3803237 Volvo.Penta Injector

3803237 Injector Volvo.Penta 2001; 2001B; 2001AG Injector
3803237 Injector Volvo Penta

Buy Injector 3803237 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 34

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2001; 2001B; 2001AG   Volvo.Penta

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} } @media print { div.divFooter { position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; } } Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
  The information supplied in this service letter may not be valid after the termination date of this program.   Do not perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the termination date without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst.
UPDATE 3412 INDUSTRIAL ENGINES POWERING INGERSOLL RAND T4 MOBILE DRILLS, 1000, P17057 U-91 See January 16, 1984 optional Problem The 3412 Industrial Engine when used to power the Ingersoll Rand T4 Mobile Drill has, in some cases, had short life of several parts. This has caused user and OEM dissatisfaction. The major problem areas and solutions are: Front and rear crankshaft seals leak. New, improved seals are used. Fuel nozzle adapters crack. New, stronger adapters with no lead are now used. Oil pump idler gear. A new gear having better heat treatment is used. Exhaust manifolds. Exhaust gases can leak at the rear manifolds if the flanges warp. A field modification will correct this. Rod and main bearing short life. New, copper-bonded bearings are now used. The new bearings use a copper material to bond the lead-tin overlay to the aluminum bearing material. Formerly, a nickel bonding material was used. Affected Engines All the listed 3412 Engines are included in this Program provided they are powering a T4VHP Compressor rated at 2400 kPa (350 psi) and 500 L/s 1050 cfm). 38S796, 890, 926, 972, 974, 976, 978, 980, 1004, 1016-1018, 1274, 1454, 1458, 1465, 1468, 1873, 1880, 1887, 1894, 1982, 2198, 2313, 2322, 2332, 2340, 2349, 2382, 2390, 2398, 2406, 2414, 2422, 2430, 2438, 2446, 2451, 2454, 2462, 2470, 2554, 2776, 2816, 2836, 2847, 2867, 2876, 2887, 2896, 2916, 2967, 2990, 3034, 3127, 3148, 3198, 3223, 3267, 3436, 3461, 3638, 3702, 3730, 3783, 3804, 3879, 4136, 4195, 4781, 4796, 4855, 4928, 4942, 4956, 6322, 6382, 6440, 6447, 6455, 6462, 6481, 6486, 6491, 6505, 6522, 6540, 6600, 6670, 6697, 6761, 6793, 6824, 6835, 6841, 6859, 6949, 6965, 7038, 7082, 7207, 7283, 7406 *, 7437, 8135, 8145, 8187, 8890, 9119, 9456, 9505, 9542, 9525, 9950, 9967, 9985, 9999, 10126, 10146, 10225, 10466, 10482, 10687, 11166, 11213, 11510, 11512, 11622, 11641 *, 11921, 11934 *, 11937 *, 11947 *, 11950 *, 11964 *, 11967, 11976, 12049, 12435, 12455 * Records show these engines have the new oil pump idler gear installed per PIP991. Action Requested And Parts Needed New parts are available to correct all these problems and should be installed on all the listed engines. Some parts may already have been installed in some engines, while the bearings are a very recent offering. Ingersoll Rand is notifying users of these drill rigs to contact the local Caterpillar dealer regarding this Program. The user is to transport the drill rig or engine to your shop at his expense. Ingersoll Rand desires that a serviceman from their local dealer help with the installation and realignment of the compressor. They will pay for their serviceman's labor. ***Crankshaft Seals*** 1-2W1733 Front Seal Group and 1-2W1734 Rear Seal Replace both seals. Refer to Special Instruction SMHS8008 for special handling of the new seals, installation, and proper tools to use. Although 3412 Engines are not listed on this publication, it applies to these engines. The new seals have oil grooves which force oil into the engine. If installed backwards, the grooves will actually force oil out of the engine. ***Fuel Nozzle Adapters*** 12-2W9757 Adapter 12-2S2251 Seal 12-4N7253 Gasket First, check your records to see if new adapters have already been installed per March 24, 1982 Service Letter (revised April, 1983), SLA108. All former adapters are to be replaced; some engines may have both former and new adapters. Use the following criteria: Replace all 8N9457 and 9N5431 Adapters. You will need to inspect any 1W7885 Adapters for their lot numbers to determine the need for replacements. Look for the lot number on top of the adapter about 90 deg. (1/4 around) from the part number. See Illustration. (SEE ILLUSTRATION) Replace all 1W7885 Adapters with lot numbers 1-7. Inspect rocker arms, shafts, and valve components for discrepancies at this time. Caterpillar recommends the use of the procedure which follows to remove broken or damaged precombustion chambers and fuel nozzle adapters. : Coolant pushed out of the cylinder through the orifice in the component has tremendous force. The stream of coolant can severely injure a serviceman if it strikes him. Do not work in a position that is in line with the broken component. To reduce the possibility of injury, the serviceman must use the procedure which follows: 1. Drain the coolant from the engine. 2. Remove the broken or damaged component and the fuel nozzle. If part of the broken component remains in the cylinder head, remove the part before any other steps are done. 3. Turn the crankshaft by hand through one complete revolution to slowly force out any coolant from the cylinder. Use the 9S9082 Engine Turning Tool. : To avoid personal injury if the engine is later turned by the starter while doing this work, do not touch any moving or rotating parts or come in contact with disconnected wires, such as glow plug wires. Disconnected fuel lines must not point at any personnel. If the adapter has failed, the cooling and lubrication system may be contaminated. If necessary, flush the cooling and/or lubrication systems when the new parts are installed. Oil Pump Idler Gear 1-2W4437 Gear Assembly 1-3B1915 Bolt 2-5M2894 Washer 1-1N3246 Retainer - - Check part number on

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