959336 Hex. socket screw Volvo.Penta
571A, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A, AQ311A; AQ311B
Price: query
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As an associate, we earn commssions on qualifying purchases through the links below
US: Killer Filter Produc
Killer Filter Replacement for White 959336 (Pack of 4)
Killer Filter Replaces p/n 959336 || Proudly Made in the USA || Manufactured with the highest quality materials available on the market, guaranteed! || Strict Quality Control for a superior product || product may vary from image
Killer Filter Replaces p/n 959336 || Proudly Made in the USA || Manufactured with the highest quality materials available on the market, guaranteed! || Strict Quality Control for a superior product || product may vary from image
Compatible models:
Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:
- Lubricating System » 959336
AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F; BB225A; BB225AV; BB225B; BB225C; 275; 280B; 290A; 290DP; MS3B; MS3C; MS4A
- Crankshaft and Related Parts
- Crankshaft and Related Parts
- Crankshaft and Related Parts: A
- Crankshaft and Related Parts: B
AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A; BB260AV; BB260B; BB260C
AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C; AQ271D; AQ271LB
AQ311A; AQ311B
May 19, 2004
(Revised October 2004)
after failure PRODUCT SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR INSTALLINGA HAND PRIMING FUEL PUMP ON CERTAIN C7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C15, C16,C18, C30, C32, E90 3126, 3176, 3196, 3456, 3406, G3406, 3408 AND 3412 ENGINES
1258 PS41596
This Program can be administered eitherbefore or after failure. In either case the decision whether to apply theProgram is made by the dealer. When reporting the repair, use "PS41596"as the Part number and "7755" as the Group Number. If administered beforefailure, use "56" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "T" asthe SIMS Description Code. If administered after failure, use "96" as theWarranty Claim Description Code and use "Z" as the SIMS Description Code. The information supplied in this serviceletter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Donot perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the terminationdate without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst. This Revised Service Letter replacesthe May 19, 2004 Service Letter. Changes have been made to the Parts Needed,Action Required, and the Affected Product section.TERMINATION DATE
May 31, 2005PROBLEM
A hand priming fuel pump needs to be installedon certain C7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C15, C16, C18, C30, C32, E90 3126,3176, 3196, 3456, 3406, G3406, 3408 and 3412 Engines. Some engines thatshould have been built with a fuel hand-priming pump may have been shippedwithout the priming pump being installed.AFFECTED PRODUCT
Model Identification Number
C7 KAL22221-22228, 22274, 22276, 22283-22308,22356, 22357, 22364-22367, 22372-22379, 22387-22393, 22396, 22404, 22418-22422,22487, 22492-22512, 22550-22554, 22579-22595, 22599, 22601, 22602, 22605-22608,22620-22626, 22690-22710, 22721-22773, 22778, 22779, 22805, 22953, 22954,23038-23078, 23110-23113, 23132, 23133, 23156-23159, 23161-23204, 23224,23228-23241, 23264-23270, 23274-23280, 23284-23293, 23295, 23300-23304,23385-23419, 23421-23434, 23460, 23482, 23485, 23488-23490, 23494-23520,23569-23574, 23597, 23637-23640, 23646, 23671-23691, 23717-23769, 23806-23808,23824-23835, 23837-23850, 23887, 23891-23918, 23933, 23941, 23959-23970,24005-24028, 24058, 24060, 24061, 24087-24094, 24099, 24105, 24106, 24109,24116-24147, 24160, 24162-24181, 24186-24206, 24254-24266, 24293, 24294,24304, 24307-24323, 24356, 24374, 24375, 24379-24383, 24412, 24415-24423,24445-24459, 24492, 24508-24522, 24538, 24546, 24567-24593, 24634, 24635,24637-24641, 24656-24658, 24666-24670, 24684-24692, 24748-24783, 24818,24824, 24828-24848, 24861, 24862, 24864, 24872-24885, 24894, 24896, 24900-24920,24925, 24966-24978, 25004, 25032-25037, 25053-25059, 25061, 25066-25073,25078, 25082-25084, 25086-25091, 25093-25095, 25099, 25102, 25103, 25136,25138, 25151-25160, 25225-25238, 25240, 25270-25277, 25281, 25282, 25309-25313,25321-25331, 25333, 25334, 25336-25348, 25351, 25410, 25411, 25413-25415,25419-25427, 25456, 25457, 25460, 25470-25492, 25510, 25511, 25514-25539,25542, 25543, 25546-25548, 25558, 25565, 25571-25579, 25581, 25583, 25584,25586, 25587, 25589, 25590, 25592-25594, 25596, 25598-25600, 25602, 25605-25609,25611, 25615, 25617, 25623, 25626, 25632, 25635, 25638, 25640, 25647, 25649,25655, 25656, 25659, 25662, 25663, 25666, 25668-25670, 25675, 25679, 25680,25684, 25685, 25689, 25691, 25696-25699, 25704, 25708, 25711, 25712, 25718,25720, 25725, 25728, 25732, 25734, 25743, 25749, 25751, 25754, 25760, 25761,25766, 25769, 25776, 25782, 25786, 25791, 25793, 25795, 25797, 25800, 25801,25807, 25810, 25815, 25820, 25823, 25825, 25826, 25828, 25833, 25835, 25837,25838, 25840, 25841, 25843, 25846, 25851, 25853, 25854, 25856, 25858, 25861,25863-25865, 25867, 25869, 25870, 25877, 25878, 25880, 25882, 25886, 25888,25890, 25893, 25895, 25899, 25903, 25904, 25906, 25912, 25913, 25917, 25921,25925, 25927-25929, 25934, 25937, 25939, 25944, 25945, 25948, 25953, 25957,25960, 25961, 25963, 25964, 25965, 25967, 25969, 25972, 25975, 25977, 25978,25980, 25983, 25985, 25987, 25995, 25998, 26000, 26003, 26007, 26009, 26010,26011, 26017, 26018, 26019, 26021, 26023, 26026, 26027, 26029, 26036, 26038,26040, 26042, 26054, 26062, 26063-26065, 26067, 26070, 26073, 26077, 26079,26082, 26084, 26087, 26090, 26091, 26094, 26096, 26098, 26101, 26103, 26106,26109, 26112, 26116, 26118, 26119, 26121, 26127, 26129, 26131, 26133, 26136,26137, 26140-26142, 26147, 26150, 26151, 26156, 26159-26161, 26165, 26167-26169,26172, 26178, 26181, 26182, 26187, 26190, 26196, 26198, 26200, 26208, 26211,26214, 26217, 26226, 26229, 26232, 26236, 26241, 26242, 26246, 26248-26250,26259, 26262, 26264, 26268, 26271, 26278, 26282, 26284, 26288, 26290, 26293,26294, 26298-26301, 26303, 26305-26308, 26311, 26313, 26314, 26316, 26317,26319, 26322, 26323, 26325, 26327, 26331, 26333, 26335-26337, 26339, 26340,26342, 26348-26350, 26354, 26355, 26358, 26361, 26364, 26371, 26375, 26377,26379, 26384, 26387, 26391, 26396, 26398, 26403, 26405, 26407, 26413, 26415,26416, 26420, 26422, 26424, 26428, 26430, 26436, 26441, 26450, 26452, 26456,26458, 26467, 26468, 26471, 26477, 26481, 26486, 26493, 26499, 26502, 26507,26508, 26510, 26751, 26752, 26754, 26757, 26763, 26764, 26771, 26773, 26778,26779, 26782, 26783, 26787, 26788, 26795, 26797, 26798, 26799, 26800, 26801,26807, 26809, 26811, 26812, 26818, 26823, 26825, 26826, 26829, 26835, 26838,26842, 26845, 26846, 26850, 26852, 26860-26863, 26865, 26876, 26877, 26879,26881, 26884, 26886, 26887, 26889, 26892, 26896, 26899, 26903, 26906, 26908,26914, 26919, 26921, 26929, 26937, 26943, 26945, 26951, 26957, 26974, 26978,26986, 26988, 26990, 26992, 26993, 26996, 26997, 26999, 27003, 27004, 27005,27007, 27008, 27011, 27015-27017, 27021, 27025-27027, 27029, 27033, 27037,27043, 27044, 27048, 27051, 27052, 27055, 27058-27060, 27063, 27067, 27068,27070-27073, 27075, 27076, 27078, 27081, 27082, 27084, 27086, 27087, 27089,27091-27093, 27104, 27106, 27110, 27113, 27114, 27117, 27119, 27122, 27123,27126, 27130, 27137, 27138, 27141, 27142, 27146, 27151, 27154, 27155, 27157,27164, 27167, 27173, 27174, 27175, 27179, 27182, 27188, 27201, 27204, 27208,27210, 27224, 27228, 27230, 27231, 27232, 27234, 27238, 27240, 27243, 27245,27246, 27248, 27250, 27252-27257, 27266, 27269, 27271, 27277, 27278, 27283,27286-27288, 27290, 27292, 27293, 27306, 27308, 27311, 27313, 27319, 27320,27323, 27325, 27328, 27332, 27333, 27340, 27341, 27350, 27353, 27354, 27367,27370, 27373, 27375, 27386, 27388, 27389, 27392, 27396, 27398, 27401, 27402,27408, 27410-27412, 27416-27418, 27420, 27421, 27425, 27432, 27433, 27435,27437, 27438, 27441, 27446, 27450, 27456, 27459, 27464, 27467, 27471, 27475,27477, 27482, 27483, 27491, 27495, 27498, 27499, 27505, 27508, 27513, 27520,27521, 27525, 27536, 27542, 27545, 27546, 27548, 27549, 27559, 27560, 27562,27563, 27565, 27568, 27569, 27571, 27574, 27579, 27583, 27585, 27596, 27599,27602, 27604, 27605, 27608, 27612, 27617, 27621, 27624, 27862, 27866, 27868,27869, 27873, 27875, 27876, 27877, 27881-27885, 27889, 27891, 27893, 27896-27898,27905, 27906, 27913, 27914, 27921, 27924-27926, 27930, 27931, 27935, 27936,27938, 27939-27941, 27943, 27947, 27950, 27951, 27953, 27958, 27960, 27964,27967, 27973, 27975, 27978, 27981, 27983, 27984, 27989, 27991, 27992, 27995,27997, 28001, 28002, 28005, 28008, 28010, 28011, 28015, 28017, 28020, 28023,28025, 28030, 28032, 28036, 28038, 28040, 28042, 28049, 28054, 28055, 28056,28058, 28064, 28066, 28071, 28078, 28096, 28097, 28099, 28100, 28106-28108,28111-28113, 28118, 28121, 28122, 28124, 28127-28129, 28134, 28136, 28138,28139, 28141, 28143, 28145, 28146, 28148, 28151, 28152, 28154, 28157, 28158,28163, 28164, 28167, 28169, 28173, 28174, 28177, 28179, 28180, 28185, 28188,28191, 28192, 28196, 28200-28204, 28207, 28213, 28214, 28220, 28221, 28225,28227, 28228, 28231, 28232, 28234, 28237, 28238, 28241, 28244-28246, 28250,28252, 28262, 28274, 28284, 28285, 28293, 28300, 28303, 28307, 28308, 28318,28319, 28326, 28332-28334, 28338, 28345, 28347, 28354, 28356, 28358, 28362,28365, 28372, 28373, 28376, 28377, 28381, 28386, 28387, 28389, 28392, 28395,28401-28403, 28405, 28406, 28410, 28414, 28421, 28423, 28425, 28430-28432,28436, 28439,
(Revised October 2004)
after failure PRODUCT SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR INSTALLINGA HAND PRIMING FUEL PUMP ON CERTAIN C7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C15, C16,C18, C30, C32, E90 3126, 3176, 3196, 3456, 3406, G3406, 3408 AND 3412 ENGINES
1258 PS41596
This Program can be administered eitherbefore or after failure. In either case the decision whether to apply theProgram is made by the dealer. When reporting the repair, use "PS41596"as the Part number and "7755" as the Group Number. If administered beforefailure, use "56" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "T" asthe SIMS Description Code. If administered after failure, use "96" as theWarranty Claim Description Code and use "Z" as the SIMS Description Code. The information supplied in this serviceletter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Donot perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the terminationdate without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst. This Revised Service Letter replacesthe May 19, 2004 Service Letter. Changes have been made to the Parts Needed,Action Required, and the Affected Product section.TERMINATION DATE
May 31, 2005PROBLEM
A hand priming fuel pump needs to be installedon certain C7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C15, C16, C18, C30, C32, E90 3126,3176, 3196, 3456, 3406, G3406, 3408 and 3412 Engines. Some engines thatshould have been built with a fuel hand-priming pump may have been shippedwithout the priming pump being installed.AFFECTED PRODUCT
Model Identification Number
C7 KAL22221-22228, 22274, 22276, 22283-22308,22356, 22357, 22364-22367, 22372-22379, 22387-22393, 22396, 22404, 22418-22422,22487, 22492-22512, 22550-22554, 22579-22595, 22599, 22601, 22602, 22605-22608,22620-22626, 22690-22710, 22721-22773, 22778, 22779, 22805, 22953, 22954,23038-23078, 23110-23113, 23132, 23133, 23156-23159, 23161-23204, 23224,23228-23241, 23264-23270, 23274-23280, 23284-23293, 23295, 23300-23304,23385-23419, 23421-23434, 23460, 23482, 23485, 23488-23490, 23494-23520,23569-23574, 23597, 23637-23640, 23646, 23671-23691, 23717-23769, 23806-23808,23824-23835, 23837-23850, 23887, 23891-23918, 23933, 23941, 23959-23970,24005-24028, 24058, 24060, 24061, 24087-24094, 24099, 24105, 24106, 24109,24116-24147, 24160, 24162-24181, 24186-24206, 24254-24266, 24293, 24294,24304, 24307-24323, 24356, 24374, 24375, 24379-24383, 24412, 24415-24423,24445-24459, 24492, 24508-24522, 24538, 24546, 24567-24593, 24634, 24635,24637-24641, 24656-24658, 24666-24670, 24684-24692, 24748-24783, 24818,24824, 24828-24848, 24861, 24862, 24864, 24872-24885, 24894, 24896, 24900-24920,24925, 24966-24978, 25004, 25032-25037, 25053-25059, 25061, 25066-25073,25078, 25082-25084, 25086-25091, 25093-25095, 25099, 25102, 25103, 25136,25138, 25151-25160, 25225-25238, 25240, 25270-25277, 25281, 25282, 25309-25313,25321-25331, 25333, 25334, 25336-25348, 25351, 25410, 25411, 25413-25415,25419-25427, 25456, 25457, 25460, 25470-25492, 25510, 25511, 25514-25539,25542, 25543, 25546-25548, 25558, 25565, 25571-25579, 25581, 25583, 25584,25586, 25587, 25589, 25590, 25592-25594, 25596, 25598-25600, 25602, 25605-25609,25611, 25615, 25617, 25623, 25626, 25632, 25635, 25638, 25640, 25647, 25649,25655, 25656, 25659, 25662, 25663, 25666, 25668-25670, 25675, 25679, 25680,25684, 25685, 25689, 25691, 25696-25699, 25704, 25708, 25711, 25712, 25718,25720, 25725, 25728, 25732, 25734, 25743, 25749, 25751, 25754, 25760, 25761,25766, 25769, 25776, 25782, 25786, 25791, 25793, 25795, 25797, 25800, 25801,25807, 25810, 25815, 25820, 25823, 25825, 25826, 25828, 25833, 25835, 25837,25838, 25840, 25841, 25843, 25846, 25851, 25853, 25854, 25856, 25858, 25861,25863-25865, 25867, 25869, 25870, 25877, 25878, 25880, 25882, 25886, 25888,25890, 25893, 25895, 25899, 25903, 25904, 25906, 25912, 25913, 25917, 25921,25925, 25927-25929, 25934, 25937, 25939, 25944, 25945, 25948, 25953, 25957,25960, 25961, 25963, 25964, 25965, 25967, 25969, 25972, 25975, 25977, 25978,25980, 25983, 25985, 25987, 25995, 25998, 26000, 26003, 26007, 26009, 26010,26011, 26017, 26018, 26019, 26021, 26023, 26026, 26027, 26029, 26036, 26038,26040, 26042, 26054, 26062, 26063-26065, 26067, 26070, 26073, 26077, 26079,26082, 26084, 26087, 26090, 26091, 26094, 26096, 26098, 26101, 26103, 26106,26109, 26112, 26116, 26118, 26119, 26121, 26127, 26129, 26131, 26133, 26136,26137, 26140-26142, 26147, 26150, 26151, 26156, 26159-26161, 26165, 26167-26169,26172, 26178, 26181, 26182, 26187, 26190, 26196, 26198, 26200, 26208, 26211,26214, 26217, 26226, 26229, 26232, 26236, 26241, 26242, 26246, 26248-26250,26259, 26262, 26264, 26268, 26271, 26278, 26282, 26284, 26288, 26290, 26293,26294, 26298-26301, 26303, 26305-26308, 26311, 26313, 26314, 26316, 26317,26319, 26322, 26323, 26325, 26327, 26331, 26333, 26335-26337, 26339, 26340,26342, 26348-26350, 26354, 26355, 26358, 26361, 26364, 26371, 26375, 26377,26379, 26384, 26387, 26391, 26396, 26398, 26403, 26405, 26407, 26413, 26415,26416, 26420, 26422, 26424, 26428, 26430, 26436, 26441, 26450, 26452, 26456,26458, 26467, 26468, 26471, 26477, 26481, 26486, 26493, 26499, 26502, 26507,26508, 26510, 26751, 26752, 26754, 26757, 26763, 26764, 26771, 26773, 26778,26779, 26782, 26783, 26787, 26788, 26795, 26797, 26798, 26799, 26800, 26801,26807, 26809, 26811, 26812, 26818, 26823, 26825, 26826, 26829, 26835, 26838,26842, 26845, 26846, 26850, 26852, 26860-26863, 26865, 26876, 26877, 26879,26881, 26884, 26886, 26887, 26889, 26892, 26896, 26899, 26903, 26906, 26908,26914, 26919, 26921, 26929, 26937, 26943, 26945, 26951, 26957, 26974, 26978,26986, 26988, 26990, 26992, 26993, 26996, 26997, 26999, 27003, 27004, 27005,27007, 27008, 27011, 27015-27017, 27021, 27025-27027, 27029, 27033, 27037,27043, 27044, 27048, 27051, 27052, 27055, 27058-27060, 27063, 27067, 27068,27070-27073, 27075, 27076, 27078, 27081, 27082, 27084, 27086, 27087, 27089,27091-27093, 27104, 27106, 27110, 27113, 27114, 27117, 27119, 27122, 27123,27126, 27130, 27137, 27138, 27141, 27142, 27146, 27151, 27154, 27155, 27157,27164, 27167, 27173, 27174, 27175, 27179, 27182, 27188, 27201, 27204, 27208,27210, 27224, 27228, 27230, 27231, 27232, 27234, 27238, 27240, 27243, 27245,27246, 27248, 27250, 27252-27257, 27266, 27269, 27271, 27277, 27278, 27283,27286-27288, 27290, 27292, 27293, 27306, 27308, 27311, 27313, 27319, 27320,27323, 27325, 27328, 27332, 27333, 27340, 27341, 27350, 27353, 27354, 27367,27370, 27373, 27375, 27386, 27388, 27389, 27392, 27396, 27398, 27401, 27402,27408, 27410-27412, 27416-27418, 27420, 27421, 27425, 27432, 27433, 27435,27437, 27438, 27441, 27446, 27450, 27456, 27459, 27464, 27467, 27471, 27475,27477, 27482, 27483, 27491, 27495, 27498, 27499, 27505, 27508, 27513, 27520,27521, 27525, 27536, 27542, 27545, 27546, 27548, 27549, 27559, 27560, 27562,27563, 27565, 27568, 27569, 27571, 27574, 27579, 27583, 27585, 27596, 27599,27602, 27604, 27605, 27608, 27612, 27617, 27621, 27624, 27862, 27866, 27868,27869, 27873, 27875, 27876, 27877, 27881-27885, 27889, 27891, 27893, 27896-27898,27905, 27906, 27913, 27914, 27921, 27924-27926, 27930, 27931, 27935, 27936,27938, 27939-27941, 27943, 27947, 27950, 27951, 27953, 27958, 27960, 27964,27967, 27973, 27975, 27978, 27981, 27983, 27984, 27989, 27991, 27992, 27995,27997, 28001, 28002, 28005, 28008, 28010, 28011, 28015, 28017, 28020, 28023,28025, 28030, 28032, 28036, 28038, 28040, 28042, 28049, 28054, 28055, 28056,28058, 28064, 28066, 28071, 28078, 28096, 28097, 28099, 28100, 28106-28108,28111-28113, 28118, 28121, 28122, 28124, 28127-28129, 28134, 28136, 28138,28139, 28141, 28143, 28145, 28146, 28148, 28151, 28152, 28154, 28157, 28158,28163, 28164, 28167, 28169, 28173, 28174, 28177, 28179, 28180, 28185, 28188,28191, 28192, 28196, 28200-28204, 28207, 28213, 28214, 28220, 28221, 28225,28227, 28228, 28231, 28232, 28234, 28237, 28238, 28241, 28244-28246, 28250,28252, 28262, 28274, 28284, 28285, 28293, 28300, 28303, 28307, 28308, 28318,28319, 28326, 28332-28334, 28338, 28345, 28347, 28354, 28356, 28358, 28362,28365, 28372, 28373, 28376, 28377, 28381, 28386, 28387, 28389, 28392, 28395,28401-28403, 28405, 28406, 28410, 28414, 28421, 28423, 28425, 28430-28432,28436, 28439,
Parts hex Volvo Penta:
963699 Hex. socket screw
120S-A; 120S-B; 120S-D, 2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C, AQ145B,
963678 Hex. socket screw
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C,
947671 Hex. socket screw
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B,
941807 Hex. socket screw
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131
959438 Hex. socket screw
230A; 230B; 250A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C, AQ145A; BB145A, AQ175A, AQ190A; AQ240A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ23
941812 Hex. socket screw
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131
941810 Hex. socket screw
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131
948324 Hex. socket screw
430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, AQ175A, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A, AQ311A; AQ311B, BB231A; BB261A