846521 Lock washer Volvo.Penta
D100A; D100AK; D100B, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, TAD1030P, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAD940GE; TAD941GE, TAD940VE; TAD941VE; TAD942VE, TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME, TD100G-87; TD1030VE; TAD1030V, TD100G; TD100G-85; TD100G-87, TD120C, TD120HP-86;
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Compatible models:
D100A; D100AK; D100B
D120A; D120AK; TD120A
TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P
TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME
TD100G-87; TD1030VE; TAD1030V
TD100G; TD100G-85; TD100G-87
TD120HP-86; TD121; TD121G
TD121G-87; TWD1210V; TWD1211V
TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE
Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:
D120A; D120AK; TD120A; TD120AG; TD120AG PP; TD120AK
TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P; TWD1211P; TD1210G; TWD1210G; TWD1211G; TD121GP
TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME
TD100G-87; TD1030VE; TAD1030V; TWD1031VE; TAD1030VE
TD100G; TD100G-85; TD100G-87; TD100GG; TD100GG-85; TD100GG-87; TD100GGP-87; TD100HP-87; TD100HPB-87; TD100GP; TD100GP-85; TD100GGP; TID100K;
TD120HP-86; TD121; TD121G; TD121G-87; TD121GG; TD121GG-86; TD121GG-87; TD121GGP; TD121GGP-87; TD121GP-87; TD121GPB-87; TID121K; TID121KG; TID
TD121G-87; TWD1210V; TWD1211V; TAD1230V; TWD1230VE; TWD1231VE
TID120FPP; TID120FG; TD120G; TD120GG PP; TD120GG
TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE; TAD1250VE; TAD1251VE; TAD1252VE
Illustration 1 g06446760
Illustration 2 g06472759
Follow Step 2a through Step 2e to remove the CEM differential pressure sensor (2).
Disconnect harness assembly (4) from differential pressure sensor (2).
Use a suitable tool to compress hose clamp (5) and hose clamp (8). Position the hose clamps away from differential pressure sensor (2).
Remove cable strap (9) from engine harness (8A).
Support plate assembly (10) and remove bolts (1) from differential pressure sensor (2) and bracket (3).
Remove differential pressure sensor (2) from tube assembly (6) and tube assembly (7).
Remove the Clean Emissions Module. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Clean Emissions Module - Remove and Install" for the correct procedure.
Illustration 3 g06446784
Remove bolt (13) from clamp (14). Remove tube assembly (12).
If necessary, follow Step 5a through Step 5c to disassemble hose assembly (12).
If necessary, make temporary marks on tube assembly (12) for installation purposes.
Use suitable tooling to compress hose clamp (11). Position the hose clamp away from tube assembly (12).
Remove the tube assembly (12) from hose assembly (6).
Illustration 4 g06446809
If necessary, follow Step 6a through Step 6c to disassemble hose assembly (16).
If necessary, make temporary marks on tube assembly (16) for installation purposes.
Use suitable tooling to compress hose clamp (15). Position the hose clamp away from tube assembly (16).
Remove hose assembly (7) from tube assembly (16).Installation Procedure
Ensure that all components are clean and free from wear damage and restriction. If necessary, replace any components that are worn, damaged, or not free from restriction.
Illustration 5 g06446809
If necessary, follow Step 2a through Step 2c to assemble tube assembly (16).
Install hose assembly (7) onto tube assembly (16). Align the hose with the temporary marks.
Use suitable tooling to compress new hose clamp (15). Position the new hose clamp onto hose assembly (7). Ensure that the new hose clamp is correctly orientated.
Position new hose clamp (8) onto hose assembly (7).
Illustration 6 g06446881
If necessary, follow Step 3a through Step 3c to assemble tube assembly (12).
Install new hose clamp (11) onto hose assembly (6).
Use suitable tooling to compress hose clamp (11). Install hose assembly (6) onto tube assembly (12). Align the hose with the temporary marks. Position new hose clamp (5) onto hose assembly (6). Ensure that the hose clamp is correctly orientated.
Install bolt (13) to clamp (14) and install in Position (X).Tighten the bolt finger tight.
Install the Clean Emissions Module. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Clean Emissions Module - Remove and Install" for the correct procedure.
Illustration 7 g06446760
Illustration 8 g06473068
Follow Step 5a through Step 5f to install the CEM differential pressure sensor (2) and the tube assemblies.
Install differential pressure sensor (2) into tube (6) and tube (7).
Position plate assembly (10) into Position (Y). Install bolts (1) through the differential pressure sensor into bracket (3) and the plate assembly. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 10 N m (89 lb in).
Use a suitable tool to compress hose clamp (5) and hose clamp (8). Install the hose clamps into the correct position on hose assembly (6) and hose assembly (7). Ensure that the hose clamps are correctly orientated.
Tighten bolt (13) to a torque of 25 N m (221 lb in).
Connect harness assembly (4) to differential pressure sensor (2).
Install cable strap (9) to engine harness (8A).Note: Ensure that the cable strap meets the original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) specification.
Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON position.
Parts lock Volvo Penta:
1697953 Lock ring
TAD1030G; TD1010G; TWD1010G, TAD1230G; TD1210G; TWD1210G, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAMD122A; TMD122A; TAMD122P-A, TAMD162A; TAMD162B; TAMD162C, TAMD61A; TAMD62A, TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME, TD100G-87; TD1030VE; TAD1030V, TD100G; TD100G-85;
945467 Lock nut
AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D1-13; D1-13B; D1-20, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D2-55; D2-55B; D2-55C, D2-75; D2-75B; D2-75C, DH10A; DH10A 285; DH10A 360, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, MD2010-C; MD2010-D; MD2020-C, MD2010A; MD2020A; MD2030A, MD2010B; MD2020B; MD2
1546532 Lock brace
D16C-D MH, TAD1240GE; TAD1241GE; TAD1242GE, TAD1643VE-B, TAD1650VE-B; TAD1650VE-B/51VE; TAD1651VE, TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE, TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE, TWD1672GE; TWD1673GE; TWD1672-1673GE
805498 Lock washer
D100A; D100AK; D100B, D100BHC; D100BRC; TD100AHC, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, TD120AHC; TD120ARC; TAD120AHC, TD120C, TID120FPP; TID120FG; TD120G
907024 Lock washer
AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, MB10A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD5A; MD5B; MD5C, MD6; MD6A; MD6B, TAD1030G; TD1010G; TWD1010G, TAD1030GE; TAD1031GE; TAD1032GE, TAD1030P, TAD1230G; TD1210G; TWD1210G, TAD1230P; TD121GP-87; TWD1210P, TAD1630P; TWD
241784 Lock washer
D100A; D100AK; D100B, D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, MD70B; MD70BK; TMD70B, MD70C; TMD70C; TAMD70C, TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME, TD100G; TD100G-85; TD100G-87, TD70G; TD70G-83; TD70GPP
328738 Lock washer
D100A; D100AK; D100B, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, TD100G-87; TD1030ME; TWD1030ME, TD100G-87; TD1030VE; TAD1030V, TD100G; TD100G-85; TD100G-87, TD120C, TD120HP-86; TD121; TD121G, TD60A; TD60B; TD60B PP, TD60D; TD60D-83; TD60DPP-83, T