3862700 Volvo.Penta Pulley

3862700 Pulley Volvo.Penta 3.0GLM-C; 3.0GLP-C, 3.0GLP-A; 3.0GLP-B; 3.0GLM-A, 3.0GLP-D, 4.3GXi-C; 4.3GXi-CF; 4.3GXi-D, 4.3GXi-E; 4.3GXi-EF; 4.3OSi-E, 5.0GXi-A; 5.7Gi-A; 5.7GXi-A, 5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-CF; 5.0GXi-D, 5.0GXi-E; 5.0GXi-EF; 5.0OSi-E, 5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D, 5.7Gi-E; Pulley
3862700 Pulley Volvo Penta

Buy Pulley 3862700 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery

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NEXDYNAMI 3888078 Compatible with/Replacement for Volvo Penta3888078 3862700
NEXDYNAMI Universal fit for compatibility with various boat models || Leak-proof design to ensure safety on water || Rustproof components for long-term reliability || Flexible and adjustable for customized fit || Lightweight yet sturdy for optimal performance


US: FAS6125
RPS Power Steering Pump Serpentine Pulley for Volvo Penta 3.0 4.3 5.0 5.7 7.4 8.1 L GI
RPS New power steering pulley for Volvo Penta. || Replaces part numbers 3862700 and 3888078 || Note: This is the newer design with spokes. This is the same as the older design with a solid hub || 6 5/8 inch diameter


US: FAS6125
RPS Power Steering Pump Serpentine Pulley for Volvo Penta 3.0 4.3 5.0 5.7 7.4 8.1 L GI
RPS New power steering pulley for Volvo Penta. || Replaces part numbers 3862700 and 3888078 || Note: some newer pulleys have a spoke design. This is the same || 6 5/8 inch diameter
Number on catalog scheme: 2

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

3.0GLM-C; 3.0GLP-C
3.0GLP-A; 3.0GLP-B; 3.0GLM-A; 3.0GLM-B; 3.0GSP-A; 3.0GSP-B; 3.0GSP-C; 3.0GSM-A; 3.0GSM-B; 3.0GSM-C
4.3GXi-C; 4.3GXi-CF; 4.3GXi-D; 4.3GXi-DF; 4.3OSi-C; 4.3OSi-CF; 4.3OSi-D; 4.3OSi-DF
4.3GXi-E; 4.3GXi-EF; 4.3OSi-E; 4.3OSi-EF
5.0GXi-A; 5.7Gi-A; 5.7GXi-A; 5.7GXi-B; 5.7GiI-A; 5.7GSiI-A; 5.7GXiI-A; 5.7GXiI-B
5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-CF; 5.0GXi-D; 5.0GXi-DF; 5.0OSi-C; 5.0OSi-CF; 5.0OSi-D; 5.0OSi-DF
5.0GXi-E; 5.0GXi-EF; 5.0OSi-E; 5.0OSi-EF
5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D; 5.7Gi-DF; 5.7GiI-C; 5.7GiI-D; 5.7GXi-D; 5.7GXi-DF; 5.7GXi-E; 5.7GXi-EF; 5.7GXiI-D; 5.7GXiI-E; 5.7OSi-B; 5.7OSi-BF
5.7Gi-E; 5.7Gi-EF; 5.7GiI-E; 5.7GXi-F; 5.7GXi-FF; 5.7GXiI-F; 5.7OSi-D; 5.7OSi-DF; 5.7OSXi-D; 5.7OSXi-DF
8.1Gi-A; 8.1Gi-B; 8.1Gi-BF; 8.1Gi-C; 8.1Gi-CF; 8.1Gi-D; 8.1Gi-DF; 8.1GSi-A; 8.1GXi-A; 8.1GXi-AF; 8.1GXi-B; 8.1GXi-BF; 8.1GXi-C; 8.1GXi-CF; 8.1
8.1Gi-E; 8.1Gi-EF; 8.1GXi-D; 8.1GXi-DF; 8.1OSi-A; 8.1OSi-AF; 8.1GiI-E; 8.1GXiI-D
8.1Gi-F; 8.1Gi-FF; 8.1GXi-E; 8.1GXi-EF; 8.1GiI-F; 8.1GXiI-E; 8.1OSi-B; 8.1OSi-BF


Table 1
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 Code CDL Code Code Description Comments
3473-31 E1025 (2) Aftertreatment #1 Failed to Ignite The Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (ARD) has failed to ignite. Usually, the "failed to ignite" code is accompanied by another logged code that indicates the condition that caused the failure to ignite. Caterpillar Channel 1 VideosFor supplemental information on this procedure, refer to the following video. The previous training has been replaced with the video below.Note: A CWS login is required to access Caterpillar Channel 1. Scan the QR code below with a QR enabled device or copy the link that follows.
Illustration 1 g06318188https://channel1.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/C9.3+-+C18+Tier+4+Final+Engine+ARD+Failed+to+Ignite/1_vk5snpdo
Components for the Ignition SystemThe ignition coil is located on the Clean Emissions Module (CEM) mounting plate. Refer to Illustration 2.
Illustration 2 g03750980
CEM (typical)
(1) ARD ignition coil
(2) Relay for the ARD nozzle heater
(3) Cable for CEM electrical connector to ECM
(4) ARD combustion headSystem OperationThe ARD ignition system has two circuits. The primary circuit is between the A5:E2 Aftertreatment Controller and the ARD ignition coil. The secondary circuit is between the ARD ignition coil and the ARD spark plug. The current flow through the primary circuit indicates the condition of the primary circuit and of the secondary circuit. The ECM monitors the current flow through the primary circuit. In this way, the ECM is able to detect problems with the primary circuit and the secondary circuit.Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed.
Table 2
Associated Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 Code CDL Code
3837-17 E1170 (1)
3487-7 E1041 (1)
3480-15 or 3480-16 E1050 (1) or (2)
4077-15 or 4077-16 E1051 (1) or (2)
3480-17 or 3480-18 E1052 (1) or (2)
4077-17 or 4077-18 E1053 (1) or (2)
3609-15 E1156 (1)
4301-5 3182-5
4301-6 3182-6
No associated codes A problem with the ignition circuit is the most likely cause of a logged E1025 (2) or 3473-31 code with no additional codes.
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Check for Associated Codes
A. Establish communication between Cat® Electronic Technician (ET) and the Electronic Control Module (ECM).
B. Download the "Warranty Report" from the engine ECM before performing any troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble codes.
C. If any of the associated codes in Table 2 are logged, troubleshoot the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Associated Codes
Result: An associated code is active or logged.
Repair: Troubleshoot the associated codes before continuing with this procedure.
Result: An associated code is not active or logged.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Inspect the Components
Carefully following this procedure is a good way to identify wiring problems.
A. Visually inspect the components for the ARD ignition system. Look for the following problems:
1. Loose connections or damaged connectors
2. Moisture on the connectors or the wiring
3. Damage that is caused by excessive heat
4. Damage that is caused by chafing
5. Improper routing of wiring
6. Damaged insulation
B. Verify that each end of the ground wire is securely connected to both ground points.
C. Push the boot on each end of the ignition wire. This tests whether the clip inside the boot is connected to the spark plug and to the ignition coil. There should not be a "click" when you push the boot onto either part. If you felt a "click", the clip inside the boot was not connected.
D. Pull on the end of each harness wire at the 3-pin connector for the ignition coil. This test verifies that the wire is crimped to the terminal and that the terminal is inserted into the connector.
Damaged wiring or connectors
Result: There is a problem with the wiring. A wire end is not connected or a wire is damaged.
Repair: Repair the wiring. Replace parts, if necessary.
Verify that the problem is resolved. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to Troubleshooting, "ARD Ignition - Test".
Result: The wiring is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
3. Check the Current Flow to the Heating Element in the ARD Combustion Head
A. Start the engine. Check the current flow to the heater. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "ARD Nozzle Heater (Current)- Test" for the correct procedure.
7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system
3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system
Result: The current flow is between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, the current flow is between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system.
Result: The current flow is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
Result: The current flow is not between 7.0 A and 14 A for a 12 V system. Or, the current flow is not between 3.5 A and 7 A for a 24 V system.
Repair: There may be a problem with the ARD nozzle. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Nozzle Heater - Test".
4. Perform the "ARD Air System Service Test"
A. Reset all active codes and clear all logged codes. Use Cat ET to perform an "ARD Air System Service Test". Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Combustion Air - Test".
Test passed
Result The "ARD Air System Service Test" failed.
Repair: There is a problem with the ARD combustion air. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ARD Combustion Air - Test".
Result The "ARD Air System Service Test" passed.
Proceed to Test Step 5.

Parts pulley Volvo Penta:

3857647 Pulley
3.0GLM-C; 3.0GLP-C, 3.0GLP-A; 3.0GLP-B; 3.0GLM-A, 3.0GSPBYCCE; 3.0GSPEFS; 3.0GSMEFS
3588781 Pulley
3.0GLM-C; 3.0GLP-C, 3.0GLP-D, 3.0GLP-E, 3.0GLP-J; 3.0GLP-N, 3.0GXiC-J; 3.0GXi-J
3860212 Pulley
3.0GLM-C; 3.0GLP-C, 3.0GLP-A; 3.0GLP-B; 3.0GLM-A, 3.0GLP-D, 3.0GLP-E, 3.0GSPBYCCE; 3.0GSPEFS; 3.0GSMEFS
3861009 Pulley
3.0GLP-J; 3.0GLP-N, 3.0GXiC-J; 3.0GXi-J, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GXi-F; 4.3GXi-FF; 4.3OSi-F, 4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G, 4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J, 4.3GXiE-M, 5.0GL-H; 5.0GL-HF, 5.0GL-J; 5.0GL-JF, 5.0GXi-F; 5.0GXi-FF; 5.0OSi-F
7744330_032 Pulley, circulation pump
5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D
7744330_060 Pulley, power steering pump
5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D
7744330_035 Pulley, circulation pump
5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D
7744410_033 Pulley, circulation pump
5.7Gi-E; 5.7Gi-EF; 5.7GiI-E
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