3582231 Volvo.Penta Shim

3582231 Shim Volvo.Penta HS25A; HS25A-B; HS25A-C Shim
3582231 Shim Volvo Penta

Buy Shim 3582231 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
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Note: Order the emissions labels first. The ordering process can take some time.This Special Instruction is used for the installation of the optional migration kits on C7.1 ACERT TIER 4 Interim Machine Engines.Read the entire Special Instruction and understand the information before you perform any procedures.Migration Kit Part Numbers
Table 1
Sales Model Migration Kit Part Number
950K 499-4539(1)
(1) Order the emissions labels first. The ordering process can take some time.Instructions for Ordering Migration/Decertification Emissions Labels
Log on to the "Emissions Regulation and Conformance" website at the following web address:https://ercrequestspilotprogram.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2
Illustration 1 g06172717
Click Option 3. Tier 4 Migration/Decertification.
Illustration 2 g06172721
Click Migration / Decertification Request – C7.1 and below.
The Migration/Decertification Request form will appear. All fields marked with an "*" must be completed. Refer to Table 1 for the Migration Kit Part Number.Note: Request to do not have the decertification serial number included in "Section 5" and do not have the box checked which confirms that applicable local and national regulations permit the engine to be decertified will be rejected.
Proceed to TMI to determine the current "Engine Arrangement Number".
Illustration 3 g03890905
(1) "Reference Number" Field
(2) Drop Down Box
(3) "Retrieve Data"
(4) Current "Engine Arrangement Number"
Enter the machine serial number in the "Reference Number" field.
Select "Serial Number" in the drop-down box.
Click "Retrieve Data".Exhaust System Conversion
Conversion Procedure
Illustration 4 g03890235
(1) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Straps
(2) DPF Center Section
Disconnect straps (1) to remove the DPF group.
Attach a suitable lifting device to the DPF.
Remove the DPF center section (2).
Install the new muffler assembly in place of the DPF center section.
Position the muffler assembly and tighten the new strap groups (1) to a torque of 15 3 N m (11 2 lb ft).Engine Software
Note: When migration kit rework has been completed, the technician must confirm that the latest machine software and monitor software is installed. If not, the latest machine software and monitor software must be installed at the same time as the new engine software.
Table 2
Sales Model Software Part Number
950K 496-8326
950K Hi Power 496-8325
962K 496-8325 Note: Factory passwords are required to install the decertification flash file.
Download the decertification flash file from Service Information System (SIS). Refer to Table 2.
Factory passwords will be issued utilizing the Dealer Solution Network (DSN).
Illustration 5 g03672156
When the decertification flash file is downloaded, this screen will appear in the electronics service tool. Refer to Illustration 5.
Click "Save to File". This will create an HTML file.
Attach the HTML file to the DSN factory password request. Do not change the file to a PDF format.
The following text must be included in the DSN factory password request:This password request is for the decertification procedure outlined in Special Instruction, M0068048. I acknowledge that the applicable local and national regulations permit engine serial number<enter engine serial number> to be decertified, and I will ensure export from the country if the decertified machine no longer complies with local or national regulations governing the sale and/or use of the machine. The labels to confirm that this decertification has been ordered and will be applied as per Special Instruction, M0068048.Note: Any service requests for passwords that do not contain the above verbiage will be rejected.
Once the factory passwords have been entered, install the flash file. Refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install".Machine Labels
The certified emissions labels are located in the machine cab and on the engine block. These labels must be removed. The new decertified emissions labels must then be installed in the machine cab and on the engine block. Refer to the information below for label removal and installation instructions.Removing Adhesive Labels
Do not install the new film over the old film. Layered labels compromise label adhesion and durability. Adhesive films must be applied to a clean, dry, smooth painted surface. Surface temperature should be between 15° C (59° F) and 27° C (80.6° F).

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