3801246 Volvo.Penta Injector

3801246 Injector Volvo.Penta TAD550GE; TAD551GE; TAD750GE, TAD560VE; TAD561VE; TAD761VE, TAD734GE Injector
3801246 Injector Volvo Penta

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VN: Laminee
0445120074 For Volvo Izz engine injectors 0445120138 3801246

0.1102[0.05] Pounds
CN: bang998833 shop
HBANGGUO 0445120074 Compatible for Volvo Izz Engine Injectors 0445120138 3801246
HBANGGUO Reasonable use of our fuel injectors can achieve precise fuel control, reduce fuel waste and emission generation, improve fuel utilization, and reduce environmental pollution || Automotive fuel injectors can efficiently inject fuel into the engine as small and uniform particles, ensuring complete combustion and improving combustion efficiency and power output. || Our fuel injectors undergo rigorous design and testing to ensure reliable performance, stable operation, and consistent fuel injection characteristics, avoiding abnormal fuel supply situations. || Automotive fuel injectors are usually made of high-temperature and corrosion-resistant materials, which can withstand high pressure and harsh working environments, and have a long service life || 0445120074 Compatible For Volvo Izz Engine Injectors 0445120138 3801246

0.1102[0.05] pounds
CN: XiaoSeYunKai
3801246 0445120138 Diesel Common Rail Compatible With Disesl Fuel Injector 3801246 0445120138
CHZBCLOER Responsible for accurate control of fuel injection quantity || The matching precision between needle valve and needle valve body is extremely high || Ensure the accuracy and tightness of fuel injection || Higher injection pressure can make fuel atomization finer || Good fuel atomization can fully mix fuel with air
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start by:a) disassemble governorb) remove fuel injection pumps 1. Remove cover (1) from the fuel injection pump housing. 2. Remove rack (2) from the fuel injection pump housing. 3. Remove the lifters (3) from the fuel injection pump housing. 4. Put the fuel injection pump housing on end on blocks and use tool (A) to remove snap ring (4) from the camshaft. 5. Use a soft hammer to push the camshaft toward the governor end of the fuel injection pump housing to loosen washer (5) on the camshaft. Remove washer (5). 6. Remove camshaft (6) from the fuel injection pump housing. 7. Remove bearings (7) from the drive end of the fuel injection pump housing. 8. Remove bearings (8) from the governor end of the fuel injection pump housing.Assemble Fuel Injection Pump Housing
Be sure all oil passages are clear and put clean oil on all parts before assembly. 1. Use tooling (A) to install bearing (2) in the governor end of the fuel injection pump housing with junction (joint) (3) toward the top of the fuel injection pump housing. Install the bearing so it is 0.25 0.20 mm (.010 .008 in.) below the surface of the housing.2. Use tooling (A) to install bearing (1) in the governor end of the fuel injection pump housing so it is 7.16 0.13 mm (0.282 0.005 in.) below the surface of the housing. 3. Use tooling (A) to install bearing (4) in the drive end of the fuel injection pump housing with the junction (joint) in the bearing toward the top of the fuel injection pump housing. Install the bearing so it is 1.00 0.25 mm (0.039 0.010 in.) below the surface of the housing. 4. Install plate (6) of tooling (C) on the drive end of the fuel injection pump housing to install the bearing for the rack. Use clean grease to hold the new rack bearing on driver (5) of tooling (C). Install the driver and bearing in plate (6) with the groove in the driver in alignment with the pin in the plate and use a hammer to push the bearing into position. The bearing will be installed to the correct depth when the shoulder of the driver is against plate (6).5. Remove tooling (C) from the fuel injection pump housing. The rack bearing must be installed so it is 0.25 0.25 mm (0.010 0.010 in.) below the surface of the housing. 6. Install camshaft (7) in the fuel injection pump housing.7. Put the fuel injection pump housing on end and put a block under the camshaft. 8. Put washer (9) over the end of the camshaft and use tooling (A) and a spacer (8) that has an inside diameter of 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) and a length of 31.75 mm (1.25 in.) to push the washer against its seat on the camshaft. Camshaft must have 0.285 0.235 mm (0.0112 0.0093 in.) end play when washer is pushed against cam shoulder. 9. Use tool (B) to install snap ring (10) in the groove in the camshaft. 10. Install six lifters (11) in the fuel injection pump housing with the groove in the lifter in alignment with the pin in the housing. 11. Install rack (12) in the fuel injection pump housing with the groove in the end of the rack in alignment with the ear (tab) of the rack bearing at the drive end of the fuel injection pump housing. The six lifters are all the same and can be mixed. 12. Install the gasket and cover (13) on the fuel injection pump housing.end by:a) assemble governorb) install fuel injection pumps

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