3801101 Volvo.Penta Longblock engine

3801101 Longblock engine Volvo.Penta TAD1240GE; TAD1241GE; TAD1242GE, TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE Longblock
3801101 Longblock engine Volvo Penta

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Ashika 38-01-101 Coolant Thermostat
Ashika Diameter: 44 mm || Installation depth: 20 mm || Height: 38 mm || Opening temperature: 88 °C


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TLB 3801101 Front Left Brake Caliper Assembly for Mitsubishi MONTERO 1992-1996 MONTERO SPORT 1997-2003 OEM MB858404
1.Professional and High Quality After-sales Replacement Kit. || 2.TLB Products are Fatigue Tested to Avoid Failure. || 3.Use the Correct Materials and Processes to Ensure the High Performance, Durability and Reliability of the Product. || 4.Made to Meet Your Expectations for Fit and Function. || 5.OE Number and Other Manufacturer's Model Numbers Apply to This Product:728101 694007B 342348 LC7425 BC62348 QBS2863 MT6105 J3215024 BC51189 2130167 MB858392 MB858404 MR858406 13012130167 8170342348 BHS618E 54184 0477-K96WFLH

6.0186[2.71] Pounds
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3801101 TURBO REPAIR KIT suitable for Cummins
Suitable replacement for Cummins&#174: 3801101, 3003807
Number on catalog scheme: 1

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

TAD1240GE; TAD1241GE; TAD1242GE
TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE; TAD1250VE; TAD1251VE; TAD1252VE


Table 1
J1939 Code and Description Comments
Engine Throttle Position : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the throttle actuator over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Engine Exhaust Gas Temperature : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the ISM over the Global CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Operator Control Panel : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the EMCP over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Engine Requested Speed/Speed Limit : Abnormal Update Rate The "Desired Speed Input Configuration" must be set to "CAN" for the code to be set.
The ECM is not communicating properly with the Operator Control Panel (OCP) over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Engine Turbocharger #1 Turbine Intake Temperature : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the ISM over the Global CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Engine Turbocharger #2 Turbine Intake Temperature : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the ISM over the Global CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Engine Fuel Valve #1 Position : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the fuel metering valve.
The code is logged.
Source Address 241 : Abnormal Update Rate(1) The ECM is not communicating properly with the ISM over the Local CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Aftertreatment #1 Intake Wide-Range O2 Reading Stable : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the oxygen sensor at the catalyst inlet, over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Aftertreatment #1 Outlet Wide-Range O2 Reading Stable : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the oxygen sensor at the catalyst outlet, over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Requested Engine Control Mode : Abnormal Update Rate The "Engine State Control Input Configuration" must be set to "CAN" for the code to be set.
The ECM is not communicating properly with the EMCP over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Engine Turbocharger Compressor Bypass Actuator Position : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the compressor bypass actuator over the CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Aftertreatment #1 Three Way Catalytic Converter Intake Gas Temperature : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the ISM over the Global CAN data link.
The code is logged.
Aftertreatment #1 Three Way Catalytic Converter Outlet Gas Temperature : Abnormal Update Rate The ECM is not communicating properly with the ISM over the Global CAN data link.
The code is logged.
(1) Integrated Sensing Module (ISM) data linkIf Cat® Electronic Technician (ET) will not communicate with the ECM, refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tool Does Not Communicate" before you begin this procedure. The procedure will verify that electrical power is being supplied to the ECM and to the service tool connector.The data links are used to communicate information between the engine ECM and other control modules that are a part of the application. Cat ET also communicates with the ECM via the data links.The service tool connector contains connections for electrical power and for the data links.Cat ET may display the following error message:"The version of the ECM is not recognized and the integrity of the changed parameters and displayed data is not guaranteed."This message indicates one of the following conditions:
The flash file in the ECM is newer than the version of Cat ET.
The latest version of Cat ET has not been installed.-9 Detected Problems
An invalid configuration parameter
Software incompatibility between two or more ECM's on the network
Hardware incompatibility between CAN-based system components
Damaged CAN data link wiring
Missing or damage terminating resistorsIf a -9 abnormal update rate diagnostic is active for the oxygen sensor circuit, verify the 24 VDC switched power to the voltage converter is present at the voltage converter input B. If the converter is not powered by the 24 VDC switched power, the 12 VDC regulated oxygen sensor power supply will also not be enabled.The voltage converter converts a filtered 24 VDC from the battery to 12 VDC that is used by the sensor circuit. The voltage convertor is powered and enabled by a 24 VDC switched power supply from the engine ECM. The voltage converter provides 12 VDC to each of the oxygen sensors.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check for Codes
A. Connect Cat® Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector.
B. Determine if a code is active or logged.
Result: A -9 code is active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Check for Battery Voltage at the Affected Component
A. Turn the power to the ON position.
B. Measure the voltage between the following terminals on the wiring harness connector for the affected component:
- Battery (+) and Battery (-)
Battery Voltage
Result: There was battery voltage between the battery (+) and battery (-) terminals at the wiring harness connector.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: There was not battery voltage between the battery (+) and battery (-) terminals at the wiring harness connector. There is an open or a short in the wiring harness.
Repair: Repair or replace the wiring harness.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
3. Check the Termination Resistors for the J1939 Data Link
A. Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
B. At the affected component, measure the resistance between the following CAN data link terminals:
- CAN (+) and CAN (-)
60 10 Ohms
Result: The resistance is less than 50 Ohms. There are more than 2 termination resistors installed in the wiring harness or a short circuit has been detected.
Repair: Repair or replace damaged components.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The resistance is 60 10 Ohms. The termination resistors are OK.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The resistance is approximately 120 10 Ohms. There is a problem with a termination resistor or a termination resistor is missing.
Repair: Check the resistance on each terminating resistor. Replace the failed termination resistor.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The resistance is greater than 130 ohms. There is a problem with the wiring harness between the ECM and the next connection point in the data link wiring.
Repair: Repair or replace the wiring harness.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Check for

Parts longblock Volvo Penta:

Longblock engine
3801111 Longblock engine
TAD1240GE; TAD1241GE; TAD1242GE, TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE
Longblock engine
3801425 Longblock engine
TWD1240VE; TAD1241VE; TAD1242VE
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