21119783 Volvo.Penta Gear housing

21119783 Gear housing Volvo.Penta SX-A; DPS-A; DPS-B Gear
21119783 Gear housing Volvo Penta

Buy Gear housing 21119783 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 1

Compatible models:

SX-A; DPS-A; DPS-B   Volvo.Penta

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

SX-A; DPS-A; DPS-B; DPS-B1; DPS-A OXi; DPS-B OX; DPS-B1 OX; FWD; SX-A 1.43; SX-A 1.51; SX-A 1.60; SX-A 1.66; SX-A 1.79; SX-A 1.89; SX-A 1.97; S


Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET.
Select the appropriate Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Diagnostic Tests" tab.
Select the "Override Parameter" tab.Override Parameters Listed in the Engine ECM Menu
Ether injection Override
This override is used to activate the ether injection solenoid circuit to ensure that the circuit is working properly. The ether canister must be removed during testing of the ether solenoid circuit.Engine Fan Bypass
This override is used to turn ON the engine fan. The override can be used to test the engine fan operation. The engine fan speed is entered as a percent of full speed, this percent allows the user to operate the fan at different speeds.Engine Fuel Shutoff Valve #1 Control Override
This override is used to open the engine gas shutoff valve (GSOV) when the engine is off and the gas supply pressure is less than 350 kPa (50 psi). This override can be used to ensure the GSOV is working properly.System Troubleshooting Settings
The "System Troubleshooting Settings" screen will allow overrides to be enabled.Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET and select the appropriate ECM.
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Diagnostic Tests" tab.
Select "System Troubleshooting Settings".System Troubleshooting Settings Listed in the Engine ECM Menu
Injection Disable Override
This override will allow the user to disable the injectors from activating when performing certain troubleshooting procedures.Active Diagnostic Codes
The purpose of this screen is to show all the active diagnostic codes.Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET.
Select the appropriate Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Active Diagnostic Codes" tab.Tab Functions At Bottom of Screen
This tab will clear specific codes when highlighted.Reset All
This tab will reset all the active codes.Logged Diagnostic Codes
The purpose of this screen is to show all the logged diagnostic codes.Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET.
Select the appropriate Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Logged Diagnostic Codes" tab.Tab Functions At Bottom of Screen
This tab will clear specific codes when highlighted.Clear All
This tab will clear all logged diagnostic codes.Active Event Codes
The purpose of this screen is to show all the active event codes.Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET.
Select the appropriate Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Events" tab.
Select the "Active Events" tab.Tab Function At Bottom of Screen
This tab will clear specific codes when highlighted.Reset All
This tab will reset all the active codes. Some of the event codes will "latch" to active status. Repairing the system will not "unlatch" the event codes and the event codes must be reset with Cat ET.Logged Event Codes
The purpose of this screen is to show all the logged event codes.Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET.
Select the appropriate Electronic Control Module (ECM).
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Events" tab.
Select the "Logged Events" tab.Tab Functions At Bottom of Screen
This tab will clear specific codes when highlighted.Clear All
This tab will clear all logged diagnostic codes.Diagnostic Tests
Cat ET diagnostic tests are listed below.Cat ET Location
Connect to Cat ET and select the appropriate ECM.
Select the "Diagnostics" tab.
Select the "Diagnostic Tests" tab.Diagnostic Tests Listed in the Engine ECM Menu
Injector Solenoid Test
The purpose of the injector solenoid test is to diagnose injector wiring and injector solenoid functionality.This test identifies an open circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the injector solenoids. The test activates the injector solenoids one at a time while the engine is not running. A good solenoid will create an audible click when the solenoid is activated. Cat ET indicates the status of the solenoid as "OK", "Open", or "Short".Cylinder Cutout Test
The cylinder cutout test allows one cylinder or multiple cylinders to be cut out. The cylinder cutout test is useful when troubleshooting poor engine performance or a suspected injector failureThe cylinder cutout test disables the injector by not providing the injector pulse to the solenoid. The cylinder cutout test can be performed on one injector or multiple injectors at once.Solenoid Valve Test (Gas Admission Valve)
The purpose of the gas admission valve (GAV) solenoid test is to diagnose wiring and solenoid functionality. To perform the test, the specific GAV ECM must be selected within Cat ET before starting the test. If equipped with 2 GAV ECM's, the odd bank GAV ECM should be used to test the odd bank GAV solenoids, and the even bank GAV ECM should be selected to test the even bank GAV solenoids.This test identifies an open circuit or a short circuit in the circuit for the GAV solenoids. The test activates the GAV solenoids one at a time while the engine is not running and no residual gas pressure is present in the rail. I

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