3819880 Nipple Volvo.Penta
D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C-B MH; D16C-C MH, D16C-D MH
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This procedure shows how to set the Fluke 90 Series ScopeMeters for detonation analysis. Some of the following steps apply only to the Fluke 97. If using a Fluke 93 or FLUKE 95 ScopeMeter, simply skip those steps which do not apply.1. Press the SCOPE Key. 2. Press the LCD Key. 3. Press the PROBE CAL soft key. 4. Using the UP/DOWN Arrow keys, select the 10:1 display under Channel A. Press the ENTER soft key. 5. Press the PROBE CAL soft key.6. Using the UP/DOWN Arrow keys, select the 10:1 display under Channel B. Press the ENTER soft key.7. Press the PICTURE soft key. 8. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys and the ENTER soft key to select DOT JOIN and DOTSIZE 1. These selections are active in the box before the text is LARGE. 9. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select FULL. Press the ENTER soft key.10. Press the BACK LIGHT soft key. Use of backlighting is recommended only when the scope is powered by the adapter. 11. Use the UP/Down arrow keys to adjust the screen contrast for best viewing.12. Press the SCOPE Key. 13. Press the SINGLE/RECURRENT soft key to select RECURRENT. 14. Press the FREE RUN soft key to deselect FREE RUN. 15. Press the CAPTURE soft key to select 20 DIV. 16. Press the MIN MAX on A so it is NOT selected. 17. Press the CHAN A B key. 18. Press the A INVERT key to select A. 19. Press the B INVERT ley to select B. 20. Press the TRIGGER key. 21I. Press the EXT/A/B soft key to select EXT. 22. Press the +SLOPE/-SLOPE soft key to select -SCOPE. 23. Press the LEVEL soft key to select 2V. 24. Press the DELAY soft key to open the window. 25. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select TIME DELAY. Press the ENTER soft key. 26. Press the DELAY ZERO soft key. 27. Press the CHANNEL AC/DC GND Key to select GND. 28. Press the (CHANNEL A) to move the trace to the second grid line from the bottom. 29. Press (CHANNEL A) to select a vertical scale of 10 V. 30. Press the CHANNEL AC/DC GND Key to select the DC COUPLING. 1. Press the CHANNEL AC/DC GND Key to select GND. 32. Press the (CHANNEL B) to move the trace to the second grid line from the bottom. 33. Press the (CHANNEL B) to select a vertical scale of 1 V. 34. Press the CHANNEL AC/DC GND Key to select the DC COUPLING. 35. Press the (s TIME ns) key to select a horizontal time scale of 10 ms/DIV. Scope Probe Connections
1. Select the red and gray 10:1 scope probes and a third 10:1 scope probe. Connect the red 10:1 probe to CHANNEL A and the gray 10:1 probe to CHANNEL B. Connect the third 10:1 probe to the EXT TRIGGER IN using a dual-banana to female BNC adapter. The black, or ground, banana plug MUST be connected to the black COM socket of the EXT TRIGGER IN.2. Connect the Channel A probe (red) to the combustion buffer signal for the appropriate engine bank. Connect the Channel B probe (gray) to the detonation signal for the appropriate engine bank.4. Connect the EXT TRIGGER IN probe to the Cylinder #1 Combustion Buffer Signal (S780/WH). Connect the Ground of the EXT TRIGGER IN probe to the Detonation Sensor GND. 5. With the engine running at 1000 rpm, the scope traces should resemble Figure 15.
Figure 15 - Right Detonation Signal (top trace) with Odd Combustion Buffer Signal (bottom trace) (G3612).Time Delay Values For Cylinder Location
The Time Delay feature is used in this procedure to allow the horizontal time scale to be set small giving good resolution on the detonation sensor signal. If it is desired to view the detonation signal during combustion of a specific cylinder, the cylinder can be located by scrolling the combustion signals and knowing the cylinder firing order. This is accomplished by setting the Time Delay to ZERO, increasing (or decreasing) the Time Delay value and counting the combustion signals as they appear on the screen.To simplify this event, Time Delay Values Tables have been developed for the G3600 engines. The tables show the Time Delay value to position the ion buffer signal for a specific cylinder on the left side of the screen, based on the horizontal time scaling. The tables are for 900 and 1000 rpm operation and should be used as general guidelines. Applications may have these values off by one Time Delay number.Time Delay Procedure For Fluke 90 Series
This procedure shows how the set the Time Delay on the Fluke 90 series Scopemeters.1. Press the TRIGGER key. 2. Press the DELAY soft key to open the window. 3. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select TIME DELAY. Press the ENTER soft key.
1. Select the red and gray 10:1 scope probes and a third 10:1 scope probe. Connect the red 10:1 probe to CHANNEL A and the gray 10:1 probe to CHANNEL B. Connect the third 10:1 probe to the EXT TRIGGER IN using a dual-banana to female BNC adapter. The black, or ground, banana plug MUST be connected to the black COM socket of the EXT TRIGGER IN.2. Connect the Channel A probe (red) to the combustion buffer signal for the appropriate engine bank. Connect the Channel B probe (gray) to the detonation signal for the appropriate engine bank.4. Connect the EXT TRIGGER IN probe to the Cylinder #1 Combustion Buffer Signal (S780/WH). Connect the Ground of the EXT TRIGGER IN probe to the Detonation Sensor GND. 5. With the engine running at 1000 rpm, the scope traces should resemble Figure 15.
Figure 15 - Right Detonation Signal (top trace) with Odd Combustion Buffer Signal (bottom trace) (G3612).Time Delay Values For Cylinder Location
The Time Delay feature is used in this procedure to allow the horizontal time scale to be set small giving good resolution on the detonation sensor signal. If it is desired to view the detonation signal during combustion of a specific cylinder, the cylinder can be located by scrolling the combustion signals and knowing the cylinder firing order. This is accomplished by setting the Time Delay to ZERO, increasing (or decreasing) the Time Delay value and counting the combustion signals as they appear on the screen.To simplify this event, Time Delay Values Tables have been developed for the G3600 engines. The tables show the Time Delay value to position the ion buffer signal for a specific cylinder on the left side of the screen, based on the horizontal time scaling. The tables are for 900 and 1000 rpm operation and should be used as general guidelines. Applications may have these values off by one Time Delay number.Time Delay Procedure For Fluke 90 Series
This procedure shows how the set the Time Delay on the Fluke 90 series Scopemeters.1. Press the TRIGGER key. 2. Press the DELAY soft key to open the window. 3. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select TIME DELAY. Press the ENTER soft key.
Parts nipple Volvo Penta:
22753 Nipple
AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D100A; D100AK; D100B, D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E M
957030 Nipple
AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-J MP; D13B-M MP, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-A MH; D16C-
469904 Nipple
D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-J MP; D13B-M MP, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C-B MH;
466623 Nipple
1372, D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-J MP; D13B-M MP, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C
1676622 Nipple
1372, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C-B MH; D16C-C MH, D16C-D MH, D8A1-A MP; D8A2-A MP, TAD1140VE; TAD1141VE;
942006 Nipple
D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D13B-J MP; D13B-M MP, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-A MG
21511163 Nipple
D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C-B MH; D16C-C MH, D16C-D MH, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500
21165586 Nipple
D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13B-F MG; D13B-E MG; D13B-E MG (FE), D16C-A MG, D16C-A MH; D16C-B MH; D16C-C MH, D16C-D MH, D5A-T; D5A-TA; D5A-B TA, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG