - Tapered Roller Bearing - Factory New


US: Empire Rigging & Sup
Greenfield Threading 423138 Quickset Guide, 1 3/8, Carbon Steel, Uncoated (Bright) Coating
Greenfield Threading Die construction: two-piece die assembly || Die style: two-piece die system || Tool type: guide || Material: carbon steel || Measurement system: imperial

22.0[9.90] Pounds
-: -
American Shifter 423138 Shifter Kit (2004R 16" E Brake Cable Clamp Trim Kit Dipstick For DB8F4)
Application: 2004r || Shifter Style: Push Button Only || Shifter Arm Size: 16in Single Bend || Shifter Arm Finish: Black || Knob: Standard
Number on catalog scheme: 49

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

D100A; D100AK; D100B; TD100A; TD100AG; TD100AK
D100BHC; D100BRC; TD100AHC; TD100ARC
D120A; D120AK; TD120A; TD120AG; TD120AG PP; TD120AK
MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK; TMD100A-CC; MD100B; MD100BK; MD100B-CC
MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A; TMD120AK; TAMD120A; TAMD120AK; TMD120B; TAMD120B; TAMD120B-CC
TAD1030G; TD1010G; TWD1010G
TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME
TD100G-87; TD1030VE; TAD1030V; TWD1031VE; TAD1030VE
TD100G; TD100G-85; TD100G-87; TD100GG; TD100GG-85; TD100GG-87; TD100GGP-87; TD100HP-87; TD100HPB-87; TD100GP; TD100GP-85; TD100GGP; TID100K;
TID120FPP; TID120FG; TD120G; TD120GG PP; TD120GG


Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 1U-8221 Lifting Sling 1 Start By:
Remove the rocker shaft and pushrods. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Rocker Shaft and Pushrod - Remove".
Remove the front housing. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Housing (Front) - Remove".
Remove the crankshaft rear seal. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove".
If the engine is equipped with a balancer, remove the balancer. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Balancer - Remove". If the engine is not equipped with a balancer, remove the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Engine Oil Pump - Remove and Install".
If the crankshaft has been reground or if the crankshaft has been replaced, the height of the piston above the cylinder block must be inspected. It is necessary to remove the cylinder head in order to inspect the height of the piston above the cylinder block.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
The engine should be mounted on a suitable stand and placed in the inverted position.
If necessary, remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Cylinder Head - Remove". Remove the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove". If the cylinder head, the pistons and the connecting rods have not been removed, remove the connecting rod caps. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Connecting Rod Bearings - Remove".
Illustration 1 g01439628
Typical example
Remove allen head screws (1). Remove bridge piece (2).
Ensure that the main bearing caps are marked for the location and orientation.
Illustration 2 g01253719
Typical example
Remove bolts (3) and main bearing caps (4) from the cylinder block.
Illustration 3 g01253146
Typical example
Illustration 4 g01253137
Typical example
Remove lower main bearings (5) from main bearing caps (4). Take care not to displace dowels (6). For number three main bearing cap, remove thrust washers (7). Keep the lower main bearings and the thrust washers with the respective main bearing caps. Note: The lower main bearings are plain bearings that have no oil holes. The dowels may remain in the main bearing cap or in the cylinder block.
Illustration 5 g01254099
Typical example
Attach Tooling (A) and a suitable lifting device to crankshaft (8). Carefully lift the crankshaft out of the cylinder block. The weight of the crankshaft is approximately 30 kg (66 lb). Note: Do not damage any of the finished surfaces on the crankshaft. When the crankshaft is removed from the engine, the crankshaft must be supported on a suitable stand in order to prevent damage to the crankshaft timing ring.
Illustration 6 g01254104
Typical example
Illustration 7 g01889993
No. 1 Upper Main Bearing
Remove upper main bearings (9) from the cylinder block. Keep the upper main bearings with the respective main bearing caps. Note: Number 1 upper main bearing has an oil slot. See Illustration 7. All other upper main bearings have a groove and two oil holes.
Remove thrust washers (10) from number three main bearing in the cylinder block.
If necessary, remove the crankshaft timing ring. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Timing Ring - Remove and Install".
If necessary, remove the crankshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install".

Parts gasket Volvo Penta:

957173 Gasket
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ145A; BB145A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D100A; D100AK; D100B, D100BHC; D100BRC; TD100AHC, D120A; D120AK; TD12
947622 Gasket
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, AQ175A, D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D
957177 Gasket
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D1-13; D1-13B; D1-20, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D2-55; D2-55B; D2-55C, D2-75; D2-75B; D2-75C, D3-110I-A; D3-110I-B; D3-110I-C, D7
947621 Gasket
AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C, AQ145B, AQ151A; AQ151B; AQ151C, AQ171A; AQ171C, D100BHC; D100BRC; TD100AHC, D42A; D42A PP, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, MD31A; TMD31A; TMD31B, MD40A; TMD40A; TMD40B, TD120AHC; TD120ARC; TAD120AHC, T
808275 Gasket
AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D5A-T; D5A-TA; D5A-B TA, D5A-T; D5A-TA; D5A-B TA, D70CHC; D70CRC; TD70CHC, KAD32P; TAMD42WJ-A; KAD43P-A, KAD42A; KAMD42A; HS1A,
947282 Gasket
AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D2-55; D2-55B; D2-55C, D2-75; D2-75B; D2-75C, D3-110I-A;
1275379 Gasket
AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D4-180I-B; D4-180I-C; D4-180I-D, D4-180I-F; D4-225A-F; D4-225I-F, D6-280A-A; D6-280A-B; D6-280A-C, D6-300A-F; D6-300D-F; D6-300I-F, DH10A; DH10A 285; DH10A 360, KAD32P; TAMD42WJ-A; KAD43P-A, KAD42P
Gasket kit
270950 Gasket kit
1372, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, TAD1230G; TD1210G; TWD1210G, TAD1230P; TD121
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