841136 Volvo.Penta Seal flange

841136 Seal flange Volvo.Penta AQ175A, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A, AQ311A; AQ311B, MD40A; TMD40A; TMD40B Seal
841136 Seal flange Volvo Penta

Buy Seal flange 841136 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 9

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B; 290A; 290DP
AQ205A; AQ205LB
AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A; 290A
AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F; BB225A; BB225AV; BB225B; BB225C; 275; 280B; 290A; 290DP; MS3B; MS3C; MS4A
AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB; 290A; DP-A; SP-A; 275A; 285A
AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A; BB260AV; BB260B; BB260C
AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C; AQ271D; AQ271LB
AQ311A; AQ311B


Table 1
J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description Conditions which Generate this Code
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Low - Least Severe (1) E398(1)
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Least Severe (1) The fuel rail pressure is lower than expected.
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Low - Moderate Severity E398(2)
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Moderate Severity (2) The fuel rail pressure is lower than expected.
Engine Fuel flow Rate #1 : High - Most Severe (3) E1106(3)
High Fuel Rail Pump Flow : Most Severe (3) There is excessive leakage in the high-pressure fuel system. The code is logged. The check engine light will illuminate.
Engine Fuel Flow Rate #1 : High - Least Severe (15) E1106(1)
High Fuel Rail Pump Flow : Least Severe (1) The ECM has detected that the fuel leakage on the high-pressure fuel system is above an acceptable threshold.
Engine Fuel Flow Rate #1 : High - Moderate Severity (2) E1106(2)
High Fuel Rail Pump Flow : Moderate Severity (2) This code will only trip if an issue is detected in the low rail pressure range of operation. The check engine light will turn on when the code is tripped. This action signifies an increased risk that the engine might not restart if the engine is shut off. The truck should be taken to safe place for service.
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Cranking Pressure : Low - Least Severe (1) E1220 (1)
Low Cranking Fuel Rail Pressure The fuel rail pressure is too low while cranking. This action can be caused by a fuel system service prior to starting the engine.
Table 2
Associated Codes
J1939 Code CDL Code
95-0 E390(3)
95-15 E390(1)
95-16 E390(2)
5578-3 289-3
5578-4 289-4
5580-3 460-3
5580-4 460-4
5580-17 E198(1)
5580-18 E198(2) Probable Causes
Diagnostic codes and event codes
Pressure relief valve leakage
High-pressure fuel pump leakage
High-pressure fuel rail leakage
Fuel control valve problemRecommended Actions
Table 3
Troubleshooting Test Step Value Result
1. Check for Codes
A. Turn the keyswitch to "ON".
B. Connect Cat® Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electronic Service Tools", if necessary.
C. Determine if the diagnostic trouble code that directed to this procedure is present.
D. Look for active diagnostic codes that are associated with the system for the event code that directed to this procedure.
Result: An associated code is present.
Repair: Troubleshoot any associated codes before continuing with this test.
Refer to the appropriate troubleshooting story.
Result: A 157, 1440, or 5585 code is present.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
2. Check the Low-Pressure Fuel System
A. Start the engine.
B. Connect Cat ET to the service tool connector.
C. With the engine running at low idle, record the "Fuel Pressure" value.
D. With the engine running at high idle, record the "Fuel Pressure" value.
Fuel pressure
Result: The gauge value is greater than 250 kPa (36 psi) at low idle and greater than 450 kPa (65 psi) at high idle or the engine does not start.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Result: The gauge value is less than 250 kPa (36 psi) at low idle and/or less than 450 kPa (65 psi) at high idle.
A problem has been detected with the low-pressure fuel system.
Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, "Fuel Pressure Is Low (Fuel Transfer System)" to troubleshoot the cause of the low pressure.
3. Check the Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
A. Turn the keyswitch to "OFF".
B. Allow the engine to sit for 10 minutes.
C. Turn the keyswitch to "ON".
D. Connect Cat ET to the service tool connector.
E. Monitor the "Fuel Rail Pressure".
Rail Pressure
Result: The fuel rail pressure is less than 5000 kPa (725 psi) after 10 minutes.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The fuel rail pressure is greater than 5000 kPa (725 psi) after 10 minutes.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
4. Check the Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
A. Turn the keyswitch to "ON".
B. Vent the pressure from the fuel system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, "Fuel Rail Pressure – Release".
C. Turn the keyswitch to "ON".
D. Connect Cat ET to the service tool connector.
E. Monitor the "Fuel Rail Pressure".
Rail Pressure
Result: The fuel rail pressure is less than 5000 kPa (725 psi) after mechanically venting the pressure from the fuel system.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result: The fuel rail pressure is greater than 5000 kPa (725 psi) after mechanically venting the pressure from the fuel system.
The fuel system has been mechanically vented. A failed fuel rail pressure sensor has been detected.
Repair: Replace the fuel rail pressure sensor.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
5. Check the Torque On All The High-Pressure Fuel Lines
A. Check the torque on all the high-pressure fuel lines on the fuel rail, from the fuel rail to the cylinder head.
B. Check the torque on all the high-pressure fuel lines on the fuel pump and high-pressure junction block and connection points in between.
Torque value
Result: All torque values are within specifications.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
Result: All torque values are not within specifications.
Repair: Tighten the lines and/or accumulators quills that were not properly torqued.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
Illustration 1 g02797521
Locations of the test points at the high-pressure fuel pump
(1) Valve block
(2) Head for the high-pressure fuel pump
(3) Location of the block assembly that contains the in-line high-pressure fuel filter element
Table 4
Troubleshooting Test Step Value Result
6. Check for High-Pressure Fuel System Leakage
Refer to Testing ad Adjusting, "Fuel Rail Leakage – Check".

Parts seal Volvo Penta:

828254 Seal
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ145A; BB145A, MB10A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD2010-C; MD2010-D; MD2020-C, MD2010A; MD2020A; MD2030A, MD2010B; MD2020B; MD2030B, MD31A; TMD31A
828422 Seal
2001; 2001B; 2001AG, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ145A; BB145A, KAD42B; KAMD42B; TAMD42B, KAD42P-A; KAMD42P-A; HS1A, MB10A, MD11; MD11C; MD11D, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B
838934 Seal flange
AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C, AQ145B, AQ151A; AQ151B; AQ151C, AQ171A; AQ171C, AQ205A; AQ205LB, AQ211A; DP-A; SP-A, AQ231A; AQ231B; AQ231LB, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ311A; AQ311B, MD40A; TMD40A; TMD40B
814356 Seal
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, 430; 430A; 430B, 500; 500A; 501A, 571A, 740A; BB740A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ125B, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131
1272412 Seal
230A; 230B; 250A, 251A, AD30A; AQAD30A; MD30A, AD31D; AD31D-A; AD31XD, AD31L-A; AD31P-A; AD41L-A, AD41D; D41D; TAMD41D, AQ120B; AQ125A; AQ140A, AQ131A; AQ131B; AQ131C, AQ145A; BB145A, AQ145B, AQ151A; AQ151B; AQ151C, AQ171A; AQ171C, AQ175A, AQ200D; AQ
1560922 Seal
AQ115A; AQ115B; AQ130, AQD70D; TAMD70D; TAMD70E, D100A; D100AK; D100B, D120A; D120AK; TD120A, D42A; D42A PP, D70B; D70B PP; D70B K, MD100A; TMD100A; TMD100AK, MD120A; MD120AK; TMD120A, MD1B; MD2B; AQD2B, MD21B; AQD21B, MD40A; TMD40A; TMD40B, MD6; MD6
841871 Seal
AQ175A, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A
835386 Seal
AQ175A, AQ200B; AQ225B, AQ200C; AQ200D; AQ225C, AQ200D; AQ200F; 280B, AQ225D; AQ225E; AQ225F, AQ260A; AQ260B; BB260A, AQ271A; AQ271B; AQ271C, AQ290A
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