71944 Volvo.Penta Nozzle

71944 Nozzle Volvo.Penta AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130 Nozzle
71944 Nozzle Volvo Penta

Buy Nozzle 71944 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 7

Compatible models:

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130; AQ130A; AQ130B; AQ130C; AQ130D; AQ165A; AQ170A; AQ170B; AQ170C; AQD21A; BB115A; BB115B; BB115C; BB165A; BB170A; BB170B; BB1


Electronic Technician (ET)
For details on how to read and change parameters using ET, Communication Adapter Tool and the appropriate software, refer to the instructions included with the JERD2129 ET Data Subscription and the JERD2124 ET Software. ET consists of an IBM compatible computer and software. The software allows the laptop to program ECM parameters, read and display sensor values and switches, perform diagnostic tests and calibrate sensors.Electronic Control Analyzer and Programmer (ECAP)
Refer to Passwords for more details on how to obtain and use passwords.Updating the ECM Personality Module using FLASH downloading.
Software inside the ECM is contained in a Personality Module. The Personality Module uses a FLASH memory chip. The ECM has the capability to reprogram the FLASH memory chip internally. This process is called FLASH downloading. Flash downloading is accomplished by connecting ET to the engine using the Communication Adapter Tool and transferring data from a disk drive on ET into the ECM.Connecting an Electronic Service Tool
The Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP) and the Communications Adapter are powered by 12 VDC from the vehicle battery. This permits operation near the engine compartment or in the cab, to obtain readings during vehicle operation.Use the following procedure to connect the service tool to the engine.1. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.2. The Electronic Service Tool should be connected to the 3126 HEUI system through the data link connector. Determine the necessary Adapter Harness Assembly from the service tool list for the vehicle you are working with. Connect the appropriate adapter to the 8T5275 (or 7X1412) Breakout T harness connector cable.3. Connect the opposite end of the Breakout T cable to the Electronic Service Tool.4. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position to begin testing. The Service Tool will operate with the engine running, or with the engine OFF, keyswitch ON. If the Tool does not communicate with the 3126 HEUI ECM, Refer To Section 5: P-513 ECM Personality Module.System Configuration Parameters
System Configuration Parameters affect emissions or rated power of the engine. They are programmed at the factory and would normally never need to be changed through the life of the engine. System Configuration Parameters must be reprogrammed if an ECM is replaced, but not if the Personality Module is replaced (unless the engine rating changes). Proper values for these parameters are stamped on the Engine Information Plate, located on the valve cover or inlet manifold. Factory Passwords are required to change these parameters. The following is a description of the System Configuration Parameters.Full Load Setting
Number representing fuel system adjustment made at the factory to "fine tune" the fuel system. The correct value for this parameter is stamped on the Engine Information Plate. A new ECM must have this parameter programmed to avoid generating a Diagnostic Code 253-02 Check Customer Or System Parameters (56).Full Torque Setting
Similar to Full Load Setting. This parameter must be programmed or a Diagnostic Code 253-02 Check Customer Or System Parameters (56) will be generated.Personality Module Code
This code prevents use of an incorrect personality module for this engine. Each power rating family and emission certification has a different code associated with it.When a personality module is replaced (either using a personality module chip or if flash programmed), this code (stored in the ECM) must match the one in the introduced personality module or the engine will only operate at low idle and a Diagnostic Code 253-02 Check Customer Or System Parameters (56) will be generated.When rerating the engine, programming this code to "0" will prompt the ECM to read and match its stored code to the Personality Module Code. This code does not need to be programmed when a personality module is replaced, as long as the new module is of the same family and emission year.If the Personality Module is of a different family, then pistons, injectors, ect, may need to be changed and the Engine Information Plate must also be changed to reflect the new rating.Some vehicle systems, such as the cooling system or transmission may also require changes when uprating an engine. Please contact the local OEM dealer for further information.Engine Serial Number
This number should be programmed to match the engine serial number stamped on the Engine Information Plate. A new ECM is delivered with the engine serial number programmed to 0XX00000.Customer Specified Parameters
Customer Specified Parameters allow the Industrial owner to influence how a vehicle can be operated. Some parameters may affect engine operation in ways an inadequately trained operator does not expect. These parameters may lead to power or performance complaints, even when the engine is performing to specification.Customer parameters may be changed repeatedly as a customer changes his operation or as new operators are assigned. Customer Passwords are required to change these parameters.The following is a brief description of the Customer Specified Parameters. Along with each are the minimum and maximum values for the parameter and the default value. Parameter value shown in bold is a programmed setting to disable a feature.The tables show values in U.S. (or English) units (miles, mph, quarts), followed by an approximate range for metric (kilometers, km/h, liters) units. The exact range of the parameter in metric units depends upon the Service Tool used because each Tool may use slightly different conversion factors.Engine Power Rating Selection Number
Rating number within a power family. The Personality Module defines the power family such as 300 hp (224 kW) and may contain only one or several ratings. The rating number defines which rating is used within the family.Vehicle ID
Identification of the vehicle assigned by the customer and used only for customer reference. Not required by the ECM.Vehicle Speed Parameters
Vehicle Speed Calibration
The ECM uses this value to scale the vehicle speed signal into miles per hour. It is programmed in pulses per mile (PPM). This parameter must be programmed or a Diagnostic Code 253-02 Check Customer Or System Parameters (56) will occur. This parameter affects cruise control, progressive shifting, the ECM speedometer signal, and can affect PTO operation. For more information, Refer To Section 5: P-593 Machine/Vehicle Speed. Vehicle

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