3581563 Volvo.Penta Plug

3581563 Plug Volvo.Penta MD22L; MD22P; MD22L-B Plug
3581563 Plug Volvo Penta

Buy Plug 3581563 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 11

Compatible models:

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

MD22L; MD22P; MD22L-B; MD22P-B; TMD22-B; TMD22P-C; TAMD22P-B; HS25A; HS25A-B; 120S-E; MS2A-E; MS2L-E; MS2B-L; TMD22B


Table 1
Service Error Identifiers Description Troubleshooting
Fuel System Functional Test
$111D Fuel Rail High Pressure Decay Too High Refer to Troubleshooting, "Fuel Flow is High". Refer to Test Step "Perform Fuel System Functional Test".
$111E Fuel Rail Low Pressure Decay Too High
$111F Fuel Pump Flow Too Low
$1108 Excessive Engine RPM Change Do not allow engine RPM to fluctuate more than 100 RPM during test.
$108C Coolant Temp Low Coolant temperature must be greater than 40° C (104° F)
$0002 Active Diagnostic Present Resolve any active diagnostic codes. Refer to the appropriate troubleshooting procedure.
$10CB Engine Load Too High Fuel rate is too high for the test. Reduce load applied to the engine during the test.
$10D0 Engine Has Not Been Running Long Enough Engine must be running during the test, start the engine before starting the test.
$0009 Service Test Aborted By ECM Check the service tool connection, do not abort the test before the test is complete. Repeat the test, if necessary.
$10A7 Coolant Temperature Too Low Allow the engine to warm up.
$10C1 Primary Speed Timing Sensor Signal Not Responding Refer to Troubleshooting, Speed/Timing - Test.
$10C2 Secondary Speed Timing Sensor Signal Not Responding Refer to Troubleshooting, Speed/Timing - Test.
$10C3 Tertiary Speed Timing Sensor Signal Not Responding Refer to Troubleshooting, Speed/Timing - Test.
$10C4 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Signal Not Responding Refer to Troubleshooting, Sensor Signal (Analog, Active) - Test.
$10F5 Excessive Change in Engine Load There was a change in the engine load while the test was running. Make sure that the engine load is constant while performing the test.
$10FB Engine Speed Too Low Engine Speed Too Low
$10FC Engine Speed Too High Engine Speed Too High
$103 Service Test Value Out of Range Proper measurements were not accomplished. Retry the service test.
$105F Test Timed Out Service test timed out.
$1101 Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low This error ID indicates that the fuel rail pressure relief valve has failed. Refer to Troubleshooting, Fuel Flow is High.
$1117 Fuel Pressure Too Low Refer to Troubleshooting, Fuel Pressure is Low.
$1213 Engine Oil Pressure Too Low The engine oil pressure is too low to perform the test. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Oil Pressure Is Low".
EGR System Test
$0002 Active Diagnostic Present Resolve active diagnostics. Refer to appropriate story
$116F Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Not Responding to Command Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$1156 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Not Responding Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$1157 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Not Responding Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$1170 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Not Responding to Command Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$10FB Engine RPM Too Low Engine must be running, or Engine speed has reduced during test.
$10FC Engine RPM Too High Reduce engine speed before running service test
$11C6 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Inconsistent Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$11C7 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Too High Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$11C8 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Too Low Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
$11C9 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Too Low Refer toTroubleshooting, "NOx Reduction System - Test". Refer to test step "Perform EGR System Test".
Injector Solenoid - Test
$1100 Fuel Rail Pressure Too High The pressure in the fuel system must be released. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Fuel Rail Pressure - Release for additional information.

Parts plug Volvo Penta:

943920 Plug
1372, 2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 430; 430A; 430B, 5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M, 5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF, 5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J, 5.7GiE-300-J; 5.7GiE-300-JF; 5.7GXiE-J, 8.1GiCE-J; 8.1GiCE-JF; 8.1GiCE-M, 8.1GiE-JF; 8.1GiE
941269 Plug
1372, 2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M, 5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF, 5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J, 5.7GiE-300-J; 5.7GiE-300-JF; 5.7GXiE-J, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A
960629 Plug
1372, 2001; 2001B; 2001AG, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AQ145A; BB145A, AQ171A; AQ171C, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, BB231A; BB261A,
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D4-180I-B; D4-180I-C; D4-180I-D, D4-180I-F; D4-225A-F; D4-225I-F, D6-280A-A; D6-280A-B; D6-280A-C, D6-300A-F; D6-300D-F; D6-300I-F, MD2010-C; MD2010-D; MD2020-C, MD2010B; MD2020B; MD2030B, MD22L; MD22P; MD22L-B
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