802551 Volvo.Penta Gasket

802551 Gasket Volvo.Penta MB10A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD6; MD6A; MD6B Gasket
802551 Gasket Volvo Penta

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US: Outdoor Power Direct
Briggs & Stratton 802551 Governor Link Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Part
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ANVIL MARK 802551 Series Open Eye Screw Hook, 5/16" x 4-1/2" (Pack of 30)
Open Eye Screw Hook 5/16 In. X 4-1/2 In||Manufacturer: ANVIL MARK||Manufacturer Part Number: 802551


US: Specialty Processing
ARC Remanufacturing 80-2551 - CV Joint Half Shaft Front Right (Remanufactured)
ARC CV threads and splines renewed 100% for perfect installation and fit || Center shafts are tested for run-out to insure full radius straightness and replaced when necessary. || Essential hardware including dust shields, slingers and nuts are replaced with new OEM quality parts as required
Number on catalog scheme: 17


Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A(1) 585-0005 Crankshaft Turning Tool 1
A(2) 9U-7336 Housing As 1
5P-7305 Engine Turning Tool 1
B 136-4632 Timing Pin (Camshaft) 1
592-9030 Adapter 1
C 597-9676 Rocker Arm Spacer C2.8 4
597-9677 Rocker Arm Spacer C3.6 4
(1) The crankshaft turning tool is used on the front pulley
(2) The crankshaft turning tool is used in the aperture for the electric starting motor
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
Ensure that all components are clean and free from wear and damage. If necessary, replace any components that are worn or damaged.
If necessary, use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft so that number one piston is at top dead center. Refer to System Operation, Testing and Adjusting, "Fuel Injection Timing - Check" for the correct procedure.
If necessary, use Tooling (B) to ensure that the camshaft is locked with number one piston at top dead center.Note: Do not use excessive force to install Tooling (B). Do not use Tooling (B) to hold the camshaft during repairs.
Remove Tooling (B). Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft. Rotating the crankshaft will put the engine in the safe position. Refer to Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting, Position the Valve Mechanism Before Maintenance Procedures for the correct procedure.
Illustration 1 g06534426
Typical Example
Illustration 2 g06163553
Sequence for tightening the bolts for the rocker shaft assembly
Failure to ensure that ALL valve bridges are correctly seated onto the valve stems will cause interference between the pistons and the valves, resulting in damage to the engine.
Apply clean engine oil to the top of the valve stems and the machined surface of the valve bridges (7). Install valve bridges (7) onto the valve stems.Note: Install used valve bridges in the original location and in the original orientation. Ensure that the valve bridges are correctly seated on the valve stems. New valve bridges may be installed in either orientation.
Apply clean engine oil to the top and bottom of the push rods (9). Install push rods (9). Ensure that the push rods are installed in the original location and that the ball end of each push rod is correctly seated in the camshaft followers.
Install Tooling (C) to the rocker shaft assembly (5). Installing Tooling (C) will assist with the installation of the rocker shaft assembly.
Position rocker shaft assembly (5) to cylinder head (8). Install bolts (6) hand tight in the sequence indicated in Illustration 1.
Ensure that push rods (9) are correctly located into the rocker arms of the rocker shaft assembly and that the valve bridge pieces (7) remain in the correct positions.
Progressively tighten bolts (6) for rocker shaft (5) in the numerical sequence shown in Illustration 1.Note: To avoid distortion of rocker shaft assembly (5), each bolt should be tightened by half a turn at a time. Repeat the procedure until the assembly of rocker shaft is fully seated onto cylinder head (8).Note: When, installing the rocker shaft ensure the rocker levers in Positions (X) do come into contact with the cylinder head pedestals in Position (Y), refer to Illustration 1.
Tighten bolts (6) to a torque of 35 N m (310 lb in).
Remove Tooling (C) from rocker shaft assembly (5).Note: Allow 45 minutes to elapse following fitting of rocker shaft assembly to allow hydraulic lash adjusters to leak down fully. Rotating the engine before the hydraulic lash adjusters are fully leaked down may lead to engine damage such as valve to piston contact resulting in bent valves or push rods.
Illustration 3 g06163230
Install a new O-ring seal (3) (not shown) to plug (2). Install the plug to the cylinder block. Tighten the plug to a torque of 44 N m (32 lb ft).
Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON position.End By:
Install the valve mechanism cover. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install" for the correct procedure.

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