22337449 Hose Volvo.Penta
V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G, V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G, V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G, V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J, V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J, V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J, V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H, V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-3
Price: query
Compatible models:
V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G
V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G
V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G
V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J
V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J
V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J
V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H
V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-350-CE-G
V8-300-CE-J; V8-350-CE-J
V8-350-C-J; V8-300-C-J
V8-380-C-J; V8-430-C-J
V8-380-CE-G; V8-430-CE-G
Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:
- Power Steering » 22337449
V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G
V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J
V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J
V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J
V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H; V8-300-C-H
V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-350-CE-G; V8-350-CE-H
V8-300-CE-J; V8-350-CE-J
V8-350-C-J; V8-300-C-J
V8-380-C-J; V8-430-C-J
V8-380-CE-G; V8-430-CE-G
Illustration 1 g00598835
SchematicTest Step 1. Check for connector damage.
Verify that the circuit breakers are not tripped.
Turn the circuit breaker for the battery to the OFF position.
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.
Check connectors and wiring for the following problems: damage, corrosion, abrasion and incorrect attachment.Expected Result:The connectors and wiring should be free of the following problems: damage, corrosion, abrasion and incorrect attachment.Results:
OK - Proceed to test step 2.
Not OK - Repair: Repair the connectors and/or wiring or replace the connectors and/or wiring. Stop.Test Step 2. Check the ECS.
Verify proper operation of the ECS.Expected Result:Results:
OK - The ECS is working correctly. Proceed to test step 3.
Not OK - A problem was found with the ECS.Repair: Repair the ECS and/or replace the ECS. Stop.Test Step 3. Attempt To Start the Engine
Turn the circuit breaker for the battery to the ON position.
Turn the ECS to the STOP position.
Connect an Electronic Service Tool to the Service Tool Connector.
Observe the startup mode parameter on the Electronic Service Tool status screen.
Turn the ECS to the START position. Monitor the startup mode parameter.
The crank cycle will continue for the time that is equal to the cycle crank time that has been programmed or the crank cycle will continue until the engine speed reaches the crank terminate speed.Expected Result:The status screen for the startup mode parameter should display "CRANK".Results:
OK - The startup mode parameter on the status screen on the Electronic Service Tool displays "CRANK". Stop.
Not OK - The engine will not crank. Proceed to test step 4.Test Step 4. Manually Crank The Engine.
Turn the ECS to the START position.
Open the Electronic Instrument Panel. Activate the manual crank switch. Listen for the mag relay to activate.Expected Result:The mag relay should activate and the starting solenoid should activate.Results:
OK - The relay activates and the engine starts. Proceed to test step 5.
Relay(s) Active - The relay activates but the starting motor did not activate. Proceed to test step 6.
Relay(s) Not Active - The relay did not activate. Proceed to test step 7.Test Step 5. Test the ECM.
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.
Disconnect P2 from the ECM. Remove the wire from P2-7 and P2-13.
Obtain two suitable pieces of 18 AWG wire.
Install one wire at P2-7. Install the second wire at P2-13. Reconnect ECM connector P2.
Connect one probe of the multimeter to the wire at P2-7. Connect the other probe to the wire at P2-13.
Turn the ECS to the STOP position.
Activate the override for the starting motor relay.Note: This test will cause a 444-05 CID-FMI to be Logged. Delete this CID-FMI when you are finished with this test.
Turn OFF the override for the starting motor relay.
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position. Remove the extra wires. Expected Result:The voltage should be 24 5 VDC.Results:
OK - The voltage is correct.Repair: The problem is not with the ECM. The problem is most likely in the wiring between P2 and the mag relay. Stop.
Not OK - The voltage is not correct.Repair: Replace the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Replacing the ECM". Stop.Test Step 6. Check the Solenoid.
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.
Connect one end of a suitable piece of 10 AWG wire to +Battery. Connect the other end to the S terminal of the starting solenoid for one second.Expected Result:The starting solenoid should activate while the wire is connected to the S terminal.Results:
OK - The starting solenoid activated. The problem appears to be in the system wiring.Repair: Ensure that the circuit breaker for the mag relay has not tripped. Check and repair the wiring between the S terminal of the starting solenoid and terminal 2 of the mag relay. Verify repairs by checking starting solenoid operation. Stop.
Not OK - The starting solenoid did not activate. The problem appears to be in the starting solenoid.Repair: Temporarily install a new starting solenoid. Ensure that the problem is no longer present. Reinstall the old starting solenoid. If the problem returns, replace the starting solenoid. Stop.Test Step 7. Test the Mag Relay.
Turn the ECS to the STOP position.
Obtain two suitable pieces of 18 AWG wire. Connect one end of the first wire to -Battery and the other end to the mag relay terminal 4.
Connect one end of the second wire to +Battery. Connect the other end to mag relay terminal 3 intermittently.Expected Result:When the second wire is connected to mag relay terminal 3, the mag relay should be active.Results:
OK - The mag relay activated.Repair: The problem appears to be in the wiring between the mag relay and the manual crank switch. Ensure that the circuit breaker for the manual crank switch and the emergency stop has not been tripped. Stop.
Not OK - The mag relay did not activate. Repair: The problem appears to be with the mag relay. Temporarily install a new mag relay. Ensure that the problem is no longer present. Reinstall the old mag relay. If the problem returns, replace the mag relay. Stop.
Parts hose Volvo Penta:
978173 Hose clamp
4.3GL-P, 4.3GXi-225-R; 4.3Gi-200-R, 4.3GXi-P; 4.3GXi-Q, 4.3GXiE-225-R, 4.3GXiE-P; 4.3GXiE-Q, 5.0GXiC-270-R; 5.0GiC-225-S, 5.0GXiC-P, 5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S, 5.0GXiCE-P, 5.7GiC-300-P; 5.7GXiC-P, 5.7GiC-300-R; 5.7GXiC-320-R, 5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GX
3852602 Hose clamp, hose to gimbal
3.0GLMMDA; 3.0GSPMDA, 3.0GLP-A; 3.0GLP-B; 3.0GLM-A, 3.0GSMHUB; 3.0GSPHUB, 3.0GSMNCA; 3.0GSMNCS; 3.0GSPNCA, 4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-P, 4.3GLMMDA; 4.3GLPMDA; 4.3GSPMDA, 4.3GLPBYC; 4.3GSPBYC; 4.3GIPBYCCE, 4.3GLPEFS; 4.3GiPEFS, 4.3GLPHUB; 4.3GSP
3852696 Hose
4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GL-P, 4.3GLMMDA; 4.3GLPMDA; 4.3GSPMDA, 4.3GLPBYC; 4.3GSPBYC; 4.3GIPBYCCE, 4.3GLPEFS; 4.3GiPEFS, 4.3GLPHUB; 4.3GSPHUB; 4.3GSPHUS, 4.3GLPLKD; 4.3GLPLKE; 4.3GSPLKD, 4
983744 Hose nipple
4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GXi-F; 4.3GXi-FF; 4.3OSi-F, 4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G, 4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J, 4.3GXiE-M, 5.0GL-F; 5.0GL-FF, 5.0GL-H; 5.0GL-HF, 5.0GL-J; 5.0GL-JF, 5.0GXi-270-R, 5.0GXi-F; 5.0GXi-F
22336543 Hose assembly
V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G, V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G, V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G, V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J, V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J, V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J
22560164 Hose
V6-200-C-G; V6-240-C-G; V6-280-C-G, V6-200-G; V6-240-G; V6-280-G, V6-240-CE-G; V6-280-CE-G, V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J, V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J, V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J, V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H, V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-3
22616223 Hose
V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J, V6-280-C-J; V6-240-C-J; V6-200-C-J, V6-280-J; V6-240-J; V6-200-J, V8-300-CE-J; V8-350-CE-J, V8-350-C-J; V8-300-C-J, V8-380-C-J; V8-430-C-J, V8-380-CE-G; V8-430-CE-G
22767545 Hose assembly
V8-300-C-G; V8-350-C-G; V8-350-C-H, V8-350-C-J; V8-300-C-J, V8-380-C-J; V8-430-C-J