8692678 Pipe Volvo.Penta
D3-110I-A; D3-110I-B; D3-110I-C
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D3-110I-A; D3-110I-B; D3-110I-C
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- Hot Water Outlet » 8692678
Table 1
Crude Oil Specification for Cat 3600 and C280 Series Diesel Engines
Specifications Requirements ASTM Test ISO Test
Aromatics 35% maximum "D1319" "ISO 3837"
Ash 0.1% maximum (weight) "D482" "ISO 6245"
Carbon residue on 10% bottoms 3.5% maximum (weight) "D524" "ISO 4262"
Cetane number 40 minimum(1) "D613"
"D6890" "ISO 5165"
Cloud point The maximum cloud point must not exceed the lowest expected ambient temperature. - -
Copper strip corrosion No. 3 maximum "D130" "ISO 2160"
Distillation 10% at 282 °C (540 °F) maximum "D86" "ISO 3405"
90% at 380 °C (716 °F) maximum
minimum of 60% cracking
10% maximum residue
Reid Vapor pressure 138 kPa (20 psi) maximum "D323" "ISO 3007"
Salt 45.6 kg per 159 kL (100 lb per 1000 bbl) maximum "D3230" -
Flash point legal limit "D93" "ISO 2719"
API gravity 30 minimum
45 maximum "D287" -
Specific gravity(2) 0.8762 minimum
0.8017 maximum (2) (2)
Lighter fractions(3) 30% maximum - -
Fraction of kerosene and distillate (4) 30% minimum - -
Pour point 6 °C (10 °F) minimum below ambient temperature "D97" "ISO 3016"
Sulfur (5) (5) "D2622"
"D5453" "ISO 20846"
"ISO 20884"
Viscosity (6) 1.4 cSt minimum and 20.0 cSt maximum as delivered to the fuel injection pumps (6) (6)
Water and sediment 0.5% maximum (volume) "D1796" "ISO 3734"
Vanadium 4 ppm maximum "D5185-02" -
Sodium 10 ppm maximum "D5185-02" -
Nickel 1 ppm maximum "D5185-02" -
Aluminum 1 ppm maximum "D5185-02" -
Silicon 1 ppm maximum "D5185-02" -
Gums and resins(7) 10 mg per 100 mL (5.8 grains/US gal) maximum "D381" "ISO 6246"
Lubricity(8) 0.52 mm (0.0205 inch) maximum at 60 °C (140 °F) "D6079" -
(1) A fuel with a higher cetane number may be required for operation at a higher altitude or in cold weather.
(2) The specific gravity limits are determined by the standards tables using the "ASTM D287" test method temperature of 15.56 °C (60 °F). Also by the standards tables, the equivalent kg/m3 (kilograms per cubic meter) using the "ASTM D287" test method temperature of 15.56 °C (60 °F) for the minimum gravity of 30 is 875.7 kg/m3, and for the maximum API gravity of 45 is 801.3 kg/m3.
(3) Fractions that are boiled off at temperatures below 200 °C (392 °F)
(4) Fractions that are boiled off at temperatures between 200 °C (392 °F) and the cracking point.
(5) Sulfur in the fuel should be per the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations or as specified by the applicable jurisdiction. Refer to the specific engineOperation and Maintenance Manual to determine the maximum level of sulfur permissible where allowed by the applicable jurisdiction. Fuel sulfur levels affect exhaust emissions. High sulfur fuels increase the potential for corrosion of internal components. Fuel sulfur levels above 1% may significantly shorten the oil change interval. Caterpillar strongly recommends that S O S Services oil analysis is used to determine oil change intervals when the fuel sulfur levels are above 1%. For additional information, see this Special Publication, Engine Oil and Special Publication, SoOoS Services Oil Analysis topic. When the sulfur levels are above1%, consult your Cat dealer for guidance.
(6) The values of the fuel viscosity are the values as the fuel is delivered to the fuel injection pumps. For ease of comparison, fuels should also meet the minimum and maximum viscosity requirements at 40 °C (104 °F) that are stated, by the use of either the "ASTM D445" test method or the "ISO 3104" test method. I
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