876999 Volvo.Penta Overhaul kit, basic

876999 Overhaul kit, basic Volvo.Penta TAMD122A; TMD122A; TAMD122P-A, TMD121C; TAMD121C; TAMD121D Overhaul
876999 Overhaul kit, basic Volvo Penta

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Troubleshooting can be difficult. The TROUBLESHOOTING INDEX gives a list of possible problems. To make a repair to a problem, make reference to the cause and correction on the pages that follow.This list of problems, causes and corrections will only give an indication of where a possible problem can be, and what repairs are needed. Normally, more or other repair work is needed beyond the recommendations in the list.Remember that a problem is not normally caused only by one part, but by the relation of one part with other parts. This list is only a guide and can not give all possible problems and corrections. The serviceman must find the problem and its source, then make the necessary repairs.1. Engine Will Not Turn When Start Switch is On.2. Engine Will Not Start.3. Misfiring or Running Rough.4. Stall at Low rpm.5. Sudden Changes In Engine rpm.6. Not Enough Power.7. Too Much Vibration.8. Loud Combustion Noise.9. Loud Noise (Clicking) From Valve Compartment.10. Oil In Cooling System.11. Mechanical Noise (Knock) In Engine.12. Fuel Consumption Too High.13. Loud Noise From Valves or Valve Operating Components.14. Little Movement of Rocker Arm and Too Much Valve Clearance.15. Valve Rotocoil or Spring Lock is Free.16. Oil at the Exhaust.17. Little or No Valve Clearance.18. Engine Has Early Wear.19. Coolant In Lubrication Oil.20. Too Much Black or Gray Smoke.21. Too Much White or Blue Smoke.22. Engine Has Low Oil Pressure.23. Engine Uses Too Much Lubrication Oil.24. Engine Coolant Is Too Hot.25. Starter Motor Does Not Turn.26. Alternator Gives No Charge.27. Alternator Charge Rate Is Low or Not Regular.28. Alternator Charge Too High.29. Alternator Has Noise.30. Exhaust Temperature Too High.Engine Crankshaft Will Not Turn When Start Switch Is On Engine Will Not Start Misfiring Or Running Rough STALL AT LOW RPM SUDDEN CHANGES IN ENGINE SPEED NOT ENOUGH POWER TOO MUCH VIBRATION LOUD COMBUSTION NOISE (KNOCK) LOUD NOISE (CLICKING) FROM VALVE COMPARTMENT OIL IN COOLING SYSTEM MECHANICAL NOISE (KNOCK) IN ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION TOO HIGH LOUD NOISE FROM VALVES OR VALVE DRIVE COMPONENTS LITTLE MOVEMENT OF ROCKER ARM AND TOO MUCH VALVE CLEARANCE VALVE ROTOCOIL OR SPRING LOCK IS FREE OIL AT THE EXHAUST LITTLE OR NO VALVE CLEARANCE ENGINE HAS EARLY WEAR COOLANT IN LUBRICATION OIL Too Much Black Or Gray Smoke Too Much White Or Blue Smoke Engine Has Low Oil Pressure Engine Uses Too Much Lubrication Oil Engine Coolant Is Too Hot Starter Motor Does Not Turn Alternator Gives No Charge Alternator Charge Rate Is Low Or Not Regular Alternator Charge Too High (As Shown By Lights Burning Out, Battery Needs Too Much Water) Alternator Has Noise Exhaust Temperature Is Too High Fuel System
Either too much fuel or not enough fuel for combustion can be the cause of a problem in the fuel system.Many times work is done on the fuel system when the problem is really with some other part of the engine. The source of the problem is difficult to find, especially when smoke comes from the exhaust. Smoke that comes from the exhaust can be caused by a bad fuel injection valve, but it can also be caused by one or more of the reasons that follow: a. Not enough air for good combustion.b. An overload at high idle.c. Oil leakage into combustion chamber.d. Not enough compression.Fuel System Inspection
A problem with the components that send fuel to the engine can cause low fuel pressure. This can decrease engine performance.1. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Look at the cap for the fuel tank to make sure the vent is not filled with dirt.2. Check the fuel lines for fuel leakage. Be sure the fuel supply line does not have a restriction or a bad bend.3. Install a new fuel filter. Clean the primary fuel filter, if so equipped.4. To remove air from the fuel system, use the procedure that follows for the correct application:PC Engines:
(a) Use the priming pump to remove air from the low pressure side of the fuel system.(b) Loosen (one at a time) the fuel injection line nut one-half turn at the cylinder head. Use the priming pump until fuel without air flows from the loose connections, then tighten the nut. Repeat the procedure for each fuel injection line.Checking Engine Cylinders Separately
An easy check can be made to find the cylinder that runs rough (misfires) and cause black smoke to come out of the exhaust pipe.Run the engine at the speed that is the roughest. Loosen the fuel line nut at a fuel injection pump. This will stop the flow of fuel to that cylinder. Do this for each cylinder until a loosened fuel line is found that makes no difference in engine performance. Be sure to tighten each fuel line nut after the test before the next fuel line nut is loosened. Check each cylinder by this method. When a cylinder is found where the loosened fuel line nut does not make a difference in engine performance, test the injection pump and injection valve for that cylinder.Temperature of an exhaust manifold port, when the engine runs at low idle speed, can also be an indication of the condition of a fuel injection valve. Low temperature at an exhaust manifold port is an indication of no fuel to the cylinder. This can possibly be an indication of an injection valve with a defect. Extra high temperature at an exhaust manifold port can be an indication of too much fuel to the cylinder, also caused by an injection valve with a defect.Testing Capsule-Type Fuel Injection Nozzles
5P4150 Nozzle Testing Group 5P4720 Fitting 5P8744 Adapter or 5P4717 Adapter 8S2270 Fuel Collector FT1384 Extension 8S2245 Cleaning Kit
Be sure to use clean SAE J967 Calibration oil when tests are made. Dirty test oil will damage components of the fuel injection nozzles. The temperature of the test oil must be 65 to 75°F (

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