21043287 Hose Volvo.Penta
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Start By:a. remove expansion tank and water lines (marine engine)1. Turn the engine counterclockwise (as seen from the flywheel end of the engine) with tool (A) until the No. 1 piston is at top center (TC) on the compression stroke and the timing bolt can be installed in the flywheel. See Top Center (TC) for No. 1 piston in Testing and Adjusting. 2. Remove ten bolts (1) and two nuts (not shown). Remove cover (3). 3. Remove four bolts (4) and retainer.4. Remove automatic timing advance (5).Install Automatic Timing Advance
1. Put automatic timing advance (2) in position in housing (1). Install retainer and bolts (4).2. Check fuel injection pump timing with Tool (B). See Fuel System Adjustments: On Engine, Timing Pin Method of timing in Testing and Adjusting.3. Tighten bolts (4) evenly to a torque of 25 N m (20 lb ft). Remove Tool (B).4. Tighten bolts (4) to a torque of 135 7 N m (100 5 lb ft). Remove the timing pin from the flywheel.5. Turn the crankshaft two complete turns and check the camshaft timing again.6. Install cover (3).End By:a. install expansion tank and water lines (marine engine)Disassemble Automatic Timing Advance
Start By:a. remove automatic timing advance 1. Remove ring (1) and gear assembly (2) from the flange assembly.2. Remove the sides from the weights. 3. Remove springs (4) and weights (3) from the flange assembly.Assemble Automatic Timing Advance
1. Put weights (2) in position in flange assembly (1) as shown.2. Install springs (3) in flange assembly (1). Low Speed Engine timing advance has only one spring for each weight. 3. If pistons (6) were removed from the gear assembly because of wear, use new parts for replacement. Install new pistons (6) until they are 11.05 .13 mm (.435 .005 in) above the inside surface of gear assembly (4). Move the metal (peen) on the outside surface gear assembly (4) in four places around each piston to hold them in position.4. Use 1P808 General Purpose Lubricant to hold sides (5) in position on gear assembly (4).5. Install gear assembly (4) on flange assembly (1). Make sure sides (5) fit in grooves of the weights.6. Install the ring that holds gear assembly (4) on the flange assembly.End By:a. install automatic timing advanceRemove Governor
Start By:a. remove fuel ratio control (if equipped) 1. Remove cover (1). 2. Remove the bolts from cover (2). Remove cover (2).
Do not drop valve (4) as cover (2) is removed.
3. Remove the bolt from stop collar (3). Remove collar (3). Remove spring (5) from below collar (3). 4. Remove bolts (6). Remove governor housing (7) and the gasket.5. Remove cover (9). Remove bolts (10).6. Disconnect fuel lines (8). 7. Install Tool (A) with the flat end down in the fuel pump housing. Move governor bolt (11) until Tool (A) is in place in the slot in the rack. The racks are now in center (zero) position.8. Remove governor plate (12). If necessary, hold the racks in the zero position against Tool (a) with a screwdriver while the governor plate is removed.
It is possible to remove the entire governor as a unit. The above steps must be followed before the governor can be installed again on the injection pump housing.
Install Governor
Drive assemble (5) and stop (3) must be removed from the governor plate before the governor plate is installed.
1. Install Tool (A) in the fuel injection pump housing. The square end (flat end) must be down. Make sure the correct end of Tool (A) is used. Push the fuel rack in until Tool (A) is in place in the slot (groove). The racks are now in the center (zero) position.2. Install a new gasket on the fuel injection pump housing.3. Put governor plate (2) into position on the injection pump housing. Be sure the dowels on plate (2) are in alignment with the holes in the injection pump housing and the governor linkage is engaged with the left fuel rack. 4. Install stop (3) gear (4). Make sure the special tooth (blind spline) in stop (3) is in alignment with the special tooth (blind spline) on pinion assembly (1). 5. Install drive assembly (5). Make an alignment of the hold in gear (4) with the holes in stop (3) and drive assembly (5). Install the pin that holds the gear (4), stop (3) and drive assembly (5) together. Install the lock ring that hold the pin in gear (4). 6. Install spring (7) on the governor assembly. Install a spring washer, flat washer (8), spring washer and collar (6). 7. Install a new gasket (10) on the governor plate. Install governor housing (9). Install bolts (15) and bolts (14) that hold the governor plate and governor housing to the injection pump housing. Install cover (12).8. Install spring (13) and stop collar (11).9. Check the governor adjustment. See Governor Adjustments in Testing and Adjusting. 10. Install valve (17) in cover (16) with the screen side toward the inside of the valve bore.11. Install valve (17) in cover (16). Install cover (18).12. Connect fuel lines (19) to the governor plate.End By:a. install fuel ratio control (if equipped).Disassemble Governor (Standard Engine)
Start By:a. remove governor 1. Remove plug (4) and gasket. Remove the spring, plunger and washer from the speed limiter.2. Bend the locks down on torque spring assembly (1).3. Remove high idle screw (2) and low idle screw (3). 4. Bend lock (7) down and remove the bolt from control lever (8). Remove shaft (5) and control lever (8).5. Remove the lip type seals and shaft bearings from the housing. 6. Remove seat (9), spring washer, flat washer and spring washer (10). Remove spring washer (11). Remove spring (12). 7. Remove ring (16) from seat (14). Remove dowel (15). Remove seat (14) and governor bolt (13) as a unit. Remove bolt (13) from seal (14). 8. Remove top washer (17), spring (18) and bottom washer from the top of the servo piston assembly.9. Remove sleeve (19). Remove the race, bearing and race from the bottom
1. Put automatic timing advance (2) in position in housing (1). Install retainer and bolts (4).2. Check fuel injection pump timing with Tool (B). See Fuel System Adjustments: On Engine, Timing Pin Method of timing in Testing and Adjusting.3. Tighten bolts (4) evenly to a torque of 25 N m (20 lb ft). Remove Tool (B).4. Tighten bolts (4) to a torque of 135 7 N m (100 5 lb ft). Remove the timing pin from the flywheel.5. Turn the crankshaft two complete turns and check the camshaft timing again.6. Install cover (3).End By:a. install expansion tank and water lines (marine engine)Disassemble Automatic Timing Advance
Start By:a. remove automatic timing advance 1. Remove ring (1) and gear assembly (2) from the flange assembly.2. Remove the sides from the weights. 3. Remove springs (4) and weights (3) from the flange assembly.Assemble Automatic Timing Advance
1. Put weights (2) in position in flange assembly (1) as shown.2. Install springs (3) in flange assembly (1). Low Speed Engine timing advance has only one spring for each weight. 3. If pistons (6) were removed from the gear assembly because of wear, use new parts for replacement. Install new pistons (6) until they are 11.05 .13 mm (.435 .005 in) above the inside surface of gear assembly (4). Move the metal (peen) on the outside surface gear assembly (4) in four places around each piston to hold them in position.4. Use 1P808 General Purpose Lubricant to hold sides (5) in position on gear assembly (4).5. Install gear assembly (4) on flange assembly (1). Make sure sides (5) fit in grooves of the weights.6. Install the ring that holds gear assembly (4) on the flange assembly.End By:a. install automatic timing advanceRemove Governor
Start By:a. remove fuel ratio control (if equipped) 1. Remove cover (1). 2. Remove the bolts from cover (2). Remove cover (2).
Do not drop valve (4) as cover (2) is removed.
3. Remove the bolt from stop collar (3). Remove collar (3). Remove spring (5) from below collar (3). 4. Remove bolts (6). Remove governor housing (7) and the gasket.5. Remove cover (9). Remove bolts (10).6. Disconnect fuel lines (8). 7. Install Tool (A) with the flat end down in the fuel pump housing. Move governor bolt (11) until Tool (A) is in place in the slot in the rack. The racks are now in center (zero) position.8. Remove governor plate (12). If necessary, hold the racks in the zero position against Tool (a) with a screwdriver while the governor plate is removed.
It is possible to remove the entire governor as a unit. The above steps must be followed before the governor can be installed again on the injection pump housing.
Install Governor
Drive assemble (5) and stop (3) must be removed from the governor plate before the governor plate is installed.
1. Install Tool (A) in the fuel injection pump housing. The square end (flat end) must be down. Make sure the correct end of Tool (A) is used. Push the fuel rack in until Tool (A) is in place in the slot (groove). The racks are now in the center (zero) position.2. Install a new gasket on the fuel injection pump housing.3. Put governor plate (2) into position on the injection pump housing. Be sure the dowels on plate (2) are in alignment with the holes in the injection pump housing and the governor linkage is engaged with the left fuel rack. 4. Install stop (3) gear (4). Make sure the special tooth (blind spline) in stop (3) is in alignment with the special tooth (blind spline) on pinion assembly (1). 5. Install drive assembly (5). Make an alignment of the hold in gear (4) with the holes in stop (3) and drive assembly (5). Install the pin that holds the gear (4), stop (3) and drive assembly (5) together. Install the lock ring that hold the pin in gear (4). 6. Install spring (7) on the governor assembly. Install a spring washer, flat washer (8), spring washer and collar (6). 7. Install a new gasket (10) on the governor plate. Install governor housing (9). Install bolts (15) and bolts (14) that hold the governor plate and governor housing to the injection pump housing. Install cover (12).8. Install spring (13) and stop collar (11).9. Check the governor adjustment. See Governor Adjustments in Testing and Adjusting. 10. Install valve (17) in cover (16) with the screen side toward the inside of the valve bore.11. Install valve (17) in cover (16). Install cover (18).12. Connect fuel lines (19) to the governor plate.End By:a. install fuel ratio control (if equipped).Disassemble Governor (Standard Engine)
Start By:a. remove governor 1. Remove plug (4) and gasket. Remove the spring, plunger and washer from the speed limiter.2. Bend the locks down on torque spring assembly (1).3. Remove high idle screw (2) and low idle screw (3). 4. Bend lock (7) down and remove the bolt from control lever (8). Remove shaft (5) and control lever (8).5. Remove the lip type seals and shaft bearings from the housing. 6. Remove seat (9), spring washer, flat washer and spring washer (10). Remove spring washer (11). Remove spring (12). 7. Remove ring (16) from seat (14). Remove dowel (15). Remove seat (14) and governor bolt (13) as a unit. Remove bolt (13) from seal (14). 8. Remove top washer (17), spring (18) and bottom washer from the top of the servo piston assembly.9. Remove sleeve (19). Remove the race, bearing and race from the bottom
Parts hose Volvo Penta:
994556 Hose clamp
1372, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D16C-A MG, D3-110I-A; D
20773425 Hose clamp