22183529 Volvo.Penta Hose

22183529 Hose Volvo.Penta 1372, TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE, TWD1672GE; TWD1673GE; TWD1672-1673GE Hose
22183529 Hose Volvo Penta

Buy Hose 22183529 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 2

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE; TAD1670-72VE
TWD1672GE; TWD1673GE; TWD1672-1673GE


Do not perform any procedure in this Special Instruction until you read this information and you understand this information.In a crankcase ventilation system, the fumes from the crankcase are filtered before the fumes are sent to the air intake system. Steps must be taken in order to prevent oil from collecting on the components of the air intake system. Otherwise, the following problems can result:
Decreased service life of air cleaner filters
Premature plugging of the aftercooler coreRecommendations
Route the fumes from the crankcase through a commercially available aftermarket fumes disposal system. Direct the filtered fumes to the dirty side of the air cleaner filter elements.Install soot filters on the air cleaner filter elements.Monitor the differential pressure of the air intake system in order to determine when the system requires servicing.Soot Filters
Soot filters fit firmly around 490 mm (19.3 inch) filter elements. Table 1 lists the part number and the height of the soot filters.
Table 1
Soot Filters    
Part Number of the Soot Filter    Height of the Soot Filter    
250 mm (10 inch)    
350 mm (14 inch)    
450 mm (18 inch)    The soot filter can be cleaned in order to remove oil. Wash the filter in a solution of soap and water. Allow the filter to dry completely before installing the filter.Monitoring the Differential Pressure
A differential pressure gauge can be installed across the air side of the aftercooler core. The differential pressure provides an indication of the amount of plugging in the aftercooler core. The 152-2067 Oil Filter Pressure Differential Gauge Gp is suitable for monitoring the differential pressure. Table 2 lists the components and the locations for connecting the differential pressure gauge.
Table 2
Components and Locations for Sensing the Differential Pressure    
Type of Air Intake System     Hose     Fittings     Location for the Fittings    
Mechanical Unit Injection (MUI)
Rear Turbocharger     5P-1519 Hose and internal 37 degree flare fitting ends     5J-7303 Elbow
8B-2664 Reducer Bushing
001-9440 Connector     Refer to Illustration 1 and Illustration 2    
Top Turbocharger     5J-7303 Elbow
8B-2664 Reducer Bushing
001-9440 Connector Refer to Illustration 3 and Illustration 4    
Electronic Unit Injection (EUI)
Rear Turbocharger     001-9440 Connector (1) Refer to Illustration 4    
Top Turbocharger     001-9440 Connector (1) Refer to Illustration 5    
( 1 ) Two Connectors are required
Illustration 1 g01446694
Typical configuration (1) Location for the 5J-7303 Elbow for the high pressure port
Illustration 2 g01446714
Port on a cylinder block (2) Location for the 8B-2664 Reducer Bushing and 001-9440 Connector for the low pressure port
Illustration 3 g01446657
Typical configuration (3) Location for the 5J-7303 Elbow for the high pressure port
Illustration 4 g01446721
Typical configuration (4) Location for the 001-9440 Connector for the low pressure port (5) Location for the 001-9440 Connector for the high pressure port
Illustration 5 g01446991
Typical configuration (6) Location for the 001-9440 Connector for the high pressure port (7) Location for the 001-9440 Connector for the low pressure portTable 3 provides the maximum allowable differential pressure across various components. Perform the appropriate service procedure if the differential pressure exceeds the value that is listed.
Table 3
Maximum Differential Pressure and Service Procedures    
Component    Maximum Differential Pressure    Service Procedure    
Aftercooler Core    
7.5 kPa (30 inches of H2O)     Clean the aftercooler core.    
Air Cleaner Filter    
6.2 kPa (25 inches of H2O)     Clean the soot filter.
Replace the air cleaner filter, if necessary.    
Crankcase     The crankcase pressure must be within
0.5 kPa (

Parts hose Volvo Penta:

Hose clamp
1674223 Hose clamp
1372, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, TAD1030GE; TAD1031GE; TAD1032GE, TAD1140VE; TAD1141VE; TAD1142VE, TAD1150VE; TAD1151VE; TAD1152VE,
949931 Hose
1372, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, TAD1140VE; TAD1141VE; TAD1142VE, TAD1150VE; TAD1151VE; TAD1152VE, TAD1170VE; TAD1171VE; TAD1172VE, TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE, TAD1341GE; TAD1342GE; TAD1343GE, TAD1350VE, TAD1351VE; TAD1352VE; TAD1353VE,
Hose clamp
20435760 Hose clamp
1372, D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C-B MH; D16C-C MH, D16C-D MH, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG, TAD1030GE; TAD1031GE; TAD1032GE, TAD1240GE; TAD1241GE; TAD1242GE, TAD1340VE; TAD1341VE; TAD1342VE, TAD1341GE; TAD1342GE; TA
21564178 Hose
1372, TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE
21923974 Hose, red
1372, TAD1170VE; TAD1171VE; TAD1172VE, TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE, TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE, TAD570VE; TAD571VE; TAD572VE, TAD870VE; TAD871VE; TAD872VE
21732390 Hose
1372, TAD1351VE; TAD1352VE; TAD1353VE, TAD1352VE, TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE
21923973 Hose
1372, TAD1351VE; TAD1352VE; TAD1353VE, TAD1352VE, TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE
996429 Hose nipple
TAD1640GE; TAD1641GE; TAD1642GE, TAD1643VE-B, TAD1650VE-B; TAD1650VE-B/51VE; TAD1651VE, TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE, TWD1672GE; TWD1673GE; TWD1672-1673GE
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