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SUBJECT: 221-1018 Engine ECM Problems.
This TIB is intended to assist the dealer technician in identifying possible problems related to Engine ECMs and prevent unnecessary replacement of related parts.
Under certain conditions the Engine ECM 221-1018 could momentarily enter into a reset condition during normal operations.
Engine ECM (221-1018)
In the unlikely incident that the Engine ECM goes into a reset condition during normal operation, the engine will shut down. For this reported defect the shutdown of the engine is random. The time the engine runs before the engine shuts down is not predictable. If the engine is shutting down in a predictable manner then the problem being investigated is NOT related to this reported defect.
It should be noted that there are no electronic service tool diagnostic codes related to this problem.
In order to restart the engine, the operator will be required to go through the normal start-up procedure.
Steering/Brakes (Vehicle Applications Only)
If the Engine ECM goes into a reset condition, the engine will stop. If the engine provides power for hydraulic steering and/or brake servo assistance, these functions will be lost. In this case, manual steering, service brake, and secondary brake function will still be available. It is recommended that the machine be brought to a standstill as soon as conditions allow. Both hydraulic steering and servo braking functions will be resumed once the engine has restarted.
Problem ECM Part Number and Date Codes
Engine ECM 221-1018 01-Dec-03 3353 06-Sept-04 2504 All 190-0416_07 parts are good.
Table 1
All ECMs manufactured on or after September 7, 2004 have the reset problem rectified, and have been 100% tested before being installed onto production engines (see detailed date codes in Table 1).
All ECMs that have a date code on or later than September 7, 2004 are good ECMs and will not be affected by the reset issue. Should a situation arise where a function is lost on a machine with the latest ECMs installed, please refer to the associated machine-troubleshooting guide.
Worldwide parts stock has been purged of suspect ECMs.
As the failure rate of these components are small, we do not intend, at this stage, to release a field rework program. We will continue to monitor the situation and will revise if needed.
Any defective components should be replaced under normal warranty.
If any of the problems detailed above occur on the machine, carry out the following diagnostic checks along with those in the service manual before replacing an ECM.
Note: Not all applications have a gauge cluster or joystick.
Verify the battery connections to the gauge cluster are secure. Check the connector for tightness.
Verify the data link connections to the gauge cluster are secure.
Verify that the connections are secure to the joystick.
Verify that ECM connectors are properly installed and tightened.
Verify that ECM connector pins are inserted in connectors correctly, and free of corrosion. Also verify that the wiring is free of abrasions.
If all connections are OK and the machine has experienced one or more failures in this list. Replace the ECM.
Date Code Format
This can be read from the serial number on the front of the ECM.
The serial number reads DDDYXXXX XX.
Where DDD = the day of the year; Y = Last digit of the year
Example: Serial Number = 10546543 IB = Day 105 (April 14), 2004.
ECMs made on or after September 7, 2004 have all been tested and will not be required to be changed out. If an engine generates any of these symptoms, refer to the associated engine-troubleshooting guide.
This TIB is intended to assist the dealer technician in identifying possible problems related to Engine ECMs and prevent unnecessary replacement of related parts.
Under certain conditions the Engine ECM 221-1018 could momentarily enter into a reset condition during normal operations.
Engine ECM (221-1018)
In the unlikely incident that the Engine ECM goes into a reset condition during normal operation, the engine will shut down. For this reported defect the shutdown of the engine is random. The time the engine runs before the engine shuts down is not predictable. If the engine is shutting down in a predictable manner then the problem being investigated is NOT related to this reported defect.
It should be noted that there are no electronic service tool diagnostic codes related to this problem.
In order to restart the engine, the operator will be required to go through the normal start-up procedure.
Steering/Brakes (Vehicle Applications Only)
If the Engine ECM goes into a reset condition, the engine will stop. If the engine provides power for hydraulic steering and/or brake servo assistance, these functions will be lost. In this case, manual steering, service brake, and secondary brake function will still be available. It is recommended that the machine be brought to a standstill as soon as conditions allow. Both hydraulic steering and servo braking functions will be resumed once the engine has restarted.
Problem ECM Part Number and Date Codes
Engine ECM 221-1018 01-Dec-03 3353 06-Sept-04 2504 All 190-0416_07 parts are good.
Table 1
All ECMs manufactured on or after September 7, 2004 have the reset problem rectified, and have been 100% tested before being installed onto production engines (see detailed date codes in Table 1).
All ECMs that have a date code on or later than September 7, 2004 are good ECMs and will not be affected by the reset issue. Should a situation arise where a function is lost on a machine with the latest ECMs installed, please refer to the associated machine-troubleshooting guide.
Worldwide parts stock has been purged of suspect ECMs.
As the failure rate of these components are small, we do not intend, at this stage, to release a field rework program. We will continue to monitor the situation and will revise if needed.
Any defective components should be replaced under normal warranty.
If any of the problems detailed above occur on the machine, carry out the following diagnostic checks along with those in the service manual before replacing an ECM.
Note: Not all applications have a gauge cluster or joystick.
Verify the battery connections to the gauge cluster are secure. Check the connector for tightness.
Verify the data link connections to the gauge cluster are secure.
Verify that the connections are secure to the joystick.
Verify that ECM connectors are properly installed and tightened.
Verify that ECM connector pins are inserted in connectors correctly, and free of corrosion. Also verify that the wiring is free of abrasions.
If all connections are OK and the machine has experienced one or more failures in this list. Replace the ECM.
Date Code Format
This can be read from the serial number on the front of the ECM.
The serial number reads DDDYXXXX XX.
Where DDD = the day of the year; Y = Last digit of the year
Example: Serial Number = 10546543 IB = Day 105 (April 14), 2004.
ECMs made on or after September 7, 2004 have all been tested and will not be required to be changed out. If an engine generates any of these symptoms, refer to the associated engine-troubleshooting guide.
Parts injection Volvo Penta: